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Old 05-27-2010, 03:05 PM   #1
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Default "Accidental" porn download

Hi everyone,

Long time lurker here, and I just renewed my FTVGirls membership for another 5 months. This morning, while surfing for some "spank" material, (just prior to renewing my membership here) I felt a hankering for some "teen bikini" images. I like the young look, as I'm sure others do. Well, during the course of my search, some unquestionably young porn images of young girls come up on the screen in my search results. Similar images were also mixed in with other images on some of the sites I clicked on. I was NOT looking for kiddie porn, and am actually disgusted that I even came across it. Sure, my fault for searching for anything close to "teen" stuff. I hate that I "opened the door" on this, so I'm afraid I may have opened up myself to a host of problems, for lack of a better phrase. Obviously, I don't want any trace of this stuff on my PC. Do I just need to clear my cookies and temp files? Or, am I now on some sort of watchlist just by the mere fact that I have navigated through pages with that sort of content? I'm a little nervous over this, if you can't tell.

Please forgive me if this topic is forbidden, and mods feel free to delete/edit as necessary.
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Old 05-28-2010, 01:20 PM   #2
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30+ views and no one has any opinions?
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Old 05-29-2010, 09:05 AM   #3
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I am certainly no authority on the subject but I doubt that you are on anyone's watch list. I would be more corncerned about picking up a virus or malware from some of those sites.
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Old 05-29-2010, 09:19 AM   #4
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I'm also no expert on the legal side of that, but I also doubt there will be consequences ... if you backed out of those sites right away.

To get rid of the traces on your PC you could delete the temporary Internet files your browser cached, and the browsing history.
If you want to do more, you could start a defragmentation of your hard disk. (That should get you rid of the deleted file names in the folders.)

If you're really paranoid of someone finding out, you could use a program to safely delete unused harddisk space afterwards.

That's about what you can do yourself. Your Internet Service Provider may have stored your access, though, as may the site itself.
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Old 05-29-2010, 11:00 PM   #5
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Thank you for your responses, fellas. I do appreciate it.
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Old 05-29-2010, 11:52 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Anoree View Post
I'm also no expert on the legal side of that, but I also doubt there will be consequences ... if you backed out of those sites right away.

To get rid of the traces on your PC you could delete the temporary Internet files your browser cached, and the browsing history.
If you want to do more, you could start a fragmentation of your hard disk. (That should get you rid of the deleted file names in the folders.)

If you're really paranoid of someone finding out, you could use a program to safely delete unused hard disk space afterwords.

That's about what you can do yourself. Your Internet Service Provider may have stored your access, though, as may the site itself.
Kinda true Anoree, the bit about fragmentation of the hard disk, this wouldn't do anything really, even if you do a full format of your hard drive you can still get the data off the disk, so a defrag wouldn't really do much.

As for a program that will wipe your hard disk drive, this is a good idea if you feel the need to do such a thing, but buying a pay for program would be my first call, some of the free ones don't work as well as they should do, but you should also look at this Peter Gutmann This will give you an idea of what is needed, also as hard drive are quite big these day's the Gutmann clean may not be a good idea as it's quite time consuming.

As for being traced back to you every time you go to a website it logs your IP address, this is the "Name" of your computer that out on the Internet, no two computer will have the same IP address, this is given to you by your ISP, this could be static or dynamic, but eaither way your ISP will know what you did and at what time, now I'm not saying that are looking at you and what you have done, but if the police was to get hold of said sever that the website was hosted on, then they could look at the logs, than the trace your IP address to you ISP, they would then tell the police who you are and so on.

But believe it or not, the only time people catch people doing this kind of thing is to get credit card information off the server and then bust you, also if you just went to the first page of a said sit that you shouldn't have then you you prob wouldn't get any bother, as the whol internet links to pritty much every thing.

Now if you did go to said first page of the site it's best not to delete any of the files right away, as this my be looked at as trying to delete evideance.

Bottom line is, you should be safe, I'm pritty sure you are going to be from the information you posted, but next time be smarter, and don't just click any link this could lead you to bother, as a side, the UK stops I think about 98% of all child porn sites and if you come across one when in the uk you can go to this web site and report them here ASACP: Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection .

I hope this help

(For any one wanting to know how I know all this, try BETA testing software that I have singed a NDA for, then you may understand what thing and software I have tested, I am not in to chiled porn and I'm activly fighting to stop it )
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Old 05-30-2010, 01:17 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by enigma2 View Post
Kinda true Anoree, the bit about fragmentation of the hard disk, this wouldn't do anything really, even if you do a full format of your hard drive you can still get the data off the disk, so a defrag wouldn't really do much.
At a defragmentation (you should quote me right ) the file directories are usually rewritten, omitting unused (i.e. deleted) file entries.
Data is moved multiple times from one section of the harddisk to another, so deleted temp files may be overwritten. It's not guaranteed, though, and far from a safe deletion.
(At least that's how defragmentations worked in previous windows versions.)

A free tool to safely delete files or the free area of the harddisk may be SDelete from Microsoft's Sysinternals.
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Old 05-31-2010, 12:14 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Anoree View Post
At a defragmentation (you should quote me right ) the file directories are usually rewritten, omitting unused (i.e. deleted) file entries.
Data is moved multiple times from one section of the harddisk to another, so deleted temp files may be overwritten. It's not guaranteed, though, and far from a safe deletion.
(At least that's how defragmentations worked in previous windows versions.)

A free tool to safely delete files or the free area of the harddisk may be SDelete from Microsoft's Sysinternals.
You are right in saying that, but this is assuming that M$ HDD controler tells that hard drive where to write, after all it could write to the back end of the HDD and when delete, it's still there as this just remove the pointer, with a defrag, it will only move non deleted file's thus the first 10% are files the next 5% are fragmented, betewwn there and the end of the disk, is free space and then you have all deleted files, the defrag wouldn't work to over write the files. now this is a long shot, based on if you have partitions or not and so on, but Anoree is corect in what he said (will that do for you lol)
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