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Old 07-01-2010, 06:27 PM   #1
In Love with Danielle
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Default Renna's Journal

So here I will post regularly about what is going on in my life. Honestly my life is boring but somehow I can tell some great stories about it so hopefully I won't bore you too much
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Old 07-02-2010, 06:06 PM   #2
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July 2nd 2010,

Soooo this is my first journal entry. I am super sick right now, laying on the couch with a soft blanket being lazy. I should be working... I always should be working but I don't see that happening today. I just got the keys to my new house yesterday and it's so pretty! Ill take some pics of it today and post them. It's not very large but everything is new so I am super excited. Unfortunately it also came with a spider (daddy long legs) infestation. I am deathly afraid of spiders! I counted 27 in the living room and dining room so that is what we are going to work on tonight. Renna the spider hunter lol. I have to post this weeks video update today, my girlfriend Britney came to visit me and we went to this nature preserve right on the intercoastal. The lighting could have been better but its came out ok.

And a friend of mine is starting a porn company and just bought a bunch of really expensive equipment that he said I could borrow anytime so I am very excited. My papa bear (that's my husbands nickname) shoots most of my stuff and I am hoping with the new lens and whatnot that I can get my photos/videos to look more ftv style.. I hope

Ahh and I am so excited to shoot with Danielle in 16 days... super nervous because since I am sick right now I tend to eat up every brownie and slupie I can find but it's ok. As soon as I feel better I am hitting the gym (I am getting my home gym back soon) and I am going to look good especially for her.... well Ill try lol.

Nothing much more going on for me, OH! Except tomorrow is the LESNER VS. CARWIN fight and I am sooooooooooo excited. I used to love lesner but he is such a jerk now I just can't wait to see someone finally beat him. Personally I think he is almost unstoppable and at the end of the night I'll probably be angry that lesner will win again but there is always a chance... who else is going to watch the fight? Do any of you think Carwin has a chance? I don't know much about him... just that this fight is one of the biggest in ufc history.

So that is what's up with me in a nutshell... I can't wait until next week when I feel better and Ill be settled in I also am going to plan a free cam show to all the ftv forum users. It won't be for another couple of weeks but I think that will be a good opportunity to get to know everyone and chat for a little while.

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Old 07-06-2010, 06:19 PM   #3
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July 6th 2010

Yay! I finally have internet back up and running. Hi everyone btw! I just finished moving today and my cable company is terrible. It took the four trips out to my houst to hook up cable and internet but at last I am back on the grid I really do have a sick obcession to it lol and sending emails via my phone is not cool at all. Soooooo the Lesner fight was saturday and it was AWESOME!!! I must go to the next Lesner fight, I really want to be there live! I really did not like that man but when he stepped into the octagon he looked so good, he has no fat and was so lean you could tell he was in the best shape ever. And he didn't have that arrogance he normally had, this time he actually tapped the other guys gloves and was respectful.. soo I think I am a Lesner fan again... even though it was really great to see his *** handed to him in the first round. I want to see more of Lesner really having to put up a fight.

Anyhoo, I am off to go back to cleaning my couch and unpacking but tomorrow will be some mega updates on rennaryann.com so please take a look if you have the time

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Old 07-09-2010, 08:58 PM   #4
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ok so this is totally random but.... I have been super stressed lately, I just moved and there are so many other things going on and I feel like my whole schedule is completely out of whack. So now I realized something else, I have a sick obcession for chocolate... anything chocolate (brownies, sundae's, shakes, ice cream, cake, bars, fruit covered in chocolate)... it seems like the more stressed I get the more I crave it. What is even more terrible is the fact that I will feel like the meanest person in the world and then, like today, the first bite in that brownie and I start to giggle for no reason. And then I am happy and life is good.

lol I just had to share that

Thank goodness for friday, with the weekend here I am going to make sure my garage gets organized and I have my little gym back in order so I can get my tushie on the elliptical. That is my life saver, it's great just pop anchorman in the dvd player and Ill be working out for 90 minutes and not even notice it. Oh thats another major love I have.... I am in love with Ron Burgundy... I even have conversations with him on twitter lol (yes, I know I am a dork).

So right now not much is going on except for the fact that I feel like I am in Limbo and need to stop eating chocolate so I can shoot soon! I can't wait to shoot new content I am planning a shoot day the weekend afternext as long as I start working out so if you have any ideas please let me know!

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Old 07-14-2010, 04:32 PM   #5
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July 14th 2010
I have decided that one day (long after porn) I want to open a preschool. Crazy thing is 3 years ago I hated kids. Without getting into a bunch of pointless details, I have this love for babies and toddlers. They are the greatest thing in this world and they are the only things that doesn't piss me off so I think it would be a good career path. That sounds horrible but it's true... I don't really like people. Many are mean spirited but babies they don't know cruelty, jealousy, or anger beyond "Hey he took my toy!." Thats a beautiful thing And the cost in south florida for quality preschools (or at least one up to my standards) will run you anywhere from $1,000- $1,700 a month it's insane! So after I purchase a home that will be what I save up for.

Just figured I'd share that There are so many things I want to do in life and the two careers I am interested in persuing are really quite interesting and I know I would love them (family psychology and crime scene analyst) but I don't know for sure if I would be happy 10 years into them. I suppose that is the most important question. Well school starts next month and I have a long time to figure things out.

It's funny I am never around anyone my own age, the youngest adult I am ever around is 29. Sometimes I have to remind myself I am 22 and can take things as slow as I want. Heck I am already wayyyy ahead of the game, too much probably.

Oh man this is a terrible journal entry... too serious lol sorry but that is what was on my mind.

On a lighter note, today I was listening to my favorite radio show BTLS (Bubba the love sponge) and they were talking about calling someone a Dildo and how you can't say it without smiling. It's true so my silly childish goal for the day is to include the word Dildo in as many conversations as possible. This should be interesting

Oh, last night I watch a bootleg version of Grown Ups.. that movie is so cute! If you haven't seen it I highly recommend it! In the film the kids make those phones out of cups and string and it was adoreable. I really want to try that now but I have no-one who could talk to me on it... I guess I can talk to my dogs lol.

And in case anyone is on twitter and doesn't already know I am addicted to it and you can find me on there as twitter.com/rennaryann

Now I am off to work on todays photo update


Last edited by rennaryann; 07-14-2010 at 04:34 PM.
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Old 07-19-2010, 09:16 PM   #6
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July 19th, 2010

Ahhh so this weekend I am shooting and I can't wait!!!! Reason being I will be shooting with the Canon 5D Mark II! The video quality on that is so beautiful it's amazing. We will be testing it out sooo hopefully it will be sucessful... OH MAN OH MAN OH MAN. It is a friends equipment that he so generously is letting me borrow. Also he is ordering some killer lenses so soon you will see a huge spike in the quality and style of my shoots, oh I can't wait! This will be the first shoot since my site joined up with you guys so I hope things go well

Besides that I have a lot of other.. umm interesting things going on, some good and some no so much. But today I filmed a commercial for a european company, filming those are always fun. It's fast and I get to keep my clothes on Which sometimes is a good thing, it's the only "normal" job I have.

And my office semi finished, soon Ill have a super great computer and won't have to wait 10 hours for an HD video to render either lol.

Oh and super wonderful news on top of it all, a friend whose job is HD video compression said he would help me improve the quality of my videos since they are no where near what they could be. I know this all sounds geeky but I am so elated right now with all the goodies I will be able to utilize to improve the video quality on the site yay!

I am jumping around on my thoughts but this weekend I had so much fun too, it was my first time going out in a couple weeks. Now I am not a drinker and I really hate shots however for some reason I drank patron like it was water lol. Thank goodness I was not hung over the next day. But me and papa bear went bowling with our good friends who are married too and had a blast... I officially stink at bowling and the patron did not help either. The more I drank the worst I got lol. Then I wandered off to the bar and got caught up in conversation with two cute gay men and one very angry woman. One of the guys told me this joke:

" If mothers day is for women, and fathers day is for men, then what day is for masturbators?"

"Palm Sunday"

Trust me it's definately funnier after 4 or 5 shots of tequila.

So yay I now appear to have a life lol I hope everyone is doing well and tonight I am going to watch the Bounty Hunter with Jennifer Aniston, it looks really cute! Then tomorrow I am off to Lion Country Safari... yay!


Last edited by rennaryann; 07-19-2010 at 09:19 PM.
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Old 07-26-2010, 04:23 PM   #7
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July 26th, 2010

So this weekend a tropical storm passed thru and it was supposed to rain every day until the 29th... well it hasn't rained since Friday and I cancelled the plans to shoot all day because of the rain. Well I was able to squeeze one set out of my photog and its super hot! Check it out I just posted the pics on the site today

Besides that I spent the weekend in the backyard pulling weeds and putting in the black liner around the border of the house so we can mulch the sides. We only got about a third of it done but my god was I messy! I also cleaned, went to the park/childrens museum, and relaxed with my family and dookies (my dogs).

We just got this new sea anemone from a friend for our salt water fish tank and its so cool! Once it starts to grow more I have to take a picture of it. Weird thing is my nemo fish is supposed to live in it and he wont go near it... oh well maybe he will eventually. And we had to get rid of Goober, my big yellow fish because he was eating everything and now we have practically an empty aquarium with rocks in it. This all sounds really boring but salt water aquariums are really neat, I can't wait to set up one in the little ones room!

And the week before last I was really angry, I have to share this because I finally worked out my solution and I am very excited now. So two weeks ago, papa called me and nervous said "Hey so I am going to Costa Rica at the end of the month with Frank". He said it nervously because when I have to travel for work he always gives me crap about him being uncomfortable with it an whatnot. On top of that in the years that we have been together he has never taken me on a vacation. We've gone to teh Keys for the weekend but thats it. I NEED A VACATION!

So I was really mad, the trip has a little to do with him helping a friend with work but honestly it's bullshit Going to Costa Rica is vacation! So I was really mad and was thinking in my head fine I won't hold him back but he isn't going to hold me back.

Now here is where my fun part begins, I love NYC in face I was supposed to go to college with one of my best friends there. Bob lives there now so I am going to take 5 days off to go to NYC and just wander around, relax, take lots of photos, and go have fun! Bobbie will meet me and then my other love of my life Gen will be driving from Montreal too so Ill have a week with my two favorite people in this whole world to just be me... or maybe to recapture some of the old me. This will also be the longest I have ever been away from my family but I think they will be just fine iwthout me.

So I am going Sept 2nd-6th and if you have any ideas or thoughts on what I should do or visit lmk! I am definately not going to miss my favorite play Phantom of the Opera. And then Ill definately be wandering around the MET, Museum of Natural History, and I want to take a tour of the UN too. Oh and Ill be blowing a butt load on Canal Street I am sure (I am a sucker for a louie... even if it is a faker) As far as night life though, I dont know what to. Suggestions?

So now I am going to be working my tushie off to save up and that is about it for me... off to make some video blogs... if you have any questions defiantely post em!
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Old 08-02-2010, 10:33 PM   #8
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August 2nd, 2010

So my papa bear has now been gone for 2 days and 11 hours now. I didn't know what to expect. After being around someone for so long it's interesting to see what will happen when suddenly they are gone. Needless to say I don't like it but there is this weird liberating feeling as well. Like the night before last I hung out at my mom's house until 11pm and we laid in bed and watched Home Alone 2 (one of our favorite movies). It made me realize that I haven't been in my mom's house for longer than an hour ever and she has lived there for 3 years now. I've known for a long time now that I really lost touch with a part of me because I started a family and am just really busy. I don't go out with friends... my nearest non-work friend lives 2 hours away. So I think I need to make a change, what I have no idea. Maybe I should reconnect with a girlfriend or two from highschool? Or maybe find a hobby... I have things I really enjoy but I don't do them. Such as infant photography or Bikram Yoga... I haven't done either since 2008. So that is where I am at now, I think I need to get my butt in gear (as my mommy says) and stop letting life kick the **** out of me (Excuse my french)

On a happier note, I had a great day today. I hung out with a friend who could be summed up in one word as complete and total AWESOMENESS! I laughed, I cried, I relaxed and truely had fun today. Times like today I am really thankful for
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Old 08-12-2010, 05:42 PM   #9
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August 12th, 2010
Ok great news, I think I have my webcam feature fixed finally soooooo webcam show for members will be Saturday night at 9:30 eastern time. As soon as I give my coder the new code for my blab chat section I will be having a free chat, barely any nudity, just get to know eachother chat for everyone here in the forum! I can't wait for that...

Now I feel like I have fallen off the face of the earth here. Things have been so cuper crazy... so crazy! Papa bear went and returned to costa rica which meant 5 days of madness trying to entertain the little one by myself. I don't get how single parents do it! I was proud of myself though because papa left me the credit card and I managed to only spend $160. Thats a miracle in itself!

Then I found the coolest Thomas the Train toddler bed and had to have it, but once it finally arrived I went into cry baby mode because I realized that meant I have to disassemble the crib and my baby isn't a baby anymore. So was not prepared for that at all... Or the fact that we have now moved on to pull ups

Then came Internext/AVN Show. Its a webmaster trade show in Hollywood, Fl. I went to some great seminars and learned a ton of interesting stuff, especially about live streaming shoots and what not One day Ill have that on my site but if defiantely won't be ready for at least 6 months. Wow I think I am babbling as I try to write everything that has been going on. Well.. Ill rewind, the reason I was at Internext was 1. To expand my knowledge on the webmaster side of the industry and 2. To help my friends who are working on a huge new business. I am going to be so busy with this its insane and over the next couple of months as it takes off Ill mention a little more of what I am doing. But they will be renting out these awesome beachfront mansions which means I will have some sick sick sick new locations in the upcoming weeks

And then over the weekend while at Internext I decided to be really naughty and shoot an update on the balcony of the hotel we were at... the view was stunning! Check it out on my site I posted it today! And well... I figured it's such a pretty spot and I haven't shot anything boy/girl themed so lets see how it comes out. And it came out pretty well. I posted the photos today and the video will be going up next week.

Let's see what else is going on? Oh over the weekend I shot for Cinemax, it was a softcore girl on girl scene and it was soooooo funny! I posted some of the pics on my site in the members section, the photos are so cheesy and look like they were taken from the 70's. I also posted them on my twitter in case you want to check them out at twitter.com/rennaryann but the reason I posted them was because the photographer was this really weird big mouth guy who was throwing around that he shot for playboy and this and that. Funny thing is when I brought up Jarmo (Playboy's only Miami photographer) he got pretty quiet. Well any ways this guy was such a big mouth like his work was amazing or something and then had the nerve to tell my that my husband wasn't a photographer just a guy with a camera. Well he did my most recent balcony shoot and I think it's more than just a guy with a camera but what do I know lol. Any hoo out of all the images he took 9 of them didnt look to back for the 70's so I posted them. Ok now on to the funny part of the shoot, it was softcore so we just kissed. We had to fake going down on eachother and then they handed us this giant pink dildo and we had to pretent to dilly dally eachother with it. The girl was in doggie facing the camera and I slid it down over her cooter so it didnt even touch it... it was really silly.

And last but not least I just got this really neat video editing program last night called Cineform NeoHD. It's a $500 program that a friend got me so I am really excited to try it out tonight. It's supposed to be the best at color correction and making your videos seem more like movies so I can't wait! Hopefully it's user friendly because all I use is Sony Vegas Pro 9 because I am comfortable with it. I have CS4 Premiere Pro and After Effects but I don't find it user friendly and therefore don't want to use it so lets keep our fingers crossed.

Oh! And one more thing, I have an awesome new work computer with Dual Screens, Quad Core Processor, HD video card and 6 GB of ram so I can't wait to start putting it to use!

Well I think that is everything going on with me, I have a nice bottle of Riesling in the fridge and tomorrow night by 9pm I will be on the couch in some lingerie with a glass of wine feelin good! Can't wait!

Hope everyone has a beautiful day!
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Old 08-20-2010, 10:21 PM   #10
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August 20th, 2010

Hey Guys,

Tomorrow I am going to shoto with Danielle.. so excited and I am super busy still packing and cleaning. Tonight I'm going out to dinner to one of my favorite places to relax... and definately having a glass of riesling Here are two videos I made for ya to check out they are really silly.. I thought they would come out better but they are of my pets (my fishys and doggys) and I'm not thrilled about how I look... lol bedhead is never good but I hope you enjoy them

My fishy video here
My doggy video here

Ill be sure to take plenty of candids while I am gone.. can't wait

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Old 08-26-2010, 07:43 PM   #11
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August 26th, 2010

I think I have found someone who loves chocoloate as much as I do! I still am thinking about the extra slice of cake I left at Danielle's house rather than eating on the plane. Speaking of, my trip to meet Danielle was so so so much fun! I was only gone for two days but it was definately a vacation I enjoyed

Rob took beautiful images (as always) and I learned so much from his shooting style and recommendations. I can't wait to share all the updates though they will be up slowly, each with their own story to tell. But what a cool girl Danielle is, even more laid back and normal than I thought she would be.

I'm trying to recap my weekend but honestly I can't it was just full of relaxation, shooting, great conversation, and very yummy food! Oh but I stayed the night at one of the FTV houses and I forgot I am really afraid of the dark lol. Then in the morning I had to film getting ready just to distract myself from how quiet everything was. I even filmed while I was in the shower because I had this fear of some Freddy Kruger like creature killing me lol. So that will be in interesting video that Ill be posting this week as well

Besides that it is really good to be home... I missed my family! Last night I went to the Deftones concert. I never heard them before, they are a hard rock/Metal-ish band. Not my style but it was fun! Then today I took the little one to the Cupcake Bakery called Cupcake Couture and all their cupcakes are named after couture fashion. I was so cute I had the Jimmy Choo-Chocolate and two mini's called Berry Wang (Vera Wang) and Mound-olo Blahnik (Monolo Blahnik) so yummy. I barely ate them though they were way too rich. Then I went shopping and finally I have peace time I am thinking that I am going to start Bikram Yoga next week. I loved it when I used to do it and its right down the street from my house. I just started a new routine of drinking lots of water and hoping on the elliptical daily... this is day 3 and I am doing good, happy me


Last edited by rennaryann; 08-26-2010 at 07:46 PM.
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Old 10-01-2010, 02:47 PM   #12
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October 1st, 2010

Wow the last month has really flown by, my goodness I don't know what happened! I apologize for not updating, I was producing for a friends company. They were doing these over the top productions and I was directing their solo scenes.... now that I reflect so much has happened over the last month I have no idea where to start.

Well I am finally back to work after being sick for two weeks, my doctor told me to rest because I was getting sick a few weeks ago and wouldn't stop working so it kinda made it worse. By the time I went to see the doctor I had no voice, couldn't eat, and had an infection with ear/nose/throat problems... so much fun Any hoo besides the persistant tickle in my throat all is better now and I am so happy to finally be back in my routine.

As for what I was directing, it really taught me a lot as to how I don't whan my own productions to go. I soon plan on shooting models for erotica themed shoots, I don't really plan on doing anything with it until I reach a point that I am happy with my work but I am truely surprised it how difficult it is to properly create and capture a moment. I have even more respect to Rob now. I thought I could take a model who was getting compensated well, put her in a beautiful environment, give her a little direction and film. That is definately not the case, these girls were beautiful but the second the camera came on they just because this weird fake person with over the top fake orgasms, high pitched fake voices, and nothing natural to them. I have no idea how to make a naturally beautiful person appear and act natural on camera AND IT'S DRIVING ME NUTS LOL!

I really don't want to shoot anymore for them, not because I don't want to help them because I do and not because I don't need the money because I do. But honestly if I can't create something beautiful that I am happy with then I want to shoot for myself and learn first.

Well speaking of the shooting I have some funny stories, the last model I shot was on Saturday. Call time: 10 am, Arrival time: the usual 11:30am. I woke up and went shopping since they never show up on time and I don't like being annoyed that early in the morning. Then we meet, she is cute, thin, spanish, long brown hair... with a little make up and in the right light she could be rather beautiful. Then she opens her mouth... she is ghetto and I can't tell if she hates me. It's always weird when you just meet someone and they already treat you like they hate you but oh well. By 1pm hair and makeup are done. I came up with the idea that since we are in this mansion overlooking the ocean that I would have her go outside and wash the windows in some cute cut-off shorts and a bikini top and slowly strip it off while playing with the soapy bubbles and smooshing her "assets" up against the window while I film from the inside. I thought it was cute. I go thru her wardrobe with her... stripper wear, platform heels, metallic bathing suit. Again I pull from my clothes (I had to pull from my clothes all week long because for some reason all these girls must be strippers) but no biggie because she looks really cute in the wardrobe. Now for the fun part, photos and video of the window washing come out well and I have her come inside for the masturbation so we can hear her better. While she is talking I'm not paying much attention but I did hear her tell me she could fist... thank goodness! Because the last 3 girls couldn't do anything all that interesting. Then for some reason she bends over and shoves her whole hand IN HER ***! Then the other hand goes in her vagina... "SWEET JESUS!" I say... "How long have you been in the industry?". She replies 2 months... I tell her to slow down... sadly she thinks I am joking. We film the scene and besides the really trashy dirty talk she did rather well I was happy and went on my way.

Now I get this is a long story, I am a terrible story teller but stay with me it gets crazier... honestly Ill never forget last saturday. Ok so that night they were supposed to throw this party where they have 3 hired porn girls and then their friends come over and the porn girls do scenes in the middle of the party (mostly hardcore scenes). It turned into a weiner fest with 30 guys crowded around one naked girl... very boring. But then the anal fister finds that we just recently purchased this toy. It's a giant fist larger than any mans full hand. (This is where I realize this girl need some therapy) The toy is about 20 inches tall and the fist is about 18 inches around. She convinces the head guy in charge that if she can fit that in her *** then she could keep it... WTF??

So she gets on top of the baby grand paino and a dozen guys swarm her with their iphone cameras to video the event. She selects a guy from the crowd the shove it in her ***. She lubes up and I have to watch. She is bent in doggie and for the most part I stand in front of her, I don't want to see to much but I do HAVE to see this. Also I am right by her face because I want to make sure she is ok. She screams in pain for over 20 minutes. She goes 5 mins grinding her teeth and cursing then she stops tries a different position and tells them to go again. Well needless to say she didn't want to stop until she got it in and she finally did. It made me sick and honestly want to cry. I felt bad for her and I really wonder what her parents did to have her turn out like this. She was younger than me meaning less than 2 years ago she was probably living with her parents and in high school. I really hope she one day gets help. I left as soon as my husband was done filming. After leaving I found out some of the guys gloved up and shoved their fists in her too.

Once again it makes me realize, this industry is wonderful. Pretty girls can make a lot of money working with great high end companies. They can have wonderful experiences like I had stay in multiple million dollar mansions, having their make up done, being catered to, and making 6 figures... but at the end of the day. Most of them are still too young to understand that it will get old fast. You will end up washed out way earlier than you should. Unless you invest wisely you won't have any money in a couple years to pay the taxes on all that money. There are way too many companies in this industry who use girls, don't treat them well, and then they begin treating themselves like trash. It's a real shame and I really want to create something beautiful one day. I'm not saying I want to be the next Rob. I doubt I am capapble of that but I want to improve and see what I am capable of. And I would really love to have a site one day about women, how they are all beautiful if they just relax and explore what is special about them. I would really love to opportunity to show a lot of the girls in this industry that there is so much more long term they can do and really respect themselves while doing it.

Ok Ill stop preaching... but seriously anal fister needs some therapy lol

And this weekend is going to be fun fun fun. Papa bear is shooting me tomorrow. We are doing something I saw in a magazine. I am going to buy lemons and make homemade lemonade. I am hoping I can find really small lemons and possibly place them somewhere *hint hint but I doubt that. Plus papa is really turned off when I use large objects in shoots, I think it makes him feel inferior but I like it so I shall continue to do it. Oh maybe I can make strawberry lemonade... red strawberrys would be fun to play with.. I wonder how many I could use at once.

*And I do realize I am talking about respecting myself one minute and then shoving strawberries in my cooter the next so if people feel I am being double sided with this sorry. I've learned from experience how important self respect is but at the same time I like showing off too, I just don't like doing it in front of crowds.

Well Ill be updating regularly, and today I am posting a few vblogs from questions geezer emailed me and a new video with a wonderful sweetheart I met a few months ago named Diamond James. I have been sitting on this videos for a while now... I don't know why.

I am going to try to rent a nice shoot house or mansion with some friends of mine at the end of this month. Ill be contacting Janessa Brazil, Sandy Summers, Diamond James, Britney Brooks, and Idelsy of loveanddeathproject to see if they want to go in on it with me and spend the weekend together just partying, relaxing, and playing. Fun part to that is we can get all of our husbands and boyfriends together so they can shoot us and hopefully it will all work out. Ill get on that now.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!!

Last edited by rennaryann; 10-01-2010 at 02:57 PM.
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Old 10-07-2010, 03:35 PM   #13
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Posts: 133

October 7th, 2010

I am supposed to be webcamming right now. In all honesty that is my full time job as it makes the most consistant money but I don't like it. I need to figure out how to use my free cams. It looks like so much fun to just put on free shows and accept donations. That seems like fun. The form of webcam I do now is clothed and then in private chat I take my clothes off so basically every 5 to 10 mins I am getting dressed and undressed and expected to orgasm lol after an hour I need a nap! Well maybe Ill try mfc today and see if I get it. If any of you guys have tried it before and understand how to use it please let me know!

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Old 10-21-2010, 09:14 PM   #14
In Love with Danielle
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Florida
Posts: 133

October 21st, 2010

I made a video journal because I didn't want to type, click here

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Old 05-25-2011, 05:39 PM   #15
In Love with Danielle
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Florida
Posts: 133

May 25th 2011

I just wanted to stop by and say hi to everyone, not sure if the journal is the most appropriate area but HI! A couple weeks ago Risi emailed me and I can't tell you how happy I was to hear from her. She had mentioned she was going to contact Rob about shooting and I am very glad she did. I for one cannot wait to see it! Does anyone know when it will be out? I still find myself regularly checking FTV and Danielle's site, I used to think I checked them for inspiration but now that I am not shooting my stuff I find that I really admire adult work but with everything being so generic I find myself gravitating back to FTV. I wish I could continue my site right now and unfortunately don't know a talented enough photographer with the free time to shoot me. Any hoo... I am so happy to see that Risi is back and more importantly she is impowered and in control. I wish her the best in her personal life and with her future whether it is in or out of the industry.
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