View Full Version : Have you noticed women rule the world?
11-30-2008, 03:46 AM
I have posted this on my myspace blog. Anyone interested PM me to give you my blog page.
Since I was a kid I always heard that women were the weaker sex. Men rule the world and and blah, blah, blah. If we just turn on the TV or grab a newspaper and open it at any page we are going to see men. Great corporations are ruled by men, most country presidents are men. So in appearance men rule the world. Would it be the reason of current chaos?
Well, actually, there is an old saying in Spanish, that in English would be like “Behind a great man, there is a great woman”. So going into a simpler context, women rule the world!
Why? Ok, chauvinist societies have stated that men´s last name will be adopted by wife and children (maybe Brazil is an example were children adquire mother´s last name). So everybody believes the one who rule the house is “the man”. However, everything is derivate from the woman. Who accepted to marry him? The woman!. At the wedding, everybody is looking to see the groom? No!!! Every single eye is on the bride. Her dress, her hair, make up, every step she does. So if the girl would have not accepted that damn ring the man would not be “the man”.
Imagine you are at night club with your friends (male friends). You see a bunch of girls dancing and drinking. Some guys just stare at them, some go to them to dance, but the females just ignore them. You and your budies say “ Hey let´s go”. “They are alone”. So you all in hound wait some seconds to go hunting. You go there, imagining all thinks you can do to her at the four paws ring called bed, while scanning their bodies. However, you go and do your best shot. They talk to you, so you male ego is up now, but then they say “Bye”. They go to the rest room or they just quit. All fantasies went to the toilet, as well as your fantasies. So again, a guy can approach a princess or a female beast, but the girl is the one that can say “yes” or a categorical “no”. Some guys imagine that if a girl is dresses with not so many clothes on her she is a lustful creature who has gone out to suck as many male as possible. But truth to be said, not everyone who goes out is looking for a one night stand. So again, women decide when and how.
How many times you or a friend of yours have been dismissed by a girl he liked for a ride. Probably if not a lot, not a few. How may times a female friend or you” female reader have been rejected by a guy when you wanted to fun? Probably just 1% would say yes. That is because guys never reject a girl who wants them to …. Copulate (being more serious, lol). Maybe if the guy found the girl too unattractive he did not wanted to do that or was a loyal guy to his beloved girlfriend.
So women are the ones who rule the world, but stupid males still believe they have control. Ok do you remember fairy tales? The knight that has to kill the dragon, the ogre or the with to save the defenseless princess? Wow, poor devil bastard, he almost diess for her!! What in the blue hell is she doing for that guy in addition to sleeping in the highest tower of the castle or IDK.
Girls weaker sex? Hmm yeah they complain about everything. If they don´t, be careful she can be a man!. (just joking) But hey that attitude makes believe that they are to be protected, but in reality, they act that way cause they want the guy to make them feel protected. There are many girls wrestling and MMA fighters that can kick our ***** any single day. So girls are not weak, they have learnt t be that way by society. So again, girls have control.
If you watch the news, sometimes you will notice that a guy commit suicide because a girl dumped him. Statistically, on love deceptions cases, males tend to commit suicide in a higher rate than females. Are women loveless or emotionless? No. Just they are emotionally stronger.
As a conclusion, I can say that you can´t take any girl for granted. They are a complex species that, no matter what you think, have more elaborate thoughts. Are more sensible, but can be more cruel and tenacious than a guy if given a reason. In other words, I am sorry you guys, women own men.
Love me, hate me, I don´t care……
11-30-2008, 04:45 AM
Yep...known it for years..but I can live with it..LOL
11-30-2008, 05:50 AM
Very well said, raven_azrael, and true. Bravo! Good Queen Bess & Ekaterina the Great should have been dead giveaways. I've heard that the closest a man can get to giving birth is to pass a kidney stone, and how many of us dudes would do that willingly, or do it without whining our heads off? I'll pass--I admit I, a man, an the weaker sex compared to the endurance of a woman.
Me because I're been from Alison's? And now from Danielle's? Because I want and likes me to see the woman that commands!!! And have you seen how the women are good (for example Alison and Danielle?).
Me love to be in their part. It depends then of as we have to hold well the women. And they will be happy to have found the correct men.
Some things that you have said Raven, are true and correct on the respect of the women. Others it is not to condemn completely the man that gets married him. If he wants love and eternal company with the woman, it has to learn only from what teaching has served as God.
I would be happy if the global world is from the part of the woman. But the man continues to be arrogant. Because always wants that the woman remains always weak sex (this word weak sex has bothered me! Is as an offense to the dignity of the woman! ).
That's why the world is ruined from the man. Has not known how to respect the laws of the good sense to live. And the women, children and old men are the first ones to immediately to have always humiliations and corpses.
I am to be good, obedient, servant, humble to the respects for the women, and always with my dessert smile for Alison, Lia and Danielle. But also to others.
11-30-2008, 02:53 PM
Yeah you are right Ugo, in some cases I have exagerated, but for writing purposes.
12-01-2008, 04:25 AM
I've known (and admitted in open company) that women are smarter than men. A woman can get a man to do nearly anything without much trouble. So I agree with everything that you said raven_azrael. The more men that realise this the better off the world will be. ;)
What is the world without the beautiful female creatures?
12-01-2008, 12:21 PM
What is the world without the beautiful female creatures?
Well said Ugo!
It's a world I wouldn't want to live in! That's for sure.
12-01-2008, 04:32 PM
Me because I're been from Alison's? And now from Danielle's? Because I want and likes me to see the woman that commands!!! And have you seen how the women are good (for example Alison and Danielle?).
Me love to be in their part. It depends then of as we have to hold well the women. And they will be happy to have found the correct men.
Some things that you have said Raven, are true and correct on the respect of the women. Others it is not to condemn completely the man that gets married him. If he wants love and eternal company with the woman, it has to learn only from what teaching has served as God.
I would be happy if the global world is from the part of the woman. But the man continues to be arrogant. Because always wants that the woman remains always weak sex (this word weak sex has bothered me! Is as an offense to the dignity of the woman! ).
That's why the world is ruined from the man. Has not known how to respect the laws of the good sense to live. And the women, children and old men are the first ones to immediately to have always humiliations and corpses.
I am to be good, obedient, servant, humble to the respects for the women, and always with my dessert smile for Alison, Lia and Danielle. But also to others.Well said UGO. Respect goes bolth ways!!!!!!!!! Haveing respect for each other, marriage is not all fun and games it is work at times but working out your problems together is important!
12-01-2008, 06:19 PM
I've known (and admitted in open company) that women are smarter than men. A woman can get a man to do nearly anything without much trouble. So I agree with everything that you said raven_azrael. The more men that realise this the better off the world will be. ;)
Yeah, just yesterday, a lady friend asked me to "follow her car to a shop" and I wound up paying over $700 to fix her car. Good thing she is a licensed massage therapist. I have a boat load of "free massages" coming.:rolleyes:
I would like to say another my personal thing:
" I believe to have that gift of truth good sense in my soul and in my thought that is that to feel inside of me the goodness and the purity toward the other halves the human person, that is the woman. A man is good if he feels inside of if the true meaning of the pure love and respect toward the female part. And I don't believe that can be understood and to learn out our soul and our thought to know her and to individualize her of what way is made the woman, and of what we want to be selfish on that traditional thoughts in to misuse the female body. Or to force her."
When I speak so it is that the true woman misses me that would like to love and to adore her. Only to respect her and to admire her of that that all ago the woman in her sense of way of living verse us men.
An example of as I have adored my mother, true sweet and delicious person in the sense of the good values to cohabit well in the marriage and in the family.
They have not been perfect my two sisters. They have ruined the values of the family. I have some true sufferings. But I have always been strong.
And that strength that then has given me a hope in more it is the worth to have found two great and good and beautiful women as Alison and Danielle, and with the good sense of the good and valid friends members.
Without you, I would be still to be sad.
12-12-2008, 03:03 AM
Words of wisdom on this subject:
"All women should know how to take care of children. Most of them will have a husband some day."
Thus spake Franklin P. Jones
If the man is able of to understand the woman.
When I was in high school, I was known to be a guy that chased after girls too much. About a year and a half after graduation I find myself with all of my friends being male, all of my strong social ties to be with males, and not even caring about what women think of me, because most women (other than my mother, or other close relatives) don't even give a damn about anything that happens to me or whatever. I generally try to be more extroverted towards other males, and keep a low profile around females. I don't really shave much anymore, and I also wear sunglasses and a hat, and remove them when I am with other males, So most females don't really pay attention to me in any way. I also think that this is a taboo subject to bring up, and I do bring it up occasionally and do so more often with my good friends, and I am pleased that there are other people who are willing to bring it up.
I also am familliar with the term "Chivalry" which is the tradition that the male pays for everything. Many women engage in chivilrous activity, however, they are also greatly offended when anyone calls them a prostitute, which is the same thing, trading money for sex. I'm not saying that trading sex for money is right or wrong, but I am saying that engaging in this type of behavior, while being offended by being called someone that engages in this behavior is extremely hypocritical. There are a few situations where this is appropriate, such as in a father daughter bond which is obviously not sexual. I have to say that us men shouldn't be so naive, and realize that we are just being used as a person to pay for all their stuff, and when they get it they will just throw us to the side. I bet the most unattractive man could get better luck with a woman if he were driving a 5 speed manual BMW M3 than a complete stud driving a junker, or a average looking dude driving an average car. I would like to have a 5 speed manual BMW M3 because I am a car guy. I would never let a woman drive it (I never drink, so that would not be a problem). I also plan to wear black on valintines day, and call it "Steve McNair's Birthday", where I will not spend a dime on any gifts.
Could anyone picture a guy bribing a chick by showing his private parts to her to change her mind? Any coward can take sex from a woman. It takes a man with big balls to say "no" to a sexual bribe. Women are manipulative of men, almost never do I see the opposite way around occur. I have nearly been traumatized by what women have done to me in my life including being accused of sexual harrassment four times in high school, even though nothing really occured, most of the things said were intentionally taken the wrong way. Recently this has almost driven me to the brink of insanity, and as a result, I have little or no contact with anyone of the opposite sex, and I am in constant fear of legal trouble, which if legal trouble were to happen, that may make me bloodthirsty, which would not be good.
12-18-2008, 09:51 AM
I also am familliar with the term "Chivalry" which is the tradition that the male pays for everything.
(Quoted from
/ˈʃɪvəlri/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [shiv-uhl-ree] Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun, plural -ries for 6.
1. the sum of the ideal qualifications of a knight, including courtesy, generosity, valor, and dexterity in arms.
2. the rules and customs of medieval knighthood.
3. the medieval system or institution of knighthood.
4. a group of knights.
5. gallant warriors or gentlemen: fair ladies and noble chivalry.
6. Archaic. a chivalrous act; gallant deed.
You don't really understand Chivalry. It has nothing to do with the man paying for everything. It's how he treats the woman and how he projects himself.
You don't really understand Chivalry. It has nothing to do with the man paying for everything. It's how he treats the woman and how he projects himself.
I'm agree a lot with what has said my friend WhyYou. Later I could make one comment of mine on the good sense to treat well the women.
12-18-2008, 06:17 PM
When I was in high school, I was known to be a guy that chased after girls too much. About a year and a half after graduation I find myself with all of my friends being male, all of my strong social ties to be with males, and not even caring about what women think of me, because most women (other than my mother, or other close relatives) don't even give a damn about anything that happens to me or whatever. I generally try to be more extroverted towards other males, and keep a low profile around females. I don't really shave much anymore, and I also wear sunglasses and a hat, and remove them when I am with other males, So most females don't really pay attention to me in any way. I also think that this is a taboo subject to bring up, and I do bring it up occasionally and do so more often with my good friends, and I am pleased that there are other people who are willing to bring it up.
I also am familliar with the term "Chivalry" which is the tradition that the male pays for everything. Many women engage in chivilrous activity, however, they are also greatly offended when anyone calls them a prostitute, which is the same thing, trading money for sex. I'm not saying that trading sex for money is right or wrong, but I am saying that engaging in this type of behavior, while being offended by being called someone that engages in this behavior is extremely hypocritical. There are a few situations where this is appropriate, such as in a father daughter bond which is obviously not sexual. I have to say that us men shouldn't be so naive, and realize that we are just being used as a person to pay for all their stuff, and when they get it they will just throw us to the side. I bet the most unattractive man could get better luck with a woman if he were driving a 5 speed manual BMW M3 than a complete stud driving a junker, or a average looking dude driving an average car. I would like to have a 5 speed manual BMW M3 because I am a car guy. I would never let a woman drive it (I never drink, so that would not be a problem). I also plan to wear black on valintines day, and call it "Steve McNair's Birthday", where I will not spend a dime on any gifts.
Could anyone picture a guy bribing a chick by showing his private parts to her to change her mind? Any coward can take sex from a woman. It takes a man with big balls to say "no" to a sexual bribe. Women are manipulative of men, almost never do I see the opposite way around occur. I have nearly been traumatized by what women have done to me in my life including being accused of sexual harrassment four times in high school, even though nothing really occured, most of the things said were intentionally taken the wrong way. Recently this has almost driven me to the brink of insanity, and as a result, I have little or no contact with anyone of the opposite sex, and I am in constant fear of legal trouble, which if legal trouble were to happen, that may make me bloodthirsty, which would not be good.
I'm sorry sweetie...that you were treated like that by girls. I'm sure it has put a bad taste in your mouth towards the female sex. But you've also got to remember that we aren't all alike and I'm sure one day you will meet the girl of your dreams.
I'm sorry sweetie...that you were treated like that by girls. I'm sure it has put a bad taste in your mouth towards the female sex. But you've also got to remember that we aren't all alike and I'm sure one day you will meet the girl of your dreams.
I do realize that not all women are the same. I thank you for saying this, because this might be the nicest thing that anyone of the opposite sex has ever said to me, excluding relatives, and women that are required to say these things such as female school officials.
In response, I must say that most women won't like me no matter how hard I try, and as a male who has been diagnosed with some personality conditions, I strongly believe that I am bound to failure when it comes to women. As a football addict, I would say my best plan would be to "step up into the pocket and avoid the rush", meaning that it is vital to avoid what society throws at me when it comes to norms with the opposite sex, and realize that heredity has bound me to this position.
What is the world without the beautiful female creatures?
You have an excellent point that I agree with. However radical masculists do not exist. Radical feminists do, and they believe that the Y chromosome should be deleted from the gene pool, meaning that there are no males. In turn they believe that reproduction should be done using some "egg splicing" technique, which is a mystery to me in how it works, however, it is fool proof, because no matter which two eggs are spliced, a male can never be created, because only men have a Y chromosome, needed to make a male offspring. I am not saying that sex should not exist, however, I do believe that women are more sexist than men.
01-18-2009, 06:17 AM
You have an excellent point that I agree with. However radical masculists do not exist. Radical feminists do, and they believe that the Y chromosome should be deleted from the gene pool, meaning that there are no males. In turn they believe that reproduction should be done using some "egg splicing" technique, which is a mystery to me in how it works, however, it is fool proof, because no matter which two eggs are spliced, a male can never be created, because only men have a Y chromosome, needed to make a male offspring. I am not saying that sex should not exist, however, I do believe that women are more sexist than men.
Not challengng your comments just saying you should consider relaxing! Have you considered are or you doing Yoga?
As you mature, you will learn "they" control the world. And they are now coming into power. And THANK GOODNESS!
Let it be known: I voted for Sarah, only because she was female and us guys have screwed up things so badly that our only hope is the female energy.
Go Danielle!~ Great female energy!
You have an excellent point that I agree with. However radical masculists do not exist. Radical feminists do, and they believe that the Y chromosome should be deleted from the gene pool, meaning that there are no males. In turn they believe that reproduction should be done using some "egg splicing" technique, which is a mystery to me in how it works, however, it is fool proof, because no matter which two eggs are spliced, a male can never be created, because only men have a Y chromosome, needed to make a male offspring. I am not saying that sex should not exist, however, I do believe that women are more sexist than men.
I don't know, dear Max. I rather have my complicated opinions on the theme of the woman. I have not had fortune with the women. And I can ever imagine to accuse the women that want to seem strong and detached. Me however I have had this gift of mine to be good and sweet man in the total respect toward the women. I have had only sometimes quarrels with my two sisters from the hard and difficult character. I believe to have hated her for what they have not understood the value of our poor mother, that in her I have seen the true love to love the life and the respect toward the others. But in remuneration I have wanted to love and to respect the being woman of my sisters. Because the woman (for any her particular character that has) it is always our source of our life. And it means a great love that God has given to the man. And us men we have to learn from the weakness and sensibility of the female creature. As we have to be of the true men on their children, because it is the sign of love that the woman from to the man.
I can understand, Max, that the women are at times of difficult character. But I love to see the superb women. And I want to suffer if I love a woman that makes me suffer from love and passion. But always in our respect to never use the violence toward their. The violence of the man is the folly of which we live badly on the earth.
And I am sorry that the women are used badly when they are exploited on the dirty sex to advantage of the egoism of the dominant man.
I apologize if to someone has not understood of thing I am writing.
01-18-2009, 05:22 PM
Max, please hear me out.
You have a lot of strong opinions about women, football, cars...etc, and I respect that. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. My comment to you is that you're way to young to be so bitter, especially about women.
I am going to turn 41 next month and I have never, I repeat, never had a serious relationship that lasted more than a few months, and damn few of them at that. Does this mean I hate women and blame them? Hell No! Quite the contrary. I love and respect women! I have a lot of female friends for whom I care deeply. Most women are not evil, manipulative monsters. It's not their fault they don't find me attractive, and it's not their fault I have such a strong fear of rejection that I have difficulty approaching them. The blame belongs to me, and me alone. To address this I'm trying to improve my appearance by losing weight and overcome my shyness by trying new things and "stepping outside my comfort zone". It's an everyday struggle. You have no idea how awful it is growing up as the awkward fat kid and what that does to your self-esteem. I can tell you, it sucks! I only wish I'd realized the root of my problems when I was your age, and had not been in denial for so long.
I'm still holding onto hope that my "Dream Girl" is indeed out there somewhere, and I'm going to make sure I'm ready when I find her. :)
01-18-2009, 05:24 PM
I apologize if to someone has not understood of thing I am writing.
It is very difficult to have a "deep meaningful discussion" on a topic when speaking in a second or third language. I'm sure many of us have difficulty with Ugo's English but it's still good for him to get it all out of his system.:p
01-18-2009, 05:45 PM
Max, please hear me out.
You have a lot of strong opinions about women, football, cars...etc, and I respect that. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. My comment to you is that you're way to young to be so bitter, especially about women.
I am going to turn 41 next month and I have never, I repeat, never had a serious relationship that lasted more than a few months, and damn few of them at that. Does this mean I hate women and blame them? Hell No! Quite the contrary. I love and respect women! I have a lot of female friends for whom I care deeply. Most women are not evil, manipulative monsters. It's not their fault they don't find me attractive, and it's not their fault I have such a strong fear of rejection that I have difficulty approaching them. The blame belongs to me, and me alone. To address this I'm trying to improve my appearance by losing weight and overcome my shyness by trying new things and "stepping outside my comfort zone". It's an everyday struggle. You have no idea how awful it is growing up as the awkward fat kid and what that does to your self-esteem. I can tell you, it sucks! I only wish I'd realized the root of my problems when I was your age, and had not been in denial for so long.
I'm still holding onto hope that my "Dream Girl" is indeed out there somewhere, and I'm going to make sure I'm ready when I find her. :)
Wow, Grande351! That took some courage to write about yourself. I could be wrong, here, but I am certain the majority of forum regulars share your difficulties with women. If we took a poll, I bet a HUGE percentage would be "single men who do poorly with the ladies." Or, just "troubled souls" in general.
After all, IF we were in good healthy relationships, WHY would we be sitting here consoling each other? Wouldn't we be spending time with the woman in our life, instead?
It is very difficult to have a "deep meaningful discussion" on a topic when speaking in a second or third language. I'm sure many of us have difficulty with Ugo's English but it's still good for him to get it all out of his system.:p
I have spoken of my total love toward the women (whatever character that they have). The women are difficult? The man has to understand that what we live is everything worth of the woman. And we have to learn to suffer on the complex love of the woman.
Max, please hear me out.
You have a lot of strong opinions about women, football, cars...etc, and I respect that. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. My comment to you is that you're way to young to be so bitter, especially about women.
I am going to turn 41 next month and I have never, I repeat, never had a serious relationship that lasted more than a few months, and damn few of them at that. Does this mean I hate women and blame them? Hell No! Quite the contrary. I love and respect women! I have a lot of female friends for whom I care deeply. Most women are not evil, manipulative monsters. It's not their fault they don't find me attractive, and it's not their fault I have such a strong fear of rejection that I have difficulty approaching them. The blame belongs to me, and me alone. To address this I'm trying to improve my appearance by losing weight and overcome my shyness by trying new things and "stepping outside my comfort zone". It's an everyday struggle. You have no idea how awful it is growing up as the awkward fat kid and what that does to your self-esteem. I can tell you, it sucks! I only wish I'd realized the root of my problems when I was your age, and had not been in denial for so long.
I'm still holding onto hope that my "Dream Girl" is indeed out there somewhere, and I'm going to make sure I'm ready when I find her. :)
I do have very strong opinions about cars and women, however, I do not hate women. I'm not saying they want to make my life hell, I'm not saying that I am a saint, nor am I saying that it is completely their fault that they are who they are. Society has done more to what they think about us, not just their natural opinions. I have pretty much given up on women, not beacuse I hate them, but because, I need to show that I am stronger than the man that takes the bait, and ends up losing it all on women. I'm poor, I can't afford a woman, I would rather have what I have now than a woman. It's not that I don't want a woman, it's that I just don't care. It doesn't matter what society says about me. I don't really give a damn if you are a 40 year old virgin. It's not like I live to judge you saying that if you can't get laid I can't sit next to you on the bus, or I can't talk to you, or that you are inferior to anyone else. Society says that it is unacceptable to be 40 if you haven't gotten laid yet. I have given up on women, and I don't even care if they think that I am uglier than a zombie with a missing piece of skin on his carotid artery leaving it exposed. It isn't their fault if they find me unattractive. However it is my fault if I dwell on it. It only takes so many experiences to form an opinion and an attitude regardless of age. Some people have multiple bad experiences before others do. I am also the awkward kid. I was never overweight, infact I have always suffered from the other problem, because I am underweight. I don't really have any female friends, but then again I am generally introverted. I am pretty sure that no woman finds me attractive, so I quit shaving, because there is really no need to shave if you look bad anyway.
Wow, Grande351! That took some courage to write about yourself. I could be wrong, here, but I am certain the majority of forum regulars share your difficulties with women. If we took a poll, I bet a HUGE percentage would be "single men who do poorly with the ladies." Or, just "troubled souls" in general.
After all, IF we were in good healthy relationships, WHY would we be sitting here consoling each other? Wouldn't we be spending time with the woman in our life, instead?
I guess you can count me in that percentage Geezer. I've had many relationships and all them i would say ended more in my fault than hers. Apart from my last relationship. I had a terrible accident at work a couple of years back and am badly scarred down the left side of my face. She literally said she could not date a man who is disfigured. So i've not dated since and i don't blame her or any woman for that.
01-18-2009, 08:26 PM
I guess you can count me in that percentage Geezer. I've had many relationships and all them i would say ended more in my fault than hers. Apart from my last relationship. I had a terrible accident at work a couple of years back and am badly scarred down the left side of my face. She literally said she could not date a man who is disfigured. So i've not dated since and i don't blame her or any woman for that.
Wow, Mart, that is brutal! It's too bad she felt that way. But... don't give up hope! There is "someone out there for each of us!" You see a healthy person dating/married to someone in a wheel chair. Some date or are married to disfigured, blind, deaf, amputated, etc. people. I knew a normal sized guy who LOVED extremely obese women. A guy I once worked with LOVED women who had a limp amputated. Something for everyone! It just takes time to find someone right. Hang in there and don't let your scar take you out of the game.
I guess you can count me in that percentage Geezer. I've had many relationships and all them i would say ended more in my fault than hers. Apart from my last relationship. I had a terrible accident at work a couple of years back and am badly scarred down the left side of my face. She literally said she could not date a man who is disfigured. So i've not dated since and i don't blame her or any woman for that.
Sorry my Friend Mart. Indeed.
Wow, Mart, that is brutal! It's too bad she felt that way. But... don't give up hope! There is "someone out there for each of us!" You see a healthy person dating/married to someone in a wheel chair. Some date or are married to disfigured, blind, deaf, amputated, etc. people. I knew a normal sized guy who LOVED extremely obese women. A guy I once worked with LOVED women who had a limp amputated. Something for everyone! It just takes time to find someone right. Hang in there and don't let your scar take you out of the game.
Sorry i didn't mean i was giving up looking for the right woman. I really was at a low for quite a time. I have a few female friends but i can't seem to get any further as dating goes. I'm still trying but i find it difficult. Like you say i will meet the right one some day.:)
Thanks Ugo but please don't be sorry it was a long time ago.:)
01-18-2009, 08:43 PM
Mart any women that would say that is shallow and any relationship with her would not have lasted anyway. After all we all age and our youthful beauty fades that goes for both sexes. Anyone who tries to build a realationship on just physical is doomed to failure!
Is for this that we have to understand well the women to have their true love for us men. At times the women are fragile in to understand our difficulty appointment of love.
01-18-2009, 08:51 PM
I do have very strong opinions about cars and women, however, I do not hate women. I'm not saying they want to make my life hell, I'm not saying that I am a saint, nor am I saying that it is completely their fault that they are who they are. Society has done more to what they think about us, not just their natural opinions. I have pretty much given up on women, not beacuse I hate them, but because, I need to show that I am stronger than the man that takes the bait, and ends up losing it all on women. I'm poor, I can't afford a woman, I would rather have what I have now than a woman. It's not that I don't want a woman, it's that I just don't care. It doesn't matter what society says about me. I don't really give a damn if you are a 40 year old virgin. It's not like I live to judge you saying that if you can't get laid I can't sit next to you on the bus, or I can't talk to you, or that you are inferior to anyone else. Society says that it is unacceptable to be 40 if you haven't gotten laid yet. I have given up on women, and I don't even care if they think that I am uglier than a zombie with a missing piece of skin on his carotid artery leaving it exposed. It isn't their fault if they find me unattractive. However it is my fault if I dwell on it. It only takes so many experiences to form an opinion and an attitude regardless of age. Some people have multiple bad experiences before others do. I am also the awkward kid. I was never overweight, infact I have always suffered from the other problem, because I am underweight. I don't really have any female friends, but then again I am generally introverted. I am pretty sure that no woman finds me attractive, so I quit shaving, because there is really no need to shave if you look bad anyway.
What I'm trying to say is don't give up! I was just saying that although I have had problems, I'm not ready to give up, even at 40. I don't dwell on my problems either, but I understand I have to overcome them, which is what I'm trying to do. I am not, as you implied, a "40 year-old virgin" who "hasn't gotten laid yet". I have had "sexual experiences" with women. I just haven't had a long term meaningful relationship. You're correct about what society says is not acceptable. Society seems to think there's something wrong with you if you're 40 and have never been married. It really doesn't matter to me what society thinks. It's my life to live.
01-18-2009, 08:59 PM
I guess you can count me in that percentage Geezer. I've had many relationships and all them i would say ended more in my fault than hers. Apart from my last relationship. I had a terrible accident at work a couple of years back and am badly scarred down the left side of my face. She literally said she could not date a man who is disfigured. So i've not dated since and i don't blame her or any woman for that.
Wow, Mart! I'm really sorry to hear about your accident. I can't believe that someone could be that shallow and crass to say something like that. I think she's actually the one with the problem, not you. Don't let it discourage you.
I do have very strong opinions about cars and women, however, I do not hate women. I'm not saying they want to make my life hell, I'm not saying that I am a saint, nor am I saying that it is completely their fault that they are who they are. Society has done more to what they think about us, not just their natural opinions. I have pretty much given up on women, not beacuse I hate them, but because, I need to show that I am stronger than the man that takes the bait, and ends up losing it all on women. I'm poor, I can't afford a woman, I would rather have what I have now than a woman. It's not that I don't want a woman, it's that I just don't care. It doesn't matter what society says about me. I don't really give a damn if you are a 40 year old virgin. It's not like I live to judge you saying that if you can't get laid I can't sit next to you on the bus, or I can't talk to you, or that you are inferior to anyone else. Society says that it is unacceptable to be 40 if you haven't gotten laid yet. I have given up on women, and I don't even care if they think that I am uglier than a zombie with a missing piece of skin on his carotid artery leaving it exposed. It isn't their fault if they find me unattractive. However it is my fault if I dwell on it. It only takes so many experiences to form an opinion and an attitude regardless of age. Some people have multiple bad experiences before others do. I am also the awkward kid. I was never overweight, infact I have always suffered from the other problem, because I am underweight. I don't really have any female friends, but then again I am generally introverted. I am pretty sure that no woman finds me attractive, so I quit shaving, because there is really no need to shave if you look bad anyway.
I understand Max (and great part of many boys are as him). But also I have had problems of timidity. But I have had a great good education. What I have almost all seen a lot of women they wanted to laugh and to pick around me up. I understood that they loves to play and to have a good time on the female style toward the men. And I loved the same their attitude. However I was badly. I wanted the true love of a woman that loves on the value of the human life.
All says that I am beautiful. But I don't love the falsehood and the hypocrisy. I don't know if the women think about the money and the sex. But I don't believe.
I also do not like the way that men have to ask women out. It can't happen the other way EVER. It's like the universe would collapse if that ever did happen. It can be uncomfortable asking someone out, and it always is. I hate the way that women try to be polite to me. I'm not that naive, so the excuse that you come up with is even worst than relentlessly swearing at me. (P.S. don't slap me, I will fight back and probably end the fight with a curb stomp). I don't really ask either, becuase I am bound to failure.
I also do not like the way that men have to ask women out. It can't happen the other way EVER. It's like the universe would collapse if that ever did happen. It can be uncomfortable asking someone out, and it always is. I hate the way that women try to be polite to me. I'm not that naive, so the excuse that you come up with is even worst than relentlessly swearing at me. (P.S. don't slap me, I will fight back and probably end the fight with a curb stomp). I don't really ask either, becuase I am bound to failure.
If to one it doesn't love to be "enslaved" it is free to be hard man. But the woman always goes beloved and served with love, fun and healthy joy of the laugh. It is not an obligation. But it is love for the woman.
And it needs to understand what the woman wants from the man. There are at times those wrong women that don't love to have the man of the life.
01-19-2009, 12:53 AM
I wasnt going to get involved in this but im going to add my 1/2 a cent. as most of you know i lost my wife to a drunk driver several years back. I would not trade one second i got to spend with her for all the money in the world. We met in grade school. she asked me out, i was vary shy and she traped me in the bathroom and wouldent let me out till i gave her an answer about going to the homecomming dance with her. ( i said yes) we got married right out of highschool and i was off to bootcamp. and then over seas for the first gulf war. I spent my first three years of marrage going from country to country . I charished every phone call and letter from her. we had a wonderfull little girl together. on july 4th weekend 5 yrs ago i got a fire dept call of a wreck , i grabed my gear and was out the door. when i got to the wreck the state trooper stoped me and said it was tonya and she was hit head on by a drunk driver. she was killed on impact. i never got to say goodby. i had to drive home and tell SARAH that her mom was never comming home. If it wasnt for Sarah i could have never made it thru it all. this summer i was in a wreck and some one had to go tell Sarah that her dad was flown to the hospital after a wreck. Sarah has gone out on enough calls with me to know if the fly some one it is bad.I can just pounder what was going thru her head when the state police showed up at the door and said there was a wreck. but while i was in the hospital Amanda got to come see me and we got to know eachother . we worked together for a few months but never rilly talked. we hit it off and have been together ever since. im not saying it was easy we had a ruff start, a few aguments. but we got thru it. and Sarah likes her , somthing i was afraid of her not liking her, but it all worked out. not all women are the same, and not all men are the same. life works things out in its own way and in its own time. I was truly blessed with the time i got to shair with Tonya. but im also blesed that Amanda came into my life too. who knows what the future holds for me but I will acept it an live my life. love happens when it happens. Misssy has been like a sister to me. we fuss atr each other a lot but i love her to death. Sarah my boss is like a mother to me. i wouldent trade them for any thing. take all of this however you want. but i am happy I have somone who cares about me and a lot of good friends.
01-19-2009, 02:31 AM
You've said before that your late wife is like your guardian angel. It sounds like you have many angels surrounding you. :) Cherish every moment you have with them.
Thanks for putting everything in perspective and bless you!
I wasnt going to get involved in this but im going to add my 1/2 a cent. as most of you know i lost my wife to a drunk driver several years back. I would not trade one second i got to spend with her for all the money in the world. We met in grade school. she asked me out, i was vary shy and she traped me in the bathroom and wouldent let me out till i gave her an answer about going to the homecomming dance with her. ( i said yes) we got married right out of highschool and i was off to bootcamp. and then over seas for the first gulf war. I spent my first three years of marrage going from country to country . I charished every phone call and letter from her. we had a wonderfull little girl together. on july 4th weekend 5 yrs ago i got a fire dept call of a wreck , i grabed my gear and was out the door. when i got to the wreck the state trooper stoped me and said it was tonya and she was hit head on by a drunk driver. she was killed on impact. i never got to say goodby. i had to drive home and tell SARAH that her mom was never comming home. If it wasnt for Sarah i could have never made it thru it all. this summer i was in a wreck and some one had to go tell Sarah that her dad was flown to the hospital after a wreck. Sarah has gone out on enough calls with me to know if the fly some one it is bad.I can just pounder what was going thru her head when the state police showed up at the door and said there was a wreck. but while i was in the hospital Amanda got to come see me and we got to know eachother . we worked together for a few months but never rilly talked. we hit it off and have been together ever since. im not saying it was easy we had a ruff start, a few aguments. but we got thru it. and Sarah likes her , somthing i was afraid of her not liking her, but it all worked out. not all women are the same, and not all men are the same. life works things out in its own way and in its own time. I was truly blessed with the time i got to shair with Tonya. but im also blesed that Amanda came into my life too. who knows what the future holds for me but I will acept it an live my life. love happens when it happens. Misssy has been like a sister to me. we fuss atr each other a lot but i love her to death. Sarah my boss is like a mother to me. i wouldent trade them for any thing. take all of this however you want. but i am happy I have somone who cares about me and a lot of good friends.
That is very sad that your wife was killed by a drunk driver. Driving drunk really isn't ever an accident. It is completely immoral. I have had too much to drink before, and I knew I was incapable of driving. However, I still believe that if I were murdered, more women would feel sorry for the murderer than for me. I have never met a woman that would even care if I were murdered.
That history I know it. I understand Tigger that you have had good luck to have some good women. Then you are not alone. What can I say of me? Is the contrary one.
Here it speaks of as to love the women. And of as the man it has to be always gentleman. Is obvious that also the women have to love the man.
But I think that the man is fatal in the errors of the life of every day. And the woman is less. Seem me a beautiful difference.
01-19-2009, 03:15 PM
that is very sad that your wife was killed by a drunk driver. Driving drunk really isn't ever an accident. It is completely immoral. I have had too much to drink before, and i knew i was incapable of driving. However, i still believe that if i were murdered, more women would feel sorry for the murderer than for me. I have never met a woman that would even care if i were murdered.
max i dont think any one would be happy if somthing happened to you. We might not agree with you on things but that in no way means we would want any thing to happen to you. You have friends and family who care about you. I was varry angry when i lost my wife but i had people who got me help. You would be suprised who would be there for you when you need it. Dont try to take on lifes problems by your self , it will eat you alive. dont be afraid to ask for help. we all need help along the way. bealeave me i have had a lot of help along the way.
Wow, Mart! I'm really sorry to hear about your accident. I can't believe that someone could be that shallow and crass to say something like that. I think she's actually the one with the problem, not you. Don't let it discourage you.
Thanks Grande351. To be fair on her she did stay with me thoughout my recovery and we stayed together for about two months after that. During that time i knew she was concerned about the way i looked because we stopped going out and she stopped wanting to kiss me any more. I knew it was over way before she mentioned about my looks. So i was prepared to accept it. Then the day came that we agreed to part and i let her go without an arguement. I wanted to be really angry with her but i just couldn't. I guess she wasn't the woman for me. To this day i still can't blame her for anything.
01-19-2009, 08:54 PM
Thanks Grande351. To be fair on her she did stay with me thoughout my recovery and we stayed together for about two months after that. During that time i knew she was concerned about the way i looked because we stopped going out and she stopped wanting to kiss me any more. I knew it was over way before she mentioned about my looks. So i was prepared to accept it. Then the day came that we agreed to part and i let her go without an arguement. I wanted to be really angry with her but i just couldn't. I guess she wasn't the woman for me. To this day i still can't blame her for anything.
Nor should you. That is why we like ya Mart, you are straight up and an honest man. All I can say is "Congrats on your good judgement.
Nor should you. That is why we like ya Mart, you are straight up and an honest man. All I can say is "Congrats on your good judgement.
Thank you Laranger. I just believe we all have the right to choose and she chose not to stay. Maybe i was too soft but i understood her views. Plus i didn't want to stay with a woman who didn't actually love me.
01-21-2009, 01:07 AM
i agree congrats on your upstanding character. you are the one who wins in the big picture.
i agree congrats on your upstanding character. you are the one who wins in the big picture.
Nice of you to say that Eastbill but i wish i felt a winner and still had her.:)
max i dont think any one would be happy if somthing happened to you. We might not agree with you on things but that in no way means we would want any thing to happen to you. You have friends and family who care about you. I was varry angry when i lost my wife but i had people who got me help. You would be suprised who would be there for you when you need it. Dont try to take on lifes problems by your self , it will eat you alive. dont be afraid to ask for help. we all need help along the way. bealeave me i have had a lot of help along the way.
I'm not trying to take on life's problems by myself, I am generally just avoiding anything that would take a miricle to overcome, unless I have nothing to lose. It's really a bad idea to try to rise up, and try to find a woman, if there is no way that you will succeed. You will probably get arrested, shot, killed, assaulted, or possibly deported. This is because almost all women are out to get me.
01-25-2009, 01:17 AM
This is because almost all women are out to get me.
Horsepatooties, no woman in her right mind would even bother to do a thing with/to you because of your self-defeating attitude.
Keyrist your blather is getting old.
01-25-2009, 01:53 AM
Max, I have to agree with Laranger, your "stuff" is getting old. This site isn't a mental health clinic. I'm no expert but, seriously, it's MY opinion you need to talk with a professional. You are too young to go through life with such a chip on your shoulder. If you can deal with your problems, you might have many years of happiness with a woman.:rolleyes:
I'm not trying to take on life's problems by myself, I am generally just avoiding anything that would take a miricle to overcome, unless I have nothing to lose. It's really a bad idea to try to rise up, and try to find a woman, if there is no way that you will succeed. You will probably get arrested, shot, killed, assaulted, or possibly deported. This is because almost all women are out to get me.
I can't believe at such a young age that you can have this kind of attitude towards women Max. Unless your talking from bad experiences. Hopefully your attitude will change as you get older. Many men have had bad times with women and put it down to experience that's how we learn about relationships. Please get rid of that chip on your shoulder or it'll eat you alive.
I can't believe at such a young age that you can have this kind of attitude towards women Max. Unless your talking from bad experiences. Hopefully your attitude will change as you get older. Many men have had bad times with women and put it down to experience that's how we learn about relationships. Please get rid of that chip on your shoulder or it'll eat you alive.
Let me just put it this way, I have had constant bad experiences with women, and although I seem bitter toward them, I just prefer to stay neutral. I don't really present myself to them like I do to men, because I have a tendency to feel comfortable around men, I'm not really interested in dating, but I'm not Dick Masterson. That guy goes way too far, by saying all women have tourette's, and women should not be allowed to vote. There are few things that the guy says that are true, which I do not consider sexist. Marriage is a business decision. It is a very poor idea to make a business decision based on emotions. I don't bet on the Detroit Lions because I feel sorry for them, I don't smoke a cigarette, because someone calls me a chicken (smoking is an extreme waste of money too), and I don't get married because I am in love.
I can understand what your saying Max, it just takes a little trust on both sides and just meeting the right person.:)
06-27-2009, 07:58 AM
Let me just put it this way, I have had constant bad experiences with women, and although I seem bitter toward them, I just prefer to stay neutral. I don't really present myself to them like I do to men, because I have a tendency to feel comfortable around men, I'm not really interested in dating, but I'm not Dick Masterson. That guy goes way too far, by saying all women have tourette's, and women should not be allowed to vote. There are few things that the guy says that are true, which I do not consider sexist. Marriage is a business decision. It is a very poor idea to make a business decision based on emotions. I don't bet on the Detroit Lions because I feel sorry for them, I don't smoke a cigarette, because someone calls me a chicken (smoking is an extreme waste of money too), and I don't get married because I am in love.
It took you 5 months to post a reply!! Thats sad.
You can do what you want only you. You are a brave man of himself. But you have to learn the character of the women. The women are not bad. They must be loved because it is a gift of God. It is not a servitude. The man can be selfish because he wants to be himself. This is all right. But we have to also understand the women that want continuous love of the men. The women don't ask anything if not the simple love.
If it goes badly then, to change other women.
I am not fortunate with the women. But they see too much sweet me. They love more perhaps something.
It took you 5 months to post a reply!! Thats sad.
no it didn't, I just forgot about this post
06-28-2009, 06:55 PM
I also do not like the way that men have to ask women out. It can't happen the other way EVER. It's like the universe would collapse if that ever did happen. It can be uncomfortable asking someone out, and it always is. I hate the way that women try to be polite to me. I'm not that naive, so the excuse that you come up with is even worst than relentlessly swearing at me. (P.S. don't slap me, I will fight back and probably end the fight with a curb stomp). I don't really ask either, becuase I am bound to failure.
Well, my girlfriend asks me out a lot, but we have nearly incompatible schedules. And, if you think you are doomed to failure, you are screwed from before the start. But don't worry, there is always Nevada, where you won't get jailed for "renting female company". Just relax, be cool... and NEVER give up. Uncle Grande351 is almost twice your age, and he's still looking. I'm 26 and in a very nice stable relationship (maybe that is why the ladies are receptive to me - you can handle one, you can handle the most).
Dr. Me
06-28-2009, 07:10 PM
Let me just put it this way, I have had constant bad experiences with women, and although I seem bitter toward them, I just prefer to stay neutral. I don't really present myself to them like I do to men, because I have a tendency to feel comfortable around men, I'm not really interested in dating, but I'm not Dick Masterson. That guy goes way too far, by saying all women have tourette's, and women should not be allowed to vote. There are few things that the guy says that are true, which I do not consider sexist. Marriage is a business decision. It is a very poor idea to make a business decision based on emotions. I don't bet on the Detroit Lions because I feel sorry for them, I don't smoke a cigarette, because someone calls me a chicken (smoking is an extreme waste of money too), and I don't get married because I am in love.
Dick Masterson... very evocative name. Speaking of your attitude about the men and the ladies, are you gay, mysoginist or both? I agree with Geezer; if I were you I would go to a shrink to answer that question (and be sure I can pay for it).
06-29-2009, 04:54 PM
Max your too young to have such a bad outlook on life. I was 35 before i got married. things are going to happen when they happen. Some day you will meet that someone and it will happen. Don't be bitter at all women over a few bad things that have happened. I have had a lot of bad times with men that dosent mean i hate men. If you come off with a bad aditute women will sence that and stear away from you.
Max is young. But he wants to understand his way of seeing the women. This they do him everybody. Also the women have their weak points toward the men.
I have not for example had fortune. I don't know why. But I have learned the love of respect.
Who is good with the women (or who has had fortune) he succeeds in having a woman. It depends on the characters of compatibility.
Max has problems of separation from the women. But perhaps it is not his guilt.
At times it is the society of which we live it makes to become all difficult ones.
Dick Masterson... very evocative name. Speaking of your attitude about the men and the ladies, are you gay, mysoginist or both? I agree with Geezer; if I were you I would go to a shrink to answer that question (and be sure I can pay for it).
I'm 100% sure I'm heterosexual, not that there is anything wrong with being gay, but I'm just not really into dating, I don't hate women, it's not that I can't get women if I really applied myself. I just don't really care, that's all, I don't date, not because I'm "mysogynistic" I just don't care. I'm comepletely apathetic.
The majority to have difficulty of approach with the women. As the women have more difficulties with the men. And it also depends on the age.
07-12-2009, 11:34 PM
I have posted this on my myspace blog. Anyone interested PM me to give you my blog page.
Since I was a kid I always heard that women were the weaker sex. Men rule the world and and blah, blah, blah. If we just turn on the TV or grab a newspaper and open it at any page we are going to see men. Great corporations are ruled by men, most country presidents are men. So in appearance men rule the world. Would it be the reason of current chaos?
Well, actually, there is an old saying in Spanish, that in English would be like “Behind a great man, there is a great woman”. So going into a simpler context, women rule the world!
Why? Ok, chauvinist societies have stated that men´s last name will be adopted by wife and children (maybe Brazil is an example were children adquire mother´s last name). So everybody believes the one who rule the house is “the man”. However, everything is derivate from the woman. Who accepted to marry him? The woman!. At the wedding, everybody is looking to see the groom? No!!! Every single eye is on the bride. Her dress, her hair, make up, every step she does. So if the girl would have not accepted that damn ring the man would not be “the man”.
Imagine you are at night club with your friends (male friends). You see a bunch of girls dancing and drinking. Some guys just stare at them, some go to them to dance, but the females just ignore them. You and your budies say “ Hey let´s go”. “They are alone”. So you all in hound wait some seconds to go hunting. You go there, imagining all thinks you can do to her at the four paws ring called bed, while scanning their bodies. However, you go and do your best shot. They talk to you, so you male ego is up now, but then they say “Bye”. They go to the rest room or they just quit. All fantasies went to the toilet, as well as your fantasies. So again, a guy can approach a princess or a female beast, but the girl is the one that can say “yes” or a categorical “no”. Some guys imagine that if a girl is dresses with not so many clothes on her she is a lustful creature who has gone out to suck as many male as possible. But truth to be said, not everyone who goes out is looking for a one night stand. So again, women decide when and how.
How many times you or a friend of yours have been dismissed by a girl he liked for a ride. Probably if not a lot, not a few. How may times a female friend or you” female reader have been rejected by a guy when you wanted to fun? Probably just 1% would say yes. That is because guys never reject a girl who wants them to …. Copulate (being more serious, lol). Maybe if the guy found the girl too unattractive he did not wanted to do that or was a loyal guy to his beloved girlfriend.
So women are the ones who rule the world, but stupid males still believe they have control. Ok do you remember fairy tales? The knight that has to kill the dragon, the ogre or the with to save the defenseless princess? Wow, poor devil bastard, he almost diess for her!! What in the blue hell is she doing for that guy in addition to sleeping in the highest tower of the castle or IDK.
Girls weaker sex? Hmm yeah they complain about everything. If they don´t, be careful she can be a man!. (just joking) But hey that attitude makes believe that they are to be protected, but in reality, they act that way cause they want the guy to make them feel protected. There are many girls wrestling and MMA fighters that can kick our ***** any single day. So girls are not weak, they have learnt t be that way by society. So again, girls have control.
If you watch the news, sometimes you will notice that a guy commit suicide because a girl dumped him. Statistically, on love deceptions cases, males tend to commit suicide in a higher rate than females. Are women loveless or emotionless? No. Just they are emotionally stronger.
As a conclusion, I can say that you can´t take any girl for granted. They are a complex species that, no matter what you think, have more elaborate thoughts. Are more sensible, but can be more cruel and tenacious than a guy if given a reason. In other words, I am sorry you guys, women own men.
Love me, hate me, I don´t care……
hmmm... "the world is ruled by the power of the *****." (a quote from a porno, but still true) always has been, always will be.
hmmm... "the world is ruled by the power of the *****." (a quote from a porno, but still true) always has been, always will be.
In the sense to love well the woman that wants to be beloved well.
08-09-2009, 10:02 PM
I'm sorry sweetie...that you were treated like that by girls. I'm sure it has put a bad taste in your mouth towards the female sex. But you've also got to remember that we aren't all alike and I'm sure one day you will meet the girl of your dreams.
This i may add Danielle, is 100% TRUE! I was where Max is now, But i did meet the girl of my dreams 2 1/2 years ago. I never really knew what true love was or if it existed, It does! I'm now in a relationship that some people only dream about. If i ever lost her i could never love anyone like i do her.
I can understand what your saying Max, it just takes a little trust on both sides and just meeting the right person.:)
When I was in high school I went after women at full force, I went the whole way in 5th gear, I kept at it, and thought that I was making all the right moves, even though I had bad luck, I got accused of sexual harrassment 4 times in high school, and a year later, I started to realize something. As I said one minute I was in 5th gear, and the next, I realized, hold on, just stop, hit the brakes, neutral, lets rethink this, and it really ended up for the better in my life. It has really taken this past year to get from full bitterness towards the opposite sex, to just staying neutral, and not being afraid to interact with them, but have them come up to me first.
When I was in high school I went after women at full force, I went the whole way in 5th gear, I kept at it, and thought that I was making all the right moves, even though I had bad luck, I got accused of sexual harrassment 4 times in high school, and a year later, I started to realize something. As I said one minute I was in 5th gear, and the next, I realized, hold on, just stop, hit the brakes, neutral, lets rethink this, and it really ended up for the better in my life. It has really taken this past year to get from full bitterness towards the opposite sex, to just staying neutral, and not being afraid to interact with them, but have them come up to me first.
Well getting accused of sexual harrassment. Does indicate you jumped in with both feet without any thought. I do remember just how difficult it can be forming a first relationship with the opposite sex. Thinking more with our hormones rather than our heads. I do actually know where your coming from Max in a way. It's just called growing up and we all go throught it, just some take a little longer than others. Please don't take that as any kind of insult Max, because it isn't. I'm just not very good with words, i hope you meet the right girl soon Max.:)
08-14-2009, 03:12 AM
This i may add Danielle, is 100% TRUE! I was where Max is now, But i did meet the girl of my dreams 2 1/2 years ago. I never really knew what true love was or if it existed, It does! I'm now in a relationship that some people only dream about. If i ever lost her i could never love anyone like i do her.
i know how that is i was married twice and both was duds one was physically abusive and one was mentally abusive now i finally met the man of my dreams it took me 14 years but i finally got the one!!! yes women rule!:D:cool:
i know how that is i was married twice and both was duds one was physically abusive and one was mentally abusive now i finally met the man of my dreams it took me 14 years but i finally got the one!!! yes women rule!:D:cool:
I am going to pick apart marriage and find the flaws in it, I would also say this has nothing to do with me "not liking women". I have no desire to get married at any time, because marriage is a business contract. The government doesn't care if I marry a woman (or even a tranny who has legally changed their sex), never see her (or it or him or whatever) again, just to get a tax break and to have my insurance rates drop, then have a girlfriend, then start a serious relationship. A marriage license is a business conract and really nothing else. Don't sign a business contract based on emotions (I'm not talking about ethics, but emotions), if it will cost you a ton of money later. Judges throw out prenuptuial agreements all the time, so it's just better to be safe there and don't sign the contract. Men get raped in divorce court, so marriage is really just a bad business decision. I don't need kids anyway, if I feel like I want to replicate my genes, I can just be a sperm donor. If fathers are so good, why are they removed from their sons' lives only to be there to pay child support? Finally over half of all marriages end in divorce, and the leading cause is financial problems.
100% AGAVE
08-14-2009, 11:43 PM
Just my 2 cents. I went through some rough times when I was younger and had to work thorough quite a few issues before I found a loving relationship. It all comes down to the fact that you have to be comfortable with yourself and who you are before you should get involved in a relationship. Until you yourself are healthy, you will attract and be attracted to women who will meet the negative expectations that you have set-up. Not to get too Freud on you, but most likely a lot of this is due to unresolved issues that happened in your childhood. I am saying this from experience, I think you should strongly consider seeing a counselor. Don't wait until you you can say "I should have done this or that". If you want to be a martyr .... fine, keep doing what you are doing and enjoy it. Otherwise TAKE ACTION.
Just my 2 cents. I went through some rough times when I was younger and had to work thorough quite a few issues before I found a loving relationship. It all comes down to the fact that you have to be comfortable with yourself and who you are before you should get involved in a relationship. Until you yourself are healthy, you will attract and be attracted to women who will meet the negative expectations that you have set-up. Not to get too Freud on you, but most likely a lot of this is due to unresolved issues that happened in your childhood. I am saying this from experience, I think you should strongly consider seeing a counselor. Don't wait until you you can say "I should have done this or that". If you want to be a martyr .... fine, keep doing what you are doing and enjoy it. Otherwise TAKE ACTION.
From personal experience and stories from both friends, and even stories my mother has told me, who has been married to my father for 28 years, several women will do anything to get married, like guys will do anything to get laid. My mother taught me that it is important for men to watch out for that kind of woman, and realize that it is worse to be married to the wrong person than it is to be single, which I can't agree with more. It seems like many women I have met would disagree with this statement, which makes no sense, and I would want to run as far away from them as possible. I knew one girl who I had a strong belief that had a crush on me in high school, that when I saw her for her looks the first time, I thought she was very attractive, and maybe I would like to get to know her better, however, I later discovered that she had a serious drug problem, and I know that she has done heroin as well as crack. I think that both my parents believe marriage is a good thing if it is done with the right person, but if a woman like that were to marry me, both of my parents and I agree the best thing to do is run, run as fast as you can. The only aspect of marriage that I am really against is the legal aspect of it, which believes that a 35 year old woman is as dependant on a man as his 8 year old son. She can get a job, and she doesn't need alimony payments. An unsigned contract can't be broken, so don't sign it. It's fine to have a wedding, a diamond ring is not everything, my mother never had one, but if she wants one, it's fine to get her one, just say in advance, that you won't sign the legal contract, and if she is against a prenuptuial agreement, RUN! It is a safety catch, not a matter of distrust, and that is clearly a signal that she just wants your money. If the marriage will work, than it shouldn't really matter, and saying that this will be used should just be a filter that weeds out the ones who want your money. I'm just saying to be careful with your money in marriage. Even though gay marriage has not been fully legalized, if I were gay, I would still take the same precautions. Half of your stuff is a lot, and alimony really will rape your finances. The reason that I am cautioning men more is because we are the ones who always get the shaft of the stick in divorce court.
08-16-2009, 12:55 AM
Max...women are great..I've been married lots of times & only lost a few houses/cars
(I need to get married one more time so I can get rid of this piece of **** house that I have the next divorce)..LOL
Max...women are great..I've been married lots of times & only lost a few houses/cars
(I need to get married one more time so I can get rid of this piece of **** house that I have the next divorce)..LOL
I don't see why you would get married if the thought of divorce even enters your mind. Marriage is supposed to be for life, but in our culture it has been something that has been warped into something that can be changed. Divorce used to only be a last resort, and getting married and divorced is significantly worse than not even getting married in the first place. 1st off, the quote "it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all" is a lie. You will never miss what you never had, and you will miss something you treasured and lost significantly. Also, why can't you just sell the house, or demolish it? I think it used to be fine to get married, but in today's society, it is just a bad business decision for men, and the divorce rate is very high. As I said earlier, some people, especially women, will do anything to get married, and don't understand that they should run like hell, unless they are marying the right person. One house lost is too many, when you marry a woman you have to be EXTREMELY CAREFUL, I can't stress this enough. You should be dating at least 4 years if not more, The "womanizer" concept is stupid, it is just a dumb label women put on men, just like "slut" or "whore" is a dumb label men put on women. You should only have one marriage, unless you are someone like Joe Biden, whose wife died in a car wreck. This is a problem for both sexes, not just women.
08-16-2009, 06:36 AM
Max...women are great..I've been married lots of times & only lost a few houses/cars
(I need to get married one more time so I can get rid of this piece of **** house that I have the next divorce)..LOL
I don't see why you would get married if the thought of divorce even enters your mind. Marriage is supposed to be for life, but in our culture it has been something that has been warped into something that can be changed. Divorce used to only be a last resort, and getting married and divorced is significantly worse than not even getting married in the first place. 1st off, the quote "it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all" is a lie. You will never miss what you never had, and you will miss something you treasured and lost significantly. Also, why can't you just sell the house, or demolish it? I think it used to be fine to get married, but in today's society, it is just a bad business decision for men, and the divorce rate is very high. As I said earlier, some people, especially women, will do anything to get married, and don't understand that they should run like hell, unless they are marying the right person. One house lost is too many, when you marry a woman you have to be EXTREMELY CAREFUL, I can't stress this enough. You should be dating at least 4 years if not more, The "womanizer" concept is stupid, it is just a dumb label women put on men, just like "slut" or "whore" is a dumb label men put on women. You should only have one marriage, unless you are someone like Joe Biden, whose wife died in a car wreck. This is a problem for both sexes, not just women.
Maxie, kiddo, DWM222 stated a JOKE if you have missed it. You might have, I think.
08-16-2009, 02:55 PM
Max...The Doctor was correct..I was joking..:)
08-16-2009, 03:32 PM
Max...women are great..I've been married lots of times & only lost a few houses/cars
(I need to get married one more time so I can get rid of this piece of **** house that I have the next divorce)..LOL
Yeah sorry max, DWM222 was just making a joke about marriage.
(I need to get married one more time so I can get rid of this piece of **** house that I have the next divorce)..LOL
You should post this in the jokes thread DWM222. That's another one that had me in tears when i first read it.:D:D
08-16-2009, 08:11 PM
C'mon, boys. Let's not give Maxie a hard time with mocky, let alone complex jokes. Remember, he's just 20. How wise were any of us back at that age?
(I'm still bit of an *** at my current 26, but I can at least get a joke)
I guess I was just in too serious of a mood to tell. I get the joke, but I didn't at the time. That happens, but I am serious about who you marry. You should really know if it is the right person, and don't get married if it isn't. Many people, especially women will do this.
If you watch the news, sometimes you will notice that a guy commit suicide because a girl dumped him. Statistically, on love deceptions cases, males tend to commit suicide in a higher rate than females. Are women loveless or emotionless? No. Just they are emotionally stronger.
Love me, hate me, I don´t care……
One of my friends is going into medicine, and he says that certian parts of the female brain are more developed in emotional strength, so men tend to be a little more neurotic than women do. It is not an opinion, it is a scientific fact.
08-17-2009, 09:15 AM
Max, have I got a used car to sell ya.
This thread is getting out of control, sad to say, and if it continues to be Degrading to the ladys I will take action to stop this hate. Max has an inferiorty complex with the women yet is solid on his opinions on transmissions of any car.
Isn't there anything this kid doesn't know?? In his world women rule, not in mine, we are either equal or I moved on. My first marrage lasted 6 years. My last marrage lasted for 30 years. She was the mother of my children; she passed away in 2002.
Max, you best back off from all of your opinions and listen to other people. Seriously; you might just learn something.
08-17-2009, 03:03 PM
Max, have I got a used car to sell ya.
This thread is getting out of control, sad to say, and if it continues to be Degrading to the ladys I will take action to stop this hate.
Max, you best back off from all of your opinions and listen to other people. Seriously; you might just learn something.
I could not agree more Laranger, This has to stop.
08-17-2009, 05:20 PM
Best-case scenario: Maxie uses his brain, stops his nonsense and starts to listen and learn (since the aforementioned implies the shine of a tiny spark of wisdom, this is also the least likely to happen anyway).
Now, if Mr. Maximus Hateus keeps his rant going on:
A) He gets further warned, via PM.
B) This thread gets cleaned up; hope it is not to be erased.
C) Max gets grounded (i.e., suspended for some time)
D) If the suspension does not calm him down, he suffers the maximum power of the administrators' maximumly mighty ban-Mjonrr. See what happened to Enigma, non1ck and other sad, despicable trolls.
Now I'm getting concerned.
100% AGAVE
08-19-2009, 12:12 AM
I did not really realize how long this thread has been going on. Me thinks Max has been trolling,...for quite some time.
Max, have I got a used car to sell ya.
This thread is getting out of control, sad to say, and if it continues to be Degrading to the ladys I will take action to stop this hate. Max has an inferiorty complex with the women yet is solid on his opinions on transmissions of any car.
Isn't there anything this kid doesn't know?? In his world women rule, not in mine, we are either equal or I moved on. My first marrage lasted 6 years. My last marrage lasted for 30 years. She was the mother of my children; she passed away in 2002.
Max, you best back off from all of your opinions and listen to other people. Seriously; you might just learn something.
1st off, I can understand if people think that I hate women, even though I don't. I have always lived in constant fear of them after being accused of sexual harassment 4 times all for bull **** reasons. I do believe that women are equal, but I don't want to be considered a hate monger, I am just advising you guys to be careful, just use your brains, not your dicks. I think that marriage is a great thing when it is done with the right person, but it is horrible when you are married to the wrong person, male or female. I agree that it might be a good idea to put this topic to rest. It maybe something that I feel strongly about, but everyone else has an opinion that opposes mine. Again, I don't hate women, it's never a bad thing to be too careful with somethings, and this is one of them.
08-19-2009, 01:37 AM
1st off, I can understand if people think that I hate women, even though I don't. I have always lived in constant fear of them after being accused of sexual harassment 4 times all for bull **** reasons. I do believe that women are equal, but I don't want to be considered a hate monger, I am just advising you guys to be careful, just use your brains, not your dicks. I think that marriage is a great thing when it is done with the right person, but it is horrible when you are married to the wrong person, male or female. I agree that it might be a good idea to put this topic to rest. It maybe something that I feel strongly about, but everyone else has an opinion that opposes mine. Again, I don't hate women, it's never a bad thing to be too careful with somethings, and this is one of them.
So you finally used some neurons, Max. Relieving to read this latest post; I seriously feared you were screwed up beyond any help available on this forum. I would buy the drinks in celebration, but that has to wait until January. Just keep on letting your brain do your thinking
So you finally used some neurons, Max. Relieving to read this latest post; I seriously feared you were screwed up beyond any help available on this forum. I would buy the drinks in celebration, but that has to wait until January. Just keep on letting your brain do your thinking
I just wanted to let you guys know that I have learned a lot, and I want to thank you all, and BTW, I don't drink. I have been drunk, It is worse than doing a hundred Dizzy spins, then starting your car in gear ten times.
Max, I have to agree with Laranger, your "stuff" is getting old. This site isn't a mental health clinic. I'm no expert but, seriously, it's MY opinion you need to talk with a professional. You are too young to go through life with such a chip on your shoulder. If you can deal with your problems, you might have many years of happiness with a woman.:rolleyes:
Not trying to rant on this topic in any way, but still, no luck:(. It's OK, I'm a nerd, and I'm just used to it:rolleyes:. It's who I am. The school I go to has SOME good girls, but a handful of them are younger than me (21) and they are married. Most of them have been having sex with the same guy since kindergarden as one of my good friends at school says, which implies that we won't have a chance with them. It is a primarily male school (after all, it is a technological university), I live in an all male dorm, and I don't really have any female friends at school, because they are all bible girls, or they don't really share the same views as me, but hey I did find one girl who seems like she could be a suitable match for me, which gives me a little hope. This just means that there aren't really any good girls AT SCHOOL. THIS DOESN'T MEAN THAT THEY DON'T EXIST. I wear the sunglasses at school because of this. Danielle is quite a wonderful woman, who seems to be somewhat of my type. There are a handful of girls at school that do seem to be caring, and don't hate on me for anything, and seem to be friendly, and know my name. There is this one girl who honestly looks like Alison, beautiful. Married, younger than me, can't take a joke, isn't my type, and seems to have no respect for me. I want to say that I have met some good women recently, because it has been more than 6 months since I posted in this thread.
03-24-2010, 11:46 PM
...but hey I did find one girl who seems like she could be a suitable match for me, which gives me a little hope. This just means that there aren't really any good girls AT SCHOOL. THIS DOESN'T MEAN THAT THEY DON'T EXIST. I wear the sunglasses at school because of this.
I'm new to this thread, but it seems evertyhing is going OK for you, Max.
Go hang out with girls just as friends. It's cool to take it easy with girls. They like it too when you are not just trying to jump their bones.
Let's hope you will find the right one for you!
I'm new to this thread, but it seems evertyhing is going OK for you, Max.
Go hang out with girls just as friends. It's cool to take it easy with girls. They like it too when you are not just trying to jump their bones.
Let's hope you will find the right one for you!
Sorry I just wanted to reply to this thread. I am still not really going to try to get with women now. I think that it is a waste of my time that I could seriously be using to work calculus problems, as I am currently taking calculus based statistics, in which I call the class "Cal 3 on crack." I am a number theorist, and while I have a hard time understanding emotions, I must say that I understand something that very few people do. To me calculus is second nature and women are black magic. since I live in the south, and I go to school in a more rural area, (even though I am from Nashville), I am going to the bar currently to find girls that are not fundamentalist Christians. I have met some that are not as crazy.
Tom M
11-26-2011, 02:45 PM
As someone who's been married since 1965 I feel there's a touch of misogyny in some of these posts. Women rule the world? "Behind every great man..." is a patronising concept that is used to deny women an equal part in the decision-making process. Capitalism rules the world whether exercised by men or women and those who really hold the strings don't give a toss who is in the public eye, male or female, so long as that situation continues in as stable a manner as possible; but that's is too big a subject for this list.
11-27-2011, 10:36 PM
Max just needs to get a life!
Max just needs to get a life!
Why, because I do calculus problems for fun?
12-14-2011, 07:10 PM
Why, because I do calculus problems for fun?
Hi Adric! I hoped -I mean, thought- your existence had been erased from time and space. Sadly, I was wrong. How the frell did you... OK. So, did the Time Lords send you back as a punishment at their departure? Anti-casualty from the Time War?
Where do the time cracks hide when they are actually needed?!
Hi Adric! I hoped -I mean, thought- your existence had been erased from time and space. Sadly, I was wrong. How the frell did you... OK. So, did the Time Lords send you back as a punishment at their departure? Anti-casualty from the Time War?
Where do the time cracks hide when they are actually needed?!
I've been quite busy until recently studying probability and statistics. Gearing up for finals, that I just finished last week. While I may sound like an idiot here, many people have told me that I am the most intelligent person that they have ever met. While I don't understand women, I understand quadratic residue systems, Fermat primes, calculus 3, double integrals, differential equations, conditional probability, and many things in both the fields of both Number Theory and statistics quite well.
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