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Old 01-09-2009, 02:32 PM   #38
Danielle's Future Ex-Husband
Join Date: Sep 2008
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Originally Posted by Jeffrey99 View Post
Yeah but you could say that about anything: What it feels like to be on the moon, How good this celebrity is in bed, What's it's like at the Playboy mansion, What it's like to play NFL football, etc. Does reviews to anything have any bearing on whether you pay for that movie/site/etc?

Not everyone has millions of dollars to experience all those things. Some of us barley have money each month to pay our bills, not go test drive (or even be allowed to) some multi million dollar car. Some of us have to educate ourselves by reading respectable magazine and taking their word for it.

So are those of use that don't have the means to experience things first hand not allowed to have a opinion or comment on things?

As for which is actually right on the car? Don't know and frankly don't care. I'm not a car guy, to me it's nothing more then to get from point A to point B. Speed limits 55, so it doesn't matter if it'll do 200. Now show me a million dollar home with some fancy **** in it and I'll be impressed.

Clearly to read is to learn of as is made so many things. And they are made opinions and debates. And not all say the same thing. And confusion is created. And I think that it is better to go nearby to see from, and to make to explain you from those that have already used. It needs to always be careful to those however that thinks that everything perfect.
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