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Old 02-25-2009, 01:54 AM   #50
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Feb. 24, 2009
I refuse to go to school anymore (jk). Somebody (not sure who out of the dozens of kid in my classes) got me sick. Today everyone was coughing and sneezing (oh wait...that would be me ) and making everyone else who isn't sick, sick. My friend called and told me she has been sick for the past five days now....blah, I guess I have at least another three days of being sick. I got invited to go bowling on Wenesday. I'm so pysched. That's going to be my second (or so) time hanging out with new friends from school. Plus I haven't bowled in forever. I'm sure they plan on drinking, but I will definitely not be drinking since I have school the next morning and that's always terrible having to do anything when you are hungover and sleep deprived. I'm going to Portland, Oregon next month for a photoshoot. That's my second ever out of state photoshoot (my first ever going by myself.) The photographer's really cool (he's the one that did Alison's Studio Colors, Total Hotness Sporty Style, Public Nudity in Portland 1 and 2, among several other.)
Danielle FTV
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Old 03-04-2009, 07:13 PM   #51
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Mar. 4, 2009
So I finally caved and built a Facebook page. Personally I don't like either Myspace or Facebook but I guess it's a good way to "network"...though that would also require me to answer messages (which I don't.) You can find my Facebook by looking up Danielle FTV. I built two...one for FTVGirls and one just for me. And there is also a "Danielle Lover's" fan group on there. I need more friends, so request me people. Yesterday FTV Rob finally caved and let me borrow the GTR. It was so freaking cool! I got to pick up all my friends and they were super impressed (mission accomplished!). We ended up going to a movie and out to eat at The Yardhouse...sucks because I'm not 21 yet and so couldn't drink their awesome beer. We ended up seeing "He's Just Not That Into You" which was like really depressing since I am so like the character "Gigi" in that movie. When I fall for a guy I totally end up sitting around my phone, waiting for his phone call. I end up checking out their Facebook and Myspace profiles and read and look at everything that they put on it. I guess it's kind of stalkerish...but I've always had a "problem" of falling for guys way to quickly and really hard. It's nice though because that movie kind of made me feel a little more "normal"...like my whole Facebook stalking isn't so unusual. Anyhow I have my midterm exam for my forensic pathology class this weekend, my midterm for math next week, and midterm for my Geo lab tomorrow...boy am I freaking out right now. Also you should check out this interview with www.girlnextdoormag.com. I'm on the cover! Not sure why they didn't review my site though (they reviewed FTVGirls instead).

2:49 PM
Yeesssssssss....I just took my online forensic pathology midterm and got an A. So I am averaging an A- in the class right now...so happy.
Danielle FTV

Last edited by danielle_ftv; 03-04-2009 at 08:50 PM.
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Old 03-07-2009, 02:42 AM   #52
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Mar. 6, 2009
So just did my workout. I've been pretty good this week about working out...went all three days that I scheduled. Wednesday I ended up going bowling with friends from school. Wonder if that's going to become a weekly thing for me? Probably shouldn't have gone out bowling considering I had my mid-term in Geo lab, Thursday morning...but actually now that I think about it, it probably is a good thing, since I did not know at all that we had a test on Thursday. I really don't think I did as good as I should've....actually I think I probably failed the test. My teacher wasn't joking when she told us that the tests weren't going to be any easier than the first one...but she should've at least told us that they were going to be impossible . Most of the kids in my class also thought that the test was super hard. Looks like I will be taking the final (you can drop your lowest test grade and if you are okay with all your test grades then you don't have to do the final.) Anyways I should get the results back by Tuesday. Tonight my friends want me to hang out with them but honestly I really just want to stay in and read my book. I haven't really had any time to myself (and I have a butt load of P.M.'s to answer) and the last thing I want is to be hung over tomorrow. I finally caved and bought a television. It's a 37 inch Toshiba plasma tv. I also got a X-Box 360 and RockBand. Honestly though I'm kind of regretting buying all that...it cost over $1,200! I never knew tv's were so freaking expensive. I was tempted to take everything back, but I know at some point I will need to buy a tv...so I will probably end up keeping it. Now putting it all together is going to be a pain in the butt for sure.

My mom planned a get together tomorrow night for my sister and nephew. Unfortunately my mom also wants me to attend. There are two reasons why I don't really want to go A) it's near P.I.R. so an hour away from me and B) my sister and I aren't really on good terms right now. I ended up inviting my sister to eat with FTV Rob and a model he was shooting. Well anyways Rob started doing an interview with the model, asking the normal questions "when was your first orgasm", etc. Well for some reason my sister ended up flipping out and started ranting about "disrespect" and B.S. like that...in front of the model and my boss! I was so P.O.ed. I mean I understand that she wasn't comfortable, but that doesn't mean that she had to make a freaking scene in front of a bunch of people and make my boss and the model uncomfortable. Plus it's kind of disrespectful to me considering this is my job...getting naked in public, masturbation and talking about it. I thought she was okay with it....but not so much now. The funniest thing is she was talking about how they were "disrespecting" her child (my nephew was also there)...but hello he's 7 WEEKS OLD! As far as I know, no 7 week old child can understand English and when they see boobs they think "yummy...food." Plus I mean come on...it seems kind of hypocritical to me that she's 20 years old, got married to someone she knew for only a few months, and is now a mother. Not only that but she's definitely done some unsavory thing in the past that would make porn look like bible school (wonder if that made any sense.) I just absolutely hate people like that...that can do some of the worst things and then think porn and the people who are willing in it are disgusting. So yeah...that's why I really don't want to hang out with my sister. I'm sure we will make it up...but she really needs to A) become less socially retarded B) realize there are right times and wrong times to express your opinions and C) realize that people aren't always going to do stuff that you agree with...and you should be okay with that.
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Old 03-14-2009, 09:33 PM   #53
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Mar. 14, 2009
So it seems like I'm finally getting into a semi-routine...though I still need to work on my time management. Wenesday I ended up going bowling again with my friends after my workout (though I didn't bowl, just ate some cheesy nachos!) I failed my Geology mid-term miserably. Ended up getting a 44% FREAKING TERRIBLE! I've never gotten a 44% on anything. The messed up thing is that the class average was a 53%. The teacher was P.O.ed and gave us the "smack down". She told us that, that was the lowest class average in the seven years she's been teaching. Good thing that we can at least drop our lowest test score. But I will be studying hardcore for the next two tests. I also ended up missing my belly dancing class on Wenesday because I was so freaking tired. Later found out that, that was the ONE class that I didn't want to miss since we were going over the mid-term dance material. So hopefully my friends will help me study what they went over that day. Mid-terms for my Geology lab is after Spring Break...which sucks because I'm pretty much going to veg out for the next week and studying during break is not my idea of fun. Talking about Spring Break it actually looks like I will be doing something. My friends and I are going on a trip to Rocky Point, Mexico. I'm pretty excited since this will be my first time ever going somewhere/doing something for Spring Break. My friends were kind of freaking out though because I guess parts of Mexico are having problems with drug cartels, kidnapping, etc. But what they didn't seem to realize is that the way the media is talking about it makes it seem like ALL of Mexico is having these issues which is not the case. So anyways I'm going to have fun, and hopefully the internet access will be fast enough so I can update the site. I ended up going out last night. Funny thing is, I can always tell when I'm going to have issues getting into a club...kind of like a sixth sense. Anyhow, so my friends and I ended up going to our usual club (the one I've been to at least eight times.) And for the first time at this club I got questioned hardcore about my I.D. What's your last name? How do you spell it? How old are you? When's you birthday? etc. I'm surprised I wasn't asked what my astrological symbol was (which I do know, along with the condo I "live in", and what's around the condo ....talk about paranoia.) But anyways I was let in at the end (thank gawd.) Didn't really end up drinking, just had one gin and tonic. The music sucked, so a friend and I bailed out and ended up getting some greasy pizza at this pizza joint next door. They must make GREAT money with all the drunk kids coming in after hours. Honestly I just can't wait until I turn 21. Two more months. Nobody tells you that the last 2 months are complete hell! My friends and I are talking about going to Vegas the first week of June. So excited!

P.S. You know what I don't get??? Single site girls that have journals and always have to mention something sexual in their entries (ie "we were driving down to such and such and all of a sudden I got the urge to blow him in the car.") Like whatever foo girls. Is that how you talk to your friends? Puh-lease. I don't understand why these girls can't keep it real.
Danielle FTV

Last edited by danielle_ftv; 03-14-2009 at 09:36 PM.
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Old 03-20-2009, 08:24 PM   #54
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Mar. 20, 2009
So I'm back from Rocky Point. It was awesome...definitely a great place to go for your first Spring Break. There wasn't as many people vacationing there as I thought there was going to be. I was talking to a few people who regularly go there and they were commenting on that and saying it's really due to the media hype about Mexico being unsafe (which BTW is complete BS for Rocky Point...I actually felt quiet safe there.) Our hotel was super nice...especially for the price I was paying. The first night we didn't really do anything, just hung around the hotel and drank. We ended up going to this bar called Baja Cantina. I guess it was the "happening hot spot" there. I've never seen so many girls getting naked! I'm not going to lie...I was also right up there in the VIP with them flashing my boobs around. But I'm pretty used to nudity, so it's not unusual for me. What was funny was that later on I was talking to some of my male friends about me flashing myself. They were telling me that if their girlfriends were to do the same thing they would be upset. It definitely got me to thinking though, because I'm so used to nudity and have been even before I started in this industry. It always confuses me when people get upset by it...but then I have to realize that not everybody thinks the way I do. It was also funny thinking about how okay I am with nudity when it's on my own "terms" rather than when I'm shooting. I get really nervous sometimes when I'm doing public nudity shoots, but get me in front of a bunch of people and I will normally take off my clothes (and without any alcohol in me.) Gawd that probably made me sound really slutty (which I'm not) I just find it completely ridiculous how people can be all Godly and prude, but when they start drinking or go somewhere for vacation they "slut it up" and sleep with a dozen different people, and do other crazy things like that. I just don't get it. But anyways...didn't really do anything for St. Patty's day. Just hung out around the beach and drank beers all day (BTW I'm swearing off drinking again...or at least until this weekend.) The drive back to Arizona was complete hell. We ended up waiting for THREE HOURS at the border. And they really need to make a better system because what ended up happening was that the police split the one line into two lines (by this point we had been waiting for about 45 minutes while everyone else who was zooming by us for the second line had just got there.) Well anyways the line merges further down...so all those people who just got there were able to get through the border within 30 minutes to an hour while we were stuck behind them for three hours. I was so freaking p!ssed off...plus I almost ran out of gas and was just able to cross the border and get gas before my car died on me (thank gawd...that would have been embarassing.) But other than that it was a fun trip for sure. My friends and I are thinking about doing a Vegas trip right after my 21st birthday...that should be pretty exciting! I don't have that much longer to wait. Next month is the Phoenix Forum (April 2nd to the 4th)...I'm super pysched about it. Unfortunately Rob is supposed to be gone for his Bugatti trip at that same time so I won't be able to get any professional video/photo updates there. Next week I have two more mid-term tests...which by the way I think is completely screwed up. I mean why couldn't they schedule it for before Spring Break...who wants to study during their Spring Break? April is going to be a sucky month for me. Not only do I have taxes that are due, but my car insurance is due and I have to renew my car registration. I already did the car registration and got a personalized license plate!
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Old 03-25-2009, 10:24 PM   #55
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Mar. 25, 2009
So I did it! I finally talked to my mom about what I do for a living. Funny thing is she already knew (found out about a week ago.) I guess she was just waiting for me to tell her about it. I guess that my step father to be was looking up Rob's cars and found out about the whole "219" thing, which lead to him finding out about FTV, where he found me. I'm pretty surprised that my sister didn't tell my mom (which I honestly thought she was going to do.) It's cool though because now I feel like me and my sis have more trust for each other. Anyways so the whole reason that the site was brought up was because my mom and I were talking about the "familial nudity fiasco" and I was explaining to my mom that I would be super uncomfortable if she ever saw nude pictures of me. Well she straight out told me that she already had and that got me to thinking...where? Because my modeling portfolio has an option that I always turn on that doesn't show the nude pictures (anything 18+) to non-members. Well I'm at least glad that it's out in the open now. I just wanted to wait until things calmed down a little. Especially since my brother in law got into town and is staying with my mom until April 5 or so and then my little brother is supposed to be coming down from DC at the beginning of April too. So I know my mom is pretty stressed out and the last thing I want is for her to get even more stressed out about this. My mom took everything pretty calmly. I explained to her how this job has changed me, and how for the first time in my life I am truly happy. I'm finally in control of my life...I'm going to school, have an amazing job, get to talk to people that really like me, am finally going to school and actually know what I want to do this time. And on top of that I actually have friends! And they invite me places! I'm not going to lie...my mom was upset. She ended up crying at the end of our conversation, but I don't think it was really the job that upset her I think it's just the fact that for the first time in both of our lives I'm starting to drift away from her. I'm going to make it a priority to call her at least twice a week just to chat and to visit her at least once a week for lunch or dinner. I never meant to drift away from her...I guess things just got in the way. I wonder what my mom's fiance thinks about my job? Now I'm going to be super uncomfortable around him...how freaking awkward!

I'm pretty happy about my grades so far. I thought I was going to be failing my Geology lecture course since I failed that one test miserably. But I guess I'm actually making a B- in it...which is awesome since I am planning on doing as much extra credit as possible which can raise my grade up by one letter. I am also making an A- in my Forensic Pathology class, math, and my Geology lab class. I'm not really sure what I'm making in my belly dancing class though. I'm probably not doing that well since I'm missed four classes which lowers my grade to like a C or something like that. But fortunately I can make up two of the classes which will raise up my score.
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Old 03-30-2009, 08:15 PM   #56
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Mar. 30, 2009
I've realized that lately (actually for like the past two months) I haven't been on here as much as I used to. And I've definitely been slacking on answering private messages from everyone. I just wanted to apologize to you all for that. I'm still trying to figure out how to juggle school, work, friends, and family and it's pretty freaking difficult. I will try to do better about answering P.M.'s. So I didn't end up going to Portland. Thursday I started feeling under the weather and it just progressed, so I ended up having to cancel on Friday. I felt pretty bad because I know that a lot of photographers think that the girl is just flaking out on them when they cancel with such a short notice. So anyways I'm going to try to reschedule the shoot for next month. I'm pretty psyched because the Phoenix Forum is this week (Thursday to Saturday). This will be my first adult convention. Unfortunately Rob will only be able to go with me one day since he has to go to Germany for the Bugatti "253 drive". So looks like I will be latching myself onto Lia (which hopefully she doesn't mind .) My lease for my apartment is going up in mid-May and I'm trying to figure out whether or not I want to move and get a bigger house or if I should just stay (I hate moving!). It looks like it will be a little more expensive to get a house...but it would be bigger. If I do end up moving I definitely want a place that is located close to my school and to Rob's house.
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Old 04-03-2009, 07:51 PM   #57
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April 3, 2009
So this week has been the week of bad luck for me. First off I couldn't really do anything for my webcam show because of "womanly" issues. Then I started to get this weird vein "popping" issue on Tuesday night and could barely sleep because of it. I ended up telling my mom about it and she told me that I needed to go to the E.R. to get it checked out because it might be a blood clot. So I went there by myself (I hate being in hospitals by myself) and waited three hours to be told that I am perfectly healthy and there is nothing wrong with me. This is turn made me kind of upset because now I'm thinking "gawd I am such a hypochondriac." So the doctor ended up calling my mom to explain to her that everything is okay with me and that I am healthy...which was a huge relief to me because maybe now she will finally stop trying to get me to see all these doctors. So because of going to the E.R. I missed my first class of the day (belly dancing) and I've already gotten too many absences in that class. The next class was math...which we ended up having a test in, that I did not study for at all. So I'm sure I failed that. Yesterday the Phoenix Forum started. I was pretty excited until I actually got there and got a yellow wrist band which states that I am under 21. Somebody was able to get me a orange wrist band though...so that was pretty cool. The Phoenix Forum was fun until about 6 PM when I started getting a headache...which turned into a migraine at about 8ish. I went out to dinner with Lia and her friends but had to leave because I was feeling completely terrible. Well all last night was spent in a fever with a pounding migraine, and then I started "sicking up". I was hoping that with enough sleep it would go away but I guess not. As I'm writing this the headache is coming back and I'm still feverish. I hope I didn't get sun stroke or something. Wouldn't be surprised though since I barely get in the sun. So I'm supposed to do three days of this. I don't even want to go today to be honest. But not only am I "representing" for my site and FTV...Tate (our photographer/videographer in training) is supposed to be there doing practice shoots on me. I'm not sure what to do since I've been planning this with him for awhile now and the last thing I want is for him to think I'm flaking out on him. Plus I don't want him to have to shoot Lia because I'm sure Lia wants to have fun and plus I'm sure she won't be staying the whole time. Besides that the Phoenix Forum was fun...though not really my cup of tea. I don't do well in large crowds and especially large crowds where I don't really know anyone. I've realized I am not a social butterfly like Lia. I can't go up to random people and introduce myself and make conversation. Most of the time I don't know what to say...which get's me all flustered because then I think they think I'm being standoffish when in reality I'm just a shy person when I don't know somebody. So anyways I'm starting to feel even worse now and I need to contact Lia and Tate and tell them it's a big possibility I may not be showing up today (at least until I feel better.)

P.S. I was hoping to answer the P.M.'s that have been stacking up for the past four days but I'm not sure I'm even up to that.
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Old 04-07-2009, 11:32 PM   #58
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Apr. 07, 2009
So I think I'm getting sick again. It sucks because it seems like every journal posting for the past month and a half has been about me getting sick. Thankfully it's just a little sore throat...hopefully it won't turn into anything too bad. The Phoenix Forum actually turned out to be a lot of fun. I ended up going back Friday around 5ish and stayed until...well about 5 the next morning. I got to meet a lot of really cool people. I think I'm less shy during the nighttime for some reason. I came back on Saturday around 3. Tate and I were supposed to get some video/photo content at the Forum...but that ended up becoming kind of a nightmare. We did get the content...just not really everything that I wanted. The sun was going down, so we couldn't really continue to shoot. I ended up playing topless dodgeball where if you got hit by the ball you had to take off a piece of clothing...down to your underwear. The first time my team won and I only had to take off my skirt and shirt. The second time we ended up losing and I had to take off everything (I'm blaming it on the fact that we were facing the sun and couldn't see anything.) They had a "strip club" inside the hotel (really it was just a room that they had put a stripper pole in). I got a little crazy and ended up dancing on the pole two times. It was a lot of fun though. Most of the girls were doing that anyways. Most of Sunday was spent recuperating. My brother is in town this week (his school has a very late Spring Break)....need to visit him before he has to go back to DC.

BTW...I noticed that I missed Sundays webcam show. The only reason I figured that out is because my scheduler alarm went off on Monday telling me that I had a webcam show at 7. Well, I'm at school at 7 so I figured that I had accidently set the calendar for Monday not Sunday. Sorry about that you guys.

You can find pics of the Phoenix Forum on here and some of me on here. On the FUBAR site look under "The Forum", "Desert Splash, Poolside Bash", and "Webmaster Dodgeball (Day 2)" to find pictures of me.
Danielle FTV

Last edited by danielle_ftv; 04-07-2009 at 11:47 PM.
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Old 04-18-2009, 10:13 PM   #59
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Apr. 18, 2009
Wow it's been a LONG time since I've written on here. Not much has really happened though. I went to my first rave last Saturday. It was so freaking cool. Funny thing is it was right next to where Rob was racing the Bugatti. They had three different stages but my friends and I really only stayed at the first two. They definitely were playing a pretty eclectic mix of music considering raves generally only play electronica. BTW, I finally caved and signed up for Twitter. What's pretty cool about it is that I can update it from my cell phone...that makes things a million times easier. So if I don't post on here for awhile you guys can always see what I'm doing on Twitter. I already have five followers...yeah! My birthday weekend is going to be insane. I guess that Rob has something planned for me and I'm planning a trip to Vegas May 31st - June 2nd with one group of friends. I know that one of the other group of friends will want to go to Myst at some point (that's where they do all their birthday celebrations.) I never liked the fact that my birthday was at the end of the school year because nobody would ever show up to my birthday parties because they would be on vacation somewhere else. But now I think it's cool because I don't have to worry about being hungover/sleep deprived/etc. and having to going to school. It's so weird...I was going through a bunch of papers on my desk and found my electric bill. When I pay a bill online I always write the confirmation number on it so that I know I've paid it. Well the bill didn't have any conf. number on it and it was due 10 days ago! I'm surprised they haven't turned off my electricity. This is the first time I've ever done that so I'm kicking myself over it.
Danielle FTV

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Old 04-20-2009, 02:59 AM   #60
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Apr. 19, 2009
I just took this really interesting quiz online. It said that I am a "negotiator" personality type with "explorer" being my secondary personality type. I thought it was very interesting because at the bottom they had words that "negotiators" unconsciously use to describe themselves including empathetic, reader, passionate, and real which are all words that I've used to describe myself. This is what it said about me relating to others:

"You dislike conflict. You seek "win-win" solutions. You are good at sharing power and ideas. And you are a master at the art of intimacy-building deep and exciting relationships with others. Nevertheless, you often enjoy solitude or intense interactions with just one individual or a few close friends. And you particularly enjoy people who like to play with abstract theories and ideas, provide insights, search for symbolic meanings in life and relationships and have a broad interest in the world."

I definitely do dislike conflict. And I am really good at sharing ideas and power. That is 100% me.

This is what they said about my personality type in general:

"You see the big picture. You easily take the broad, long view of almost any topic. You are comfortable juggling myriad facts. You tend to synthesize material easily and think in webs of factors, not straight lines. You are imaginative and enjoy ideas.

You are also socially savvy. You are good at both talking and listening. And you generally read people's faces, body postures and tone of voice accurately, so you often intuitively understand what people want and need.

You are also highly compassionate. You care deeply about others. So you are inclined to make personal sacrifices to be a supportive friend and colleague. And you are idealistic and altruistic; you like to work to improve the world.

And you have an adventurous side; you enjoy new ideas and novel experiences and you want to share these with an enthusiastic partner. But you are particularly fond of people who are direct, decisive, focused and tough-minded, people who complement your more flexible, agreeable and affable style."

I do think I am a pretty compassionate person (sometimes to the point where it gets me in trouble.) Not so sure about the "socially savvy" part. I'm a great listener but I don't think I'm all that great of a "talker".

10:05 PM
OMG...OMG...OMG. I just found a site that looks identical to mine...how funny. I guess people like my website design. And guess who's site it is......Renna of FTV. LOLOLOLOL. Freaking awesome!
Danielle FTV

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Old 04-23-2009, 11:31 PM   #61
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Apr. 23, 2009
Freaking Model Mayhem! YOU SUCK! Freaking conformists (raging and ranting here). Somebody made a fuss about my portfolio on Model Mayhem (a modeling portfolio/networking site) and low and behold I get removed. What really gets me though is that they listed a bunch of things they wanted taken off my profile and it included.....the "Middle Men" movie that I was an extra in. Since when does a mainstream movie count as anything ADULT. Motherf@ckers. I am so freaking mad. I put so much effort into that darn profile and they didn't even give me the chance to take down what "offended" them. Stupid Puritans...you wouldn't have to deal with this crap anywhere else in the world.

Other than that I'm doing great. Celtic Woman tonight...whoo-hoo. Plus I have an event filled weekend (I think...my friends need to get back to me on that.) I guess my friends and I will be going to a rave on Friday night, then Saturday we will be having a bbq (that's if we get enough sleep.) Next week I have a test in Geology lab. I think I should do well enough on it.
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Old 05-01-2009, 05:45 AM   #62
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Apr. 30, 2009
Hey everyone...I changed the webcam show from this Sunday to Monday at 3 PM and changed the webcam show on May 15th to 3 PM too because I'm supposed to go to a birthday dinner for my step dad to be.

So I finally put in my two months vacancy notice for my apartment. Now I just have to figure out exactly what it is that I'm going to do about my living situation. I would really like to have room mates since I've never really had room mates before. Today was my Geology lab final so now I am completely done with that class...yeah! I just checked my grades online and it looks like I made a B in that class. That's good but I would rather it have been an A (looks better for med school admission.) Last weekend was a lot of fun. I ended up going to my first desert rave. It was way out in the freaking desert (like 45 minutes away) and we ended up getting lost like three times. It was so funny too because at about two in the morning the rave ended up getting busted by the cops. Everybody was freaking out, running to their cars and driving like maniacs (not that it really would have helped at all since there was only one way out.) My friends threw a bbq on Saturday, which was nice...gave us some time to relax...though I ended up drinking way too much and passed out really early. Sunday we went to Lake Pleasant and rode around on a friend's boat. The guy who owned it ended up getting plastered and was throwing up the whole ride back. This weekend should be interesting too. My friends and I are all doing the lake thing again on Sunday. The rest of the weekend we will probably end up relaxing (I hope.)
Danielle FTV
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Old 05-13-2009, 01:37 AM   #63
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May 13, 2009
So school is finally done...yippee! Now I can finally start making those appointments I've been putting off for the past few months (dentist, tattoo removal, eye check up, etc.) Lately I've gotten a few requests for personal videos. Unfortunately I'm not able to do personal videos/photosets because FTVRob (the photographer/videographer) is too busy to do shooting for anything other than the sites. Of course I can always use the small camera and shoot it myself but it won't be as high quality and won't have the angles that a professional shoot would have. Also I've been getting requests for autographed pictures which I would be perfectly happy to do. Just send me the photo you want autographed, what you want me to put on it, and a postmarked envelope with the address you want it sent to. I was looking on the Ritz Camera website and it looks like 8x12 pictures cost about $3.99 each. I'm assuming a photo envelope costs around $1.50 and I have no idea how much shipping is. Anyways I'm changing my mailing address because I never get the mail from the P.O. box. You can send things to:

Danielle FTV
7631 N 20th St
Phoenix, AZ 85020

that way I actually get them. I've had a few people sending me P.M.'s asking me if I am okay. Let me assure you I am perfectly fine...thank you for the concern . If anything were to happen to me Rob would tell you within a day. If I'm not answering P.M.'s or haven't been on the board in awhile it's probably just because I'm hanging out with my friends or my internet connection isn't working (which happens 90% of the time.) Need to remember to call Cox and have them fix it before I actually move out of my place. Yet again one of my profiles got deleted. Facebook decided to delete the FTV Facebook page and Danielle FTV Facebook page I created. I'm through with putting so much of my freaking time and energy into creating these darn profiles and having them be deleted just because of some conservative a-hole. So far my Model Mayhem profile and both Facebook profiles have been deleted. Now I will be super pi$$ed off if Myspace deletes my Myspace page (not that they have any reason to.)

My 21st birthday is 17 days away...so excited. Right now my sister and I are both 20 years old...thankfully she's matured a little and doesn't use that against me when I tell her to do something (though she still does try to boss me around.) I will probably be attending EDC in LA in late June. Most likely I will only be going to the Friday concert (it's two days...Friday and Saturday) so Saturday will be free. If any of you are in the LA area and would like to meet me on Saturday, June 27th please contact me through P.M. and hopefully I will be able to meet some of my members/fans.
Danielle FTV
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Old 05-24-2009, 08:41 PM   #64
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May 24, 2009
Five more days until my 21st birthday. It's so weird that I'm finally going to be legal....I mean I've been waiting for this for so freaking long. Now I can finally get rid of my friend's I.D. (though my friends still want me to use it until it get's taken away from me...for some reason they find that thought highly amusing). I think one of the biggest advantages to being 21 is that I can finally start to achieve those goals that I listed a few months back (winning awards, etc.) I've been thinking about it and really...I couldn't have done anything about those goals until now (or at least May 29th). You see to win any awards or become a Fleshlight Girl or get into magazines I need to get my name out there. But to do that I need to be able to attend the functions that everyone else is attending and my problem was (or is until my birthday) that all those functions normally include alcohol and so you have to be 21 to attend. I figure what I've been doing up until now has been good enough...but I am definitely going to kick up the self promotion and networking a few notches (well a lot of notches.) I've also been thinking about putting up 24/7 live cams in my apartment (maybe in the living room and my bedroom). I will probably end up doing a "test run" just to see how popular it is and what everyone's opinion of it is. BTW, my internet finally got fixed though it is still kind of screwy. I would like to do one of my webcam shows at my apartment but knowing my luck the internet would turn off on me right in the middle of me masturbating. I just bought a bunch of new toys...two of them were back ordered. Just got one of the back ordered toys yesterday and the other one should arrive sometime this week. I also bought my 4th of July shooting costume and a special toy for it. I also went a little overboard and bought my toys for my Thanksgiving shoot, Christmas shoot, and Easter shoot 2010. I need to do a candid video or video log showing you guys all my new toys. I also need to do a candid video showing you guys my new CHINCHILLAS! They are so freaking cute. I went all the way down past Tucson to a Chinchilla breeder to get them. They are brothers, named Gratch (from the Sword of Truth series) and Taquito (my sister came up with that one.) It's funny because my sister and mom always end up renaming my animals so I just ended up calling my sister to have her name them and she came up with Taquito for one of them (I guess she was eating Taquitos at the time) and a few other names for the other one (Rufus, Ottis, and other weird names that didn't strike me as "right".) Gratch is definitely the more adventurous of the two. I can't really tell them apart yet...I usually figure the first one that comes out to investigate has to be Gratch. Taquito is still getting used to me...he's kind of shy. I ended up doing a bunch of research on Chinchilla's and found out that the cage that the breeder made for them is way too small. So I ended up buying a 60 inch high cage (so 5 feet high). It's about 3 feet long and 2 1/2 feet "deep". So that should be plenty of jumping room for them. I also found out that everything in their cage should be non-plastic...so I'm having custom wooden shelving and houses built for them. I also have to buy them metal feeders for their pellets and hay. They seem to be doing okay right now but I really don't like them being in such a small cage. My family came over the other night after my birthday dinner (the first time they've ever seen my place...though I've lived here for over a year now.) My mom kept on bothering me to take the chinchilla's out but I read that you aren't supposed to take them out of the cage until they are completely tamed. Supposedly this is going to take a few weeks...but they both already take food out of my hands and Gratch has climbed onto my hand before (but I think he was just trying to get out of the cage.) This week is going to be pretty busy for me. I have to get my hair and nails done on Thursday (and I hate getting my nails done...they never do it exactly the way I want it done.) On Friday I'm getting waxed (yeah! what a great b-day present.) And either Thursday or Friday I need to go get Mystic tanned. Friday my friends are supposed to take me out...I guess they plan on getting me drunk, which honestly I'm not really looking foward to. Sunday we leave for Vegas. I'm so excited because I rented a limo to pick us up from the airport. They are supposed to have roses for all the ladies. I also got a two bedroom penthouse suite at the Bellagio with a connecting room (since there is supposed to be about 6 people going.) On Sunday we have a party bus (with stripper poles!) that's going to drive us around and drop us off at random bars/clubs. On Monday we are probably going to go see Anthony Cools, this hypnotist and I'm going to try to talk my friends into going up on stage with me to get hypnotised. I don't plan on gambling because personally I hate losing money and don't want to ruin my trip because we get kicked out of a casino for me throwing a hissy fit (though I'm sure my friends would find that highly amusing.)

BTW...I just want to apologize to everyone about not answering P.M.'s. I'm a procrastinator like crazy...and definitely need to fix that. I figure it would probably be easiest if I answer P.M.'s every other day and put it in my scheduler in my phone so it reminds me to do them. I really irritate myself sometimes when I put off stuff for so long. Not quiet sure why I do it, because in the end I always feel bad and lazy.

I'm taking these diet pills that are really...um...interesting. I've lost about 6 pounds in 10 days being on them. They do have some interesting side effects though. Like sometimes I feel slightly out of breath. You also lose your appetite like crazy and have to force yourself to eat. Your body temperature runs kind of high too. Also you get fairly jittery. My focus isn't spectular on it (though I can manage.) My mom kind of freaked out on me when I told her I was taking them. It's not like I plan on taking them for a super long time. I just want to lose 12-14 more pounds. I understand that I look great now...but I would really like to be at my goal weight. I just think I will feel a lot better about myself if I am. I figure by the end of 2009 I should be at my perfect body weight with great muscle tone, my tattoos should almost be completely faded and my teeth will be fixed. I would like to also get laser hair removal down there...but that would hurt like a biatch!
Danielle FTV

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Old 05-27-2009, 03:40 AM   #65
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May 26, 2009
Hey guys...remember that whole e-Rotic Playboy tv show? Well I'm really interested in having them do a segment on my website but I need people to email and "suggest" it. I would be super appreciative if anyone could email Playboy TV and tell them about my site.

Here is the email address...

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Old 05-27-2009, 11:29 PM   #66
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May 27, 2009
How exciting!!! Tate Hemlock (FTVGirls photographer/videographer in training) just put up a new website. You guys should check it out. There are even some pictures from the Phoenix Forum 2009.


6:06 PM
Damn I guess I "let the cat out of the bag" (I think that's what you guys say.) So I recently found out that I can squirt. I was having a little fun one night (well actually a lot of fun...went on for 3 hours) and for some reason got it into my head that I was going to squirt that night. Well I've researched squirting quiet a bit and watched Geezer's video that he sent "Nina Hartley's Guide to Female Ejaculation"....so I did exactly what they said and ended up squirting. I was kind of freaked out to tell you the truth (but uber excited) so I went in my bathroom and grabbed my "helping hand" toy and this other purple penis dildo and tried to squirt again. Ended up doing it two more times that night. Two nights after I tried it again...though with a video camera so that I could see exactly what was going on down there. Ended up squirting three times....did a smell test, taste test and color test (squirted in the white bathtub for the color test) and came to the conclusion that it really was me squirting. Tried it again the night after and was able to do it again...but for some reason got super paranoid that it was urine not squirt so ended up researching for about five hours. I came to find out that you squirt out of your "pee hole"...it can be different colors (including clear and light yellow...I guess it depends on how much you've squirted)...it's similar to a peeing feeling, and it can have a "pungent" odor. I guess that nobody's squirt liquid is exactly the same. Somebody may squirt completely clear liquid that has a slight odor and that doesn't come out as forcefully and somebody may have yellowish liquid that has no odor that gushes out. I realized that I can't really squirt without something in me...unlike Leslie who can start squirting then take out whatever object she is using and still be squirting. I still have yet to learn about my "squirt timing". My "forcefullness" differs. Like if I've been masturbating a lot I think it's fairly forcefull....but it really kind of differs from one squirt to the next.

I'm still trying to get comfortable with this. In a way this is almost like peeing and personally that is something that is...intimate in a way and not something that I do in front of people. So it may take me a little while to get used to the idea that I can squirt and to do it on camera (in front of Rob...OMG how weird!).
Danielle FTV

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Old 06-05-2009, 11:14 PM   #67
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June 5, 2009
Cancelled the webcam show today. Still sick from Vegas. Will be on here later to answer P.M.'s, threads, and write in my journal about the whole Vegas trip. Going to sleep a little now.
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Old 06-08-2009, 04:02 AM   #68
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I absolutely love that hotel and the service was awesome (and we weren't even staying there!) I definitely think I will be staying at the Wynn or Encore next time. We had way too many problems with the Bellagio's service. The DVD player didn't work correctly so we called someone to come fix it. Well two phone calls and 2 hours later it finally got fixed. Ashley also tried buying a Gatorade out of the vending machine on our floor but I guess it was all sold out. Well I guess there was a sign on the vending machine to call the front desk if there were any problems. Ashley called and they told her that they would send a Gatorade up. Well yet again, another 3 calls and 1 1/2 later she finally gets the Gatorade at double the price of what the vending machine cost. My friend ended up b!tching at the VIP front desk people and we were able to get a $150 food credit and another $200 off the room.

The club XS was amazing. They had super cute go-go dancers in sparkly dresses and the club was HUGE! It was open to the pool so we all laid on these beds that were in the actual pool. As we were walking around this random girl grabbed my hand and started steering me towards this VIP table. I guess her job is to "provide" or get cute girls for VIP tables so they look cooler or something. So that's where my friends and I spent the rest of the night. We ended up leaving around 1ish and went to a sex shop (I guess Dallas wanted a toy.) I suggested a Grrlztoy bullet vibe that I really like but was too drunk to actually locate it so she ended up buying a bullet vibe that she already owns.

At about 11 AM Dallas wakes me up saying that our plane got cancelled. WTF!!! For whatever reason they decided to cancel our flight, so we had to change around our flight time (instead of 6 PM we did a 5 PM flight) and we had to change around our limo pickup. Thankfully there really wasn't any trouble changing everything around. My birthday Vegas trip was awesome. Everyone was commenting on how there was no way they would be able to top it (I definitely think I can.) I just realized that I have been rambling on and on. Not only that but I'm sure if I actually went through and read what I wrote half of it wouldn't make sense. I'm feeling a little funky right now....kind of foggy. Friday night was pretty sweet. My friends and I started off at this hole in the wall bar were I got to order my first cider being legal then we went to American Junkie (this preppy club/bar in old town Scottsdale.) It was fun, though not exactly my type of club, plus there was absolutely no room to sit down unless you had a table. Saturday night I went to the Persian Room and ate way too much like I normally do there.

This week is going to be crazy! My friends are all inviting me to stuff now. I'm supposed to go to Dave and Busters with the Dallas group on Monday, then Tuesday I'm going to dinner with friends. Wednesday I'm supposed to go to old town Scottsdale with another group of friends. Then Thursday the Dallas group and that other group are going to see Paul Van Dyk. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday haven't been planned out yet...but I've already been told either Myst, the W, and random day parties. I really don't think I'm going to be able to keep up with all my friends. Partying is hard and honestly I'm just not all that into it. My friends keep telling me that if I want to meet new people and make new friends that I need to stop holing myself off with my chinchillas and books. I will be putting up the pictures of my 21st bday celebration as soon as I can get them all from my friends...so maybe sometime next week.
Danielle FTV

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Old 06-08-2009, 04:03 AM   #69
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June 7, 2009
So I finally feel up to doing computer stuff (P.M.'s, emails, etc.) I guess I must have caught something on the airplane ride back to Phoenix. Personally I think it's swine flu...jk. But it's definitely lasted a long enough time. Some of the people who came with me to Vegas also have it. Anyways, let me tell you guys about my birthday and Vegas. On my birthday I went to T. Cook's for dinner, then out with my friends to "The Vig" (a sassy restaraunt/bar next to my gym...they always steal my parking spots.) After that we went to Bourbon Street, a 21 and older strip club that my friends like to go to. We had to wait outside for about 20 minutes until they could find seats for us, while they let everyone else inside. We ended up sitting in the back of the club where you could barely see anything. The girls were so-so...way too fake for my taste. I think there was probably about 15 girls working there that night and I only thought 3 of them were attractive. I ended up getting 4 dances from 2 of the girls (my third time ever getting a lap dance.) There was a guy that got to go onstage and get dances from about 6 girls at once. I wanted to do that but my friends ended up talking me out of it saying that there would be a better club in Vegas with less rules where I could get a stage dance.

Anyways the next day (Saturday) I pretty much spent answering P.M.'s and fooling around. Ended up taking a nap at 8 PM (my friends thought this was highly amusing) then finally got packed and over at my friends house at 10 PM. The next day we woke up at 8...our flight leaving at 10. I don't know who's idea it was to head out at 9. Both Dallas and I wanted to stop for McDonalds on the way to the airport, but thankfully I suggested waiting until we got to the airport. Our friend also wanted to park in long term parking because of the cost (long term would only be $30 or so, short term was $75) but I told them that I would pay for the short term parking. It's a good thing that we parked in short term because we wouldn't have made our plane. We had bags to check in and only about 50 minutes before our flight took off and the South West line was LONG. We were able to check in the luggage 30 minutes till but were told that there was a possibility that it was too late and the baggage would be put on the next flight. I was pretty irritated by then from having waken up a lot earlier than what I'm used to and not having eaten anything, plus if our baggage was late then the limo service I hired would also have to be pushed back (if it were even possible.)

Anyways the luggage did arrive. I had hired a Cadillac Escalade limo and all the girls got a rose. They also had 2 bottles of champagne that we somehow ended up polishing off by the time we got to the Bellagio. We made a pit stop at a liquor store...my first time going into a liquor store I think. I was on a mission to get port wine but they didn't have any. I ended up doing some candid video during the flight and in the limo and liquor store. I was planning on doing more but the camera charge went out. We arrived at the Bellagio at noonish and got to check in at the VIP check in room. Only one of the rooms was ready (the connecting room to the penthouse 2 bedroom suite.) We were told that the penthouse would be ready at 3 so we decided to go eat and gamble a little. Since we were "VIP" we also got a pass to get in the front of the line for the buffet and cafe (who knew that you would need a front line pass for a buffet?) I think people were definitely irritated that we got to go up to the front of the line so easy...some guys behind us made a comment about it. The buffet was freaking awesome! I tried California sushi rolls (I think that's what they are called) and boy were they yummy. I don't really like sushi or fish but for some reason I was feeling really adventurous. I also tried smoked salmon and that was also freaking delicious. Enough with the food talk...it's making me hungry. I did gamble a little bit...ended up playing roulette with $30 and when I lost that I was done. Gambling is definitely not for me. I cannot stand losing money, I would much rather spend it on something I can keep or on an experience (though I guess gambling is an experience in a way.) Dallas ended up spending $300 on gambling, and she didn't win anything....but she love gambling, mostly playing roulette though. We all ended up crashing out in the smaller room until about 5 PM. By this time we were all p!ssed that the penthouse wasn't ready for us (I mean they had said 3 originally). It was so funny though we called them and they told us the room was ready, but when we looked in the hallway we could see the housecleaners still cleaning the room. Finally we were able to get into the room...it was definitely worth the money. The view was awesome...though honestly I think it would have been totally cool to have a view of the fountains, but that's okay.

Dallas and I went to the MAC store to get our makeup done and I ended spending the gift card she gave me and $50 extra on makeup I really didn't need. My makeup looked AWESOME! Definitely completely different from what I normally do. They did a smoky purple eye on me with super long fake eyelashes. We had to hurry back to the hotel to get ready for the party bus that was going to pick us up at 9. Of course girls being girls...Dallas and Keley were both a tad bit late. The party bus was so cool. It had all sorts of different lights, 2 stripper poles, and a fog machine in it. The windows were pretty darkly tinted so you could barely see inside. It was funny watching people's expression as they would see these girls dancing around. Our first stop was Margaritaville. They gave me a tequila birthday shot. We got an awesome picture of me doing it....I look like I'm going to puke but it definitely did not taste good at all. After that we went to Coyote Ugly were I ended up going onstage and got another birthday shot. I'm a light weight for sure...so by the time we left Coyote Ugly I was kind of slurring my words and stumbling around. My friend bought a pretzel and I've got to say that was the best freaking pretzel I have ever tasted.

We drove around some more since we really didn't know where we wanted to go. The driver ended up stopping at the famous "welcome to Vegas" sign which I thought was an absolute brilliant idea. We then went to "old town" Vegas...or maybe it was "downtown" Vegas...by this time I really wasn't paying attention to anything other than Dallas/Keley/Ashley's boobs and the stripper pole. We stopped by this hole in the wall bar then walked around for a bit. I found this awesome magazine showing women that you can hire. I was totally down for it, but somehow changed my mind and decided that I wanted to go to a very lenient strip club. I'm very indecisive when I'm drinking so sometime on the way to the strip club I decided that we needed to go back to the hotel to drop off the alcohol we had brought with us. Only half of the group went up to the room so Dallas, Ashley and I were left in the bus. I remember dancing around while replaying the song "Poker Face" over and over again. People kept on peering into the bus as they would walk by. I invited them all in, but I guess they weren't interested.

The last stop of the night was Drei's (supposedly the best after hours club in Vegas). We got there at about 1ish in the morning but I guess it wasn't open until 1:30 or something. We ended up walking around a bit until 1:30 then went back to Drei's...well it wasn't opening until 2. Drei's didn't end up opening until 2:15ish I think. The owner was nice enough to give us free shots and....bottled water! I guess that bottled water there costs like $8 a bottle. I met a guy who works at Cirque Du Soleil Mystique. I could just tell by looking at him that he was a Cirque guy. There was also this funny guy that kept putting a glass in the middle of the dance floor and would proceed to dance around it in a little Greek/Russian dance. Then another girl started dancing around it too and would sit there and shake her finger "no" at it. It was by far one of the weirdest things I've ever seen. We didn't get back to the hotel until about 5 in the morning.

The next day I don't think any of us were really up for anything but we ended up waking up fairly early (at least for me it was early). Everyone decided that we needed to venture out to find breakfest...personally I would've much rather ordered in. We went to this Denny's like diner that ended up costing more than what it would've cost to do in room dining...plus the food wasn't all that great. I ended up crashing out again before my friends finally pulled me out of my bed at about 1 PM I think (I honestly don't remember the times very well). We went to a cute little cafe in the Bellagio were I got a antipasto plate for $20. Ashley and her boyfriend had to leave that day because they had to work on Tuesday. We all ended up going back to the room and crashed out for another few hours. I had wanted to go see this hypnotist Anthony Cools, but somehow we ended up getting sidetracked and missed his show (I think we might have slept through it.) That night we went to XS at the Encore.

Danielle FTV
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Old 06-23-2009, 12:40 AM   #70
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June 22, 2009
I really think I may have some sort of immuno-deficiency disorder. Ever since my Vegas trip I have been sick. First it was some sort of nasal infection that caused me to caugh up my lungs for a couple weeks. Then last Thursday I got really sick...throwing up, not able to sit up without feeling nauseous. I even started throwing up blood! I ended up sleeping through my webcam show and woke up at about 8ish on Friday and was finally able to get something in my stomach and keep it down. Next week I have several doctor's appointments so hopefully we can figure out exactly what's going on with me. I just don't want to have my blood drawn, which I know is going to end up happening. But I guess I'm not the only one sick...my nephew recently was admitted to the hospital. My sister was in Texas for a couple weeks and on the day she was supposed to head home my nephew started getting sick and had a fever. My sis took him to the hospital and they ended up admitting him to PICU (pediatric intensive care unit.) I guess they were monitoring his heart and he also ended up having some sort of infection. I hope to God that I didn't end up passing anything to him. Not sure what is happening now since I can't seem to get a hold of my sister or mom. I'm a little freaked out right now because I've been trying to get ahold of my mom for more than a day now and haven't been able to reach her on either her cell phone or work phone. I guess I'll give it till the end of today before I go over to her house and see if she's okay.

I tried extending my lease on my current apartment a couple weeks ago, but I guess after I put in my two months notice to vacate that somebody snatched my apartment up. Luckily I was able to make a deal with the apartment people....I will be moving into a two bedroom apartment for the price of a one bedroom. The only problem is that A)it's on the first floor and I can't stand noisy neighbors/loud stompers and B)that I actually have to move all of my crap into the new apartment. I still have yet to book the movers....I've called them and emailed them but we seem to be playing phone tag. The 25th is going to be super hectic. I have the movers coming to move, cable/electric/gas people coming to turn things on, and carpet cleaners coming hopefully after the movers. Trying to organize all of this is pretty difficult. And unfortunately it all has to be done on the 25th since the 26th to the 28th is EDC.

EDC (Electric Daisy Carnival) should be a lot of fun...though it's going to be a long weekend. I guess it starts at 4 PM and ends at 2 AM on Friday and on Saturday it goes from 4 PM to 4 AM. My friend is talking about going at 4 PM on Friday but unforunately there is no reentry when you enter and personally it doesn't sound like fun to stay there for 10 hours straight. The girls are all planning on dressing up. I bought a fairy costume for Friday night (Dallas is going to wear a Mardi Gras outfit) and on Saturday night I'm wearing a 20's flapper costume while Dallas is going as a sexy mobster. I guess the only thing that is going to suck about going to EDC will be the drive. One of my friends didn't have enough money to pay for a plane ticket so instead of letting her be bored driving by herself I told her that I would drive with her. It's a fairly long drive...about 6 hours I think, so we will probably have to wake up fairly early (or at least early for me.)

One of my members was supposed to visit me from out of the country. He had the flight booked, hotel booked and everything set up. He made it fine into the country...but unfortunately was stopped by US customs. I guess that they were suspicious of him coming to America to visit me....they ended up sending him back! I understand that we are just trying to keep bad people out, but personally I find some of the security measures we put in place completely idiotic. Hopefully I don't get in trouble in writing this. I just think it's funny that we are kicking people out that are going to end up spending well needed money here...I mean hello, aren't we in a serious financial deficit?

Oh yeah...I forgot to tell everyone what Rob is giving me for a birthday/Christmas gift...he's going to pay to get my teeth fixed! I'm so excited about it. Unfortunately it will be kind of expensive (that's why I never really was able to have it done.) I'm going to get implants (and no, not the boob ones), my teeth shaped and my teeth whitened. I really cannot wait to see the final product.

Also one of my birthday gifts was a BIRTHDAY VIDEO LOG made by Grande351, Geolarson 2, Lia, Geezer, Missy and Tigger, Anoree, and Rob. I wanted to wait to put it up until I got permission from everyone on it that it was okay to post it. It is by far one of the best birthday gifts I could have ever gotten...I totally started tearing up when I watched it. Thank you guys....you are the best fans/members/friends a girl could ever have.
Danielle FTV
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Old 06-23-2009, 08:47 PM   #71
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June 23, 2009
So my mom is okay and wasn't abducted by aliens or anything. I finally got ahold of her yesterday night. My nephew is out of the hospital now. I guess he had RSV and some other virus but is doing fine now. My sister and him should be coming back from Texas sometime this week. My brother is coming in on Saturday from DC for a few weeks. Should be nice to see him again. Today I need to get my nails done, get boxes for packing, call the moving people and set up a time with them, and get my costumes/packages for EDC from the apartment office. Freaking out a little bit right now. I hate moving and personally I feel like it is way too stressfull.
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Old 07-01-2009, 07:28 AM   #72
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June 30, 2009
Um...yeah. I think I just saw my chinchillas humping each other. I hope to gawd that crazy chinchilla lady didn't give me a female and male. I've been listening to the same song over and over again (about 13 times so far.) I tend to do that a lot when I'm on the computer.

So EDC was awesome! The drive was horrible. People are seriously scary on the road. Supposedly I also tail gate (I think that's complete b.s. though.) I know I'm a pretty aggressive driver but at least I don't flip people off or anything...I just honk a lot and yell (but with the window up.) I would fit in with New York drivers pretty well I think, if only I wasn't completely freaked out about their driving style. We ended up leaving at about 10:30 Friday morning and got to the Standard hotel in downtown L.A. at 6ish. We had to make quiet a few stops because one of my friends had a dog. Driving around L.A. was a complete nightmare. I had my friend who used to live in L.A. switch off with me and drive us to the hotel and even then I swore I was going to have a heart attack.

We got to EDC at the L.A. colliseum at 8ish. There was a butt load of people there and a bunch of them were dressed up in crazy costumes. Dallas and I went as mobster chicks the first night. I was supposed to wear a 20's flapster outfit...but unfortunately I ordered the costume online and it didn't fit at all and a string ended up breaking off anyways. So another $140 later and I got the mobster costume. Our other friend Kelly went as a sexy school girl. I tried telling my friends that went with me that it was supposed to get down to 64 degrees at night but I don't think they really understood how cold 64 degrees is (especially Dallas who didn't bring anything other than shorts and skirts) so of course they were freezing cold all night long. We had all bought VIP tickets so we got to stay in the seperate VIP section. They had two free photo booths there. Free alcohol and water. Free hooka. Free airbrush tattoos. Free massages and free candy.

Outside the VIP area they had a bunch of free rides (I didn't go on any though...maybe next year.) A few of us got lost from each other and didn't end up back with the group until two hours later. I guess that the cell phone service there was all screwy. Fortunately I had pretty good service but one of my friends didn't get a text message that was sent at 11 PM until 6 AM the next day. We ended up taking off at 1:30 AM. It actually wasn't too difficult to find a cab (a lot easier than I thought it was going to be.) Only problem was traffic was horrible and I was super nauseous. I so didn't want to throw up in the cab and plus I was sitting between two people. We almost made it to the hotel before I ended up puking in my fedora. The next day I found out that I wasn't the only one who ended up getting sick.

The next day I ended up only getting about 6 hours of sleep...if that. Most of my friends didn't get any sleep at all! Everyone hung out by the pool while I stayed in my room and read a little. Kelly and a few others weren't going the second night of EDC so it was only Dallas, me, and two of our friends. Dallas and I took an hour and a half getting ready (so not my style at all.) I wore this goth fairy costume but ended up leaving off the wings because they would've gotten in the way in the taxi. Dallas was supposed to wear this super skimpy Mardi Gras queen bikini costume but since it was going to get down to 64 degrees again she decided to wear a skimpy pair of shorts and crop top. We got to EDC around 10 PM since traffic was so freaking bad. Our taxi driver scared the hell out of me. My friends were getting irritated because everytime the taxi driver made an illegal move I would comment about it....I would make a total Nazi cop. Supposedly there was over 70,000 people on Saturday night at EDC. I call b.s. and say it was more like 50,000...but it's still a lot.

We meet some more of our friends there and ended up wandering about for an hour before finally getting into VIP. EDC was supposed to go until 4 AM but there was no way I would be able to function for the drive later on that day if I stayed up that late. We had lost one of our friends and could not get a hold of him at all. A few of us ended up leaving around 3ish anyways and I finally got to bed around 4. For whatever reason I ended up waking up at 9 and since checkout was at noon stayed up, read, and got ready. The friend that we couldn't get ahold of did end up making back to the hotel okay. I guess that he also got super sick and ended up throwing up all over some cop's shoes.

I would hate to have been a cop for EDC...actually I feel super bad for the cleaners that have to clean up afterwards. I swear I ended up seeing twenty people puking. One girl ended up passing out in VIP for over an hour and had to have the paramedics get her. I guess the only good thing about being a cleaner is all the crap you find. My friend found a $600 phone on the ground (but he did end up returning it to it's owner.) I know at one point about $50 dropped out of my top but luckily my friends saw it.

The friend that we lost also had a girl with him. I guess that they knew each other and he found her bawling her eyes out somewhere. Her friends had left her at EDC and she had no money and no phone charge left to get a hold of them. The next day she was finally able to get a hold of them...but they had left L.A. for Phoenix! That seriously upset me because she was only 19 years old and had absolutely no way of getting home. I ended up offering her a ride back with us. I'm just thankful that we found her and not some pervert. Kelly was supposed to meet us at the hotel before noon so that we could take off in time. I ended up calling her around 11:30 just to have her tell me that she was with her family about to have lunch and that she would be back at the hotel around 3. My friends were definitely a little irritated. I offered to pick her up but I guess that she was an hour out of the way and it would've added two hours onto our already long a$$ drive. Luckily she was able to have her mom buy her a plane ticket home. I was super tired and the last thing I wanted (or could even manage) to do was drive home. One of our friends ended up driving the whole way back which I thought was really cool...but then again they were the most sober/awake out of all of us. We ended up having to go back to the hotel because the girl forgot her phone in my friends room. We got back to Phoenix at 7:30ish. We had to stop a few times because one of our friends had to be sick.

It took me until today to recover from EDC. It's funny too because Dallas and that whole group are already talking about going to the Scottsdale clubs on Wednesday...then partying in Scottsdale on Saturday for 4th of July. Plus I know they are going to want to party on Friday night. It's way too expensive to party like they do (and I make way more money then any of them.) Plus I feel like I'm going to ruin my body and looks with all the partying and staying up late (though I always make sure I get enough sleep.)

I'm almost finished unpacking. I need to get a bookcase, a nightstand, two lamps, and a full or queen size bed at some point. It'll be nice to have an extra room for guests to stay in. I thought the kitchen looked pretty small and that all my dishes wouldn't fit in it, but surprisingly they all do and I have a little room left over. My chinchilla's seem to really like the new place...at least they aren't really peeing all over the wall like they used to. Some of the houses and shelves that are supposed to go into their new cage is ready to be shipped. I just have to pay the chinchilla supply cage through PayPal and PayPal is giving me trouble right now. I guess that my credit card that I use is not through the right account or something like that. What a headache! I will probably end up just writing a check...but I have to order checks first. I can't really tell if the internet here is better or not. It was going kind wacky earlier today. I'm going to have Cox come out and check to make sure it's okay. The last thing I need is a repeat of last week's webcam show and unfortunately I can't use the FTV houses because Rob is in Hawaii. I got an upgrade in internet service so hopefully that will help out. I also have cable now. I have something called On Demand where you can order porn! It's amazing.

I need to get a hold of that tattoo removal place. I'm probably out of sessions by now. I've called them before but they were supposed to call back and never did. I also need to get my car checked out to make sure that long trip didn't do any damage. I'm kind of a hypochondriac when it comes to my car.
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Old 07-07-2009, 03:22 AM   #73
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July 6, 2009
I'm not going to lie...4th of July kind of sucked for me this year. Dallas and some of her work buddies were hanging out at the Mondrion pool all day and invited me to join them. Personally not exactly my idea of fun. Plus I knew that if I was out drinking from noon till 8 PM I would be completely sick and probably have a sun stroke (which tends to happen if I spend more than 5 minutes in the sun.) So I declined and planned on meeting up with them for dinner at 8. Couldn't get ahold of Dallas until 7:30 PM and finally got to the hotel at 8:15ish. Couldn't find the room (The lobby/valet parking is in a complete seperate area from the hotel rooms) and Dallas couldn't seem to give me a straight answer on where she was located. Finally got to Dallas's room where we waited for 20 minutes while everyone tried to figure out what where stuff was, where we were going to go, etc. I was a little irritated because everyone was telling me that they wanted to go to the Pussycat Lounge...I guess they got a table and bottle service at a discount...but Dallas and I had already made plans to go to Saddle Ranch for dinner a few days before.

So anyways I hop into a with two of my friends that I had brought and just head over to Saddle Ranch since I was being told that nobody wanted to go there, blah blah blah. Luckily Dallas didn't ditch me and did end up showing up with three of her friends while the rest of the group went to PCL (where I guess they thought we were heading.) Saddle Ranch has the best dessert menu ever (well after Cheesecake Factory that is.) They have a $20 cotton candy, chocolate chip cookie and sundae dessert (and no I didn't get that.) Dallas's date/friend ended up riding the mechanical bull (the same one I rode in my short black cocktail dress last year) like 20 times and ended up tearing his thumb open. Everywhere in Scottsdale was pretty dead...I guess that everyone was too tired from day partying to venture out to old town. I got a chocolate chip cookie in one of those griddle pan things with vanilla ice cream on top (good gawd I'm getting hungry.) For whatever reason they ended up bringing out a three foot high cotton candy for us too. Dallas's date was so sh!t faced that we played a joke on him and told him that it was my 21st birthday that day (probably a mistake since he started telling everyone it was my birthday and kept trying to get me free drinks.)

We ended up at American Junkie (a "hip" Scottsdale bar/club where all the preppies/guppies seem to congregate.) The only thing I really like about the place is that they actually have food and they actually have a drink menu (I never know what to order since I just turned 21, so I always rely on my friends to suggest drinks.) I ended up ordering a mojito which was pretty tasty I must admit. Honestly it was pretty lame. On one side we have Dallas being thoroughly embarassed my her date and on the other side we have one of my guy friends and his current fling having relationship "issues". She's completely hammered and is what my guy friend calls a "sloppy drunk" (which pretty much means she's going around kissing everyone, flirting with random guys, confessing her undying love to my guy friend, and crap like that.) He's irritated because this is the second time that she's pulled this on him. So he goes off and starts flirting with Dallas's friends that she brought one of whom is a "95.5%" (in her words) lesbian. I told him this but supposedly he thinks he can "turn" any girl. Mmmmk then.

Dallas ended up leaving at some point without informing any of us (which definitely freaked me out since I had assumed babysitter status.) I guess she was so embarassed by her date that she just left with him to go back to the hotel. The guy friend ended up also leaving with his date and Dallas's friends also without telling me. All in all it just wasn't that much fun. I would've much rather have hung out with my mom and brother (we always do 4th of July at my mom's friends house who lives out near Phoenix International Raceway...they have an awesome view of the fireworks.) I really only got to see one firework and that was while walking to Dallas's hotel room. I guess they were shooting off the fireworks almost directly over the hotel. Kind of freaked everyone out...almost everyone thought someone was shooting a gun outside (pretty laughable in old town Scottsdale.) But it was pretty loud though...the valet guy freaked out and almost hit the floor when one of the fireworks went off .

I'm supposed to do dinner with the family on Thursday. Still not sure when my sister is supposed to come back from Texas. Hopefully soon because I actually kind of miss her. Probably not going to do anything this weekend. I really need a weekend to relax and just have some "me" time.

BTW...I finally fixed the 4th of July zip file. Not exactly sure what happened. Ended up having to completely redo the zip file and upload it (which didn't take as long as I thought it was going to.) Need to call Cox and have them help me do/fix the wireless router. I followed all the directions they gave me but it still screwed up on me (and honestly I would really like to be able to move my laptop around my place.)
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Old 07-08-2009, 12:51 AM   #74
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July 7, 2009
Just got back from the new Wet N' Wild water park. It was pretty fun and I even got a slight tan! Probably going to take my brother there sometime while he's in town. I had to move the webcam show on Thursday to Friday because I have to take my brother to a doctor's appointment. For whatever reason my mom loves to schedule all my brothers doctors appointments while he is in town instead of letting his dad do it.
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Old 07-10-2009, 07:48 PM   #75
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July 13, 2009
Yet again I have to move the webcam show. It's now on Monday July 13th at 4:00 PM. I just feel like complete crap and I'm starting to wonder if maybe I might be allergic to my chinchilla's and that's why I've been constatly sick for the past two months. Honestly I really don't know. I read that you are more likely to be allergic to the dust and hay that the chinchilla's need. Of course it could also be that weird nasal infection that I got after my birthday that I someone contracted again. I guess I really will have to go to the doctor's and figure out what the heck is wrong with me. And I might as well get an allergy panel done like I also said I would.

My mom and brother decided to take an impromptu trip to Texas today. It's weird because that is totally unlike my mom to up and leave like that with no planning.
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Old 07-15-2009, 08:58 PM   #76
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July 15, 2009
So I guess I have bronchitis. The doctor gave me a prescription for an inhaler, antibiotics, and cough syrup with Codeine in it for when I need to sleep. Hopefully I can get better soon. Other than that nothing much is happening. Dallas invited me out tonight to a invite only party in old town Scottsdale. Don't really want to go but I haven't seen Dallas in a while so I probably should go.
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Old 07-22-2009, 04:53 AM   #77
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July 21, 2009
Stupid computer completely deleted my first journal entry I wrote when I was trying to do a spell check. Anyways...so my internet should be completely fixed now. The internet guy did some computer magic and made my wireless router work...I am now typing this as I'm laying in bed...naked!...that's hardly unusual considering I'm almost always naked. I'm listening to some awesome Renaissance music while my eyes keep going cross eyed. I've realized that I'm probably going blind (and damn quick at that.) If it's not one problem it's another. I can't figure out if my glasses are helping me or making it worse. Looks like I will have to schedule my annual eye exam for next week. My step-father-to-be is back in town from England...and he even brought my little step-brother-to-be. I will probably take him and my brother to Dave and Buster's or maybe even the new Wet n' Wild here.

My mom wants to do a whole family dinner together this week. It will be nice to see my sister and little nephew after so long. I've realized that reading is a seriously expensive hobby (unless you have awesome fans that send you book store gift cards .) I got my library card renewed about two months back but borrowed books from the library once. For whatever reason I just like owning the books even though I don't read a book more than once and usually tend to donate them to the library after I've collected too many. Reading my journal posts I've realized that I am seriously random sometimes. I'm sure it's kind of confusing sometimes when I start talking about one thing then just jump to another topic all of a sudden...but you guys have probably gotten used to it by now.

I really need to remember to ask my mom about the family reunion at dinner this week (I should really probably just call her since I probably won't remember to ask until Thursday night.) I got a folder envelope from a family member in Texas and I thought it was about the reunion but it was only a huge list of everyone's information. Not sure what I'm going to do about the adult conventions. I really would like for one of my friends to come with me (I hate flying by myself) but every seems to be broke! My friend Dallas is getting her boobs done (for whatever reason she is insecure about them even though I think she is freaking hot and doesn't need them). She's telling me that she needs to save up $14,000...$8,000 for the boobs and the rest for spending money...for a month! I was like what!!! $6,000 spending money for a month....really? She lives rent free! She's too funny.

I bought a bunch of new cute bra and undie sets. I've realized that almost every bra that I own has been worn for a shoot so I needed to change things up a bit. Also there is a very big chance that I will be going to New York in the next few months. One of my friends has an apartment there and I have another friend that travels there like once a month, so I will probably go with her on her next trip. Cool, my spell check works now. It just told me that I spelled the word "undie" wrong...uh whatever.
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Old 08-01-2009, 04:25 AM   #78
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July 31, 2009
So I had a shoot today for my website. Only got one candid video, one pro video, and two pro photosets (definitely not as much as I would have liked to have gotten.) A photographer/videographer who has shot content for FTVGirls "assisted" the shoot today. He was pretty cool and took some great photos of me. It's 9 PM and I'm not sure if I'm going out or not. Dallas hasn't called me yet so I'm assuming it will probably be a no. Wenesday night we did a girls night out. Ended up going to Pearl for sushi. That was kind of my first time eating sushi and my first time ever drinking sake bombs. I don't really care for sake...tastes a little too funny to me. And I definitely do not care for it being warm (which Dallas and the rest of them prefer.) I ended up drinking way too much that night (four sake bombs, a "porn star" martini, and two and a half red bull/vodkas.) Both Dallas and I spent all night when we got home being sick though I don't think it was from drinking too much...it was probably from the sushi.

Last Friday I went to Axis/Radius with the whole Dallas group. Dallas's room mate Mike had friends in town from California, so we ended up partying all night long. I didn't get any sleep that night (neither did Dallas.) Saturday we had to go to the Mondrian hotel for a pool party. It was pretty fun considering how tired I was and how much I dislike being in the sun. Didn't end up drinking at all that day because I knew I would be seriously sick if I was drinking and in the sun. Saturday night we had to go to Axis/Radius again for our friend Kelley's birthday party. I was completely exhausted by this point but didn't want to not attend her birthday since she had attended mine. We lost both Dallas and Kelley for like an hour. The rest of the group wanted to leave without them but I told them we couldn't because I had their purses which had their cell phones and money in it. We finally found them after awhile...I guess that some pervy old guy dragged them up to the VIP and wouldn't let Kelley go. So I finally ended up getting to sleep around 2ish in the morning. I got a call around 3:30 from Dallas telling me to come to some club for afterhours. Yeah right!

Sunday I'm supposed to go to the Salt River for tubing with the Dallas group. The last time I did that was when I was 18 and I ended up coming home completely sick from the sun and heat and with terrible sunburns all over my body. I definitely need to buy water shoes because last time my flip flops fell off and got lost so I had to have a guy carry me around so I wouldn't burn my feet on the 200 degree rocks. I'm already stocking up on 70 SPF sunscreen so hopefully I won't get sunburned. School starts pretty soon here. I'm excited but not at the same time. I'm going to miss not really having any responsibilities but then it will be nice to actually keep busy during the week. I'm planning a trip out to LA for Nocturnal festival in late September and for Monster Madness in late October. Should be pretty exciting. I'm also thinking about taking a trip to San Diego sometime this month. I told Dallas that's what I would do for her birthday present. It will be nice just to get away from this damn heat.
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Old 08-08-2009, 08:38 AM   #79
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Aug. 8, 2009
So I am doing a vote/poll on hiring Sarah Blake for the girl/girl shoot with me. I figure this is probably the only way to get Rob to hire her back. I have a busy couple months ahead of me. I'm going to San Diego next week the 13th to the 16th (my present for Dallas's birthday.) We are staying at the Hardrock hotel. I've never stayed at a Hardrock before so hopefully it's nice. The only sucky thing is that we have to leave super early on Sunday since Dallas has some spa thing with her mom at 11 AM.

The 4th to 7th of September we are going to LA for our friend's birthday. It's a long weekend for us since Labor Day is on Monday. I guess we are staying at the Roosevelt Hotel there (the one that is haunted.) Our friend said that there is always a celebrity or two there so maybe I will end up seeing Stuart Townsend or somebody equally hot. The 25th to 27th of September we are all going to San Bernadino for Nocturnal Festival. I think we are staying at this super cute resort called the Mission Inn. Dallas wants to dress up so I think we are going to do some type of "nocturnal/dream" theme. Probably something like fairy tale princesses or fairies.

The 2nd to the 4th of October we are going to Big Bear, CA for Oktoberfest. I suggested that all the girls dress up in beer garden girl costumes. The 30th of October to 1st of November we are going to LA for Monster Massive. I think we are staying at the Roosevelt again (that is if we like it when we go in September.) Dallas's birthday is this week. Tomorrow I guess we are either going to Creme or American Junkie and then she wants to do some pool party on Sunday. I do not plan on drinking at all on Sunday since I tend to get sick when I'm in the heat/sun and drinking. Monday we have to go shopping for clothes for San Diego. I need to get new dresses since I've worn pretty much every dress out several times. Wednesday I'm probably going to get my hair done since it's been a few months now. I have about three inches of roots showing (not that it looks bad.)
Danielle FTV

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Old 08-12-2009, 08:17 PM   #80
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Aug. 12, 2009
Dangit...I was looking foward to testing out the 24 hour webcam show (though in reality it was only going to be 16 hours this time.) I asked Chris (Lagwagon) if everything would be okay if I did it and he told me that the servers would "tank". I was pretty excited about doing this....hopefully I can figure out a way to make it work. I guess the good thing about this is that now I can try to find wireless cameras to put around my home for when I can do the 24 hour webcam show. That way I won't have to carry my computer around with me everywhere. So the webcam show is switched to noon tomorrow.
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Old 08-18-2009, 06:54 AM   #81
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Aug. 17, 2009
OMG...I'm so pissed. I totally just spent an hour (well not that long) writing in my journal about my San Diego trip and somehow pressed a button that completely erased everything. Grrr....fine...I'm going to take a break, eat something and do this tomorrow. F'ing irritating!
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Old 08-18-2009, 11:13 PM   #82
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Aug. 18, 2009
Okay so take two.

San Diego was awesome. Dallas and I are talking about moving there in a year (once we can save up enough money.) It was just so chill and we had an absolute blast. Thursday day was spent rushing around trying to get everything sorted out at the last minute. What really sucked is that my phone went completely psycho on me and for about an hour I was getting no service (until Dallas worked some magic on it by rubbing it on her boobs and taking out the battery.) We got to the airport pretty early (about two hours ahead of time) and went to Chile's for food and margaritas (I love being 21!) Dallas and I had the brilliant idea to buy a porn mag (Hustler) and sit between some random guy on the plane and pass it between us. Waiting in line to board the plane I saw a girl who looked exactly like Lia but I figured it most likely wasn't her (she was wearing really big sunglasses.) The flight there wasn't too bad. We sat next to an older gentlemen who kept taking peeks at the Hustler. Dallas kept on insisting that he take a look at it (freaking hilarious!)

When we landed and got our baggage I saw the Lia look-a-like again. Surprise, surprise...she was Lia. I guess all her friends were hanging out in San Diego and at the Hard Rock hotel clubs (called 207 I think.) We ended up taking a cab ride to the hotel together. Our room at the Hard Rock was pretty standard. The Hard Rock is definitely the place to stay if you are into clubbing and the nightlife. The hotel had two clubs (Float and 207)...we ended up at Float the first night. There was some promo event going on called Night School for Girls by Hypnotiq which was great since they were offering free drinks. Dallas and I realized pretty darn quick that San Diego nightclub drinks are expensive. For two drinks we paid $28 compared to the $16 in Scottsdale. We saw one of the guys from the band LMFAO. He was pretty busy so unfortunately we weren't able to get a picture with him. We ended up crashing out pretty late (and pretty drunk). I remember being in a half sleep and hearing some people outside singing at the top of their lungs for like an hour. Not only that but it seemed like they were singing the same chorus over and over again. People were yelling at them to shut up...pretty amusing! Not only were people singing and yelling for hours but I kept on hearing this weird bell every five minutes or so. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what it was...it kind of sounded like a fire alarm. I thought about getting up and making sure there wasn't a fire in the hotel but couldn't stand the thought of actually getting out of bed. I later found out that it was the trolley/train bell and not someone constantly pulling the fire alarms.

We woke up pretty late the next day and ended up walking around the gas lamp district. We ate at this cute Mexican restaurant and then walked around some more. I think altogether we walked about 4 or 5 miles (I still have blisters on my feet from that walk.) We went down to the pier where I saw my dream boat. It's called the "Star of India" and it looks like a big *** pirate ship. I've decided that when I win the lottery I will buy that boat (or something similar) and use it as a party boat. I will also have my crew dress in full pirate regalia. They have a lot of cute little restaurants in San Diego. There was this one place called The Spaghetti Factory that smelled so good that I definitely have to go to next time. That night we ended up at Float again. We stayed there for a few hours before venturing down to 207. It was fun but they weren't playing the best music ever (mostly hip hop.)

For whatever reason Dallas and I got it into our heads that we had to go to a sex shop. We walked around the gas lamp district looking for one but everything seemed to be closed. We ended up going back to the hotel and asked a guy at the MaryJane café if he could find one for us that was open. I'm sure that was probably one of the weirdest requests he had gotten in a long time. He ended up finding one for us. We ended up buying a flogger, vibrator, a truth and dare game, some massage oil, and my porn video. It was pretty weird watching the video since I had never seen it before. Pretty much the whole time I was critiquing myself. There was some funny *** bloopers on the DVD which we also watched. I ended up crashing out while Dallas continued watching the porn.

Saturday we went to Pacific Beach and ate at this seaside resturaunt. They had the best mojitos ever! I think we actually ended up ordering a lot of food (stuffed mushrooms, baked brie, quesadillas, tacos, grilled artichokes.) I always lose 5 - 10 pounds when I'm partying with Dallas and the group. The seem to barely eat during the weekends. That night we were planning on only going out for a few hours (our flight was at 8:15 the next morning so we needed to wake up at 6:15.) I knew that we were going to end up staying out really late. We decided to venture out from the hotel clubs and ended up going to Sidebar. It's a pretty sweet club, kind of reminds me of the Pussycat Lounge in Scottsdale. They had pictures of naked body parts all over the walls and the stamps that they put on our wrists to get in said "sex" which I thought was pretty original. We stayed out until about 1:30 in the morning before deciding to go home. Dallas was too drunk to walk and my feet hurt so we ended up taking one of those little bike cab things which I told Dallas would be expensive. I think it ended up costing us $20 or something like that to go like half a mile. Dallas was irritated but I thought it was pretty amusing. We had to pack our stuff and straighten up the room so we didn't get to bed until 3ish or so.

Dallas was pretty sick the next morning. Surprisingly enough I didn't feel that bad (just sleep deprived.) Unfortunately Dallas wouldn't be able to sleep when she got home because she was supposed to go with her mom to get a massage, facial, and do lunch. The cab ride home was a nightmare. I'm not sure how Dallas was able to keep from throwing up but she did. The cab driver did not like us at all I'm sure.

So next month is the Hollywood Roosevelt for our friend's birthday. Dallas and I are going up on Thursday and leaving on Monday. I think we may drive....but honestly that's such a long sucky drive and I hate driving in LA (LA drivers scare the hell out of me.) At the end of September is Nocturnal festival. We go there on Friday and stay until Sunday. Dallas and I are talking about dressing up for it. I think we may end up doing a cat and mouse theme, Alice in Wonderland, or 70's theme. On Friday my mom is getting married. I'm super excited for her. This is her third time getting married...and you gotta figure, third times the charm! School is starting pretty soon here (Monday the 24.) I'm taking ridiculous classes this semester (mostly because I still have to work up to a high level math class before I can take science classes.) I'm taking fencing, acting, and cello lessons. I would've signed up for a humanities course but Dallas and I waited until the last minute to do our schedule, sign up for classes, etc.
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Old 09-15-2009, 09:55 PM   #83
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Sept. 15, 2009
LOLOLOLOL...Chinchilli Day...freaking hillarious!
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Old 09-21-2009, 08:26 PM   #84
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Oops...forgot to post this on Friday.

Sept. 18, 2009
It's been awhile since I've written a journal update. Not sure why it's taken me so long to do one. I'm sitting here at the airport drinking a yummy Bloody Mary. I tend to stick with a few different drinks (Bloody Mary, Mojito, and vodka/red bull) since I haven't been drinking for long and don't really know exactly what I like to drink. I never used to like Bloody Mary's (or Mojito's for that matter) but for whatever reason I've started drinking them and really liking them.

Things have been pretty much the same lately. Just been traveling a lot...going to San Diego and Los Angeles almost every weekend for the past month. Labor Day weekend was pretty exciting. I stayed at the Hollywood Roosevelt hotel with some of my friends. They were throwing LA's biggest pool party there on Labor Day. I got to see a lot of famous people including some guy from "90210", Khloe and Kim Kardashian, and quiet a few other celebrities that I recognized but don't remember the names of. We ended up going to some club called XV or something like that. It was amazing! Unfortunately it was a bottle service only night so we ended up having to spend $1000 to get in, but it was definitely worth it.

I got a lot of great pictures from the past few weekend's adventures so I will have to post them pretty soon here (though I still have the EDC pictures to post.) Next weekend is Nocturnal festival in San Bernadino. All the girls are dressing up as the Alice in Wonderland characters (Dallas is a chesire cat, Megan is the queen of hearts, and I'm Alice.) My costume is pretty funky looking. I've got a bright sky blue wig, furry gogo boot covers, striped knee high socks, and furry white wrist bracelets. It's pretty...interesting looking but it will definitely fit with the whole theme/vibe.

I was so p!ssed the other day. I went on to my World of Warcraft account to play (I haven't played in quiet awhile now) and for whatever reason they permenately disabled my account. So the character that I have been working with for the past 3 years now is completely gone to me...grrrr! I sent an email to the W.o.W support people asking why it got disabled and got an email back but haven't yet really read through it.

BTW my parents finally got married. It was a really small wedding but everyone seemed very happy (my sister and step dad started crying a little.) The wedding dinner was held at the Compass Room (I think that's what it was called.) It was actually pretty cool since it was located at the top of a tall tower and rotated around so that you could see all of Phoenix. The wedding cake was reallly pretty. It had an old French saying written all around it with beautiful calla lilies on top.

I've picked out my Halloween costume. I'm going as a vampire/demon (minus any fangs.) I found black leather pants for...get this...$7.00! I can't believe what a steal that was especially since I was planning on buying leather pants online for $160. I still have to get a black leather corset and black leather arm guards. Dallas is also going as a goth vampire/demon but her costume is a lot skimpier than mine. I think we are going to Monster Massive in LA for Halloween but there is a possibility we may stay in town and go to the local Halloween parties (like the one held at the Wrigley Mansion.)

I signed up for a Model Mayhem account again. Hopefully this time I won't get banned again. It will be nice getting back into modeling with other photographers again though I don't have all that much time to do it since I'm traveling almost every weekend. I've already gotten a lot of people asking me about modeling for their websites but I'm really not interested in modeling for another paysite (doesn't seem all that smart to me.)

BTW...thank you so much Anoree for the beautiful tribute video you made me.
Danielle FTV

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Old 09-23-2009, 08:53 AM   #85
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Sept. 23, 2009
Grrr...I have been trying to fix the webcam archive page for about 30 minutes now but for whatever reason whatever I'm doing isn't working. Guess I'll have to get Rob to do it. Hopefully I didn't mess something up when I was screwing around with the pages. I spent about three hours creating a list of the questions that have been asked on the question thread (that's not even counting the questions that are on other parts of the site.) It kind of irritated me because I started noticing how questions would get repeatedly get asked over and over again. So I figure by taking all the time that I took to make that list at least people will be courteous enough to refer to it before asking a question.

I seriously need to get my phone fixed. For some reason when I try to text message someone the phone turns off and turns back on really quick. Sometimes it will even lose service and then I have to turn it off and on several times and/or take the battery out a few times to get it to work again. I don't even think I've had my phone all that long and it's already screwed up.

BTW...if any of you were thinking about seeing The Final Destination....DON'T. It was the most horrible movie I've ever seen. Several people ended up walking out in the middle of it. I wanted to but I was with a group of friends and didn't want to leave them. I've never seen such bad acting, with bad computer graphics/animation/whatever it's called and such a bad script. I almost feel sorry for the actors who played in that movie. I doubt they will ever get a real acting job after that.
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Old 10-02-2009, 12:25 AM   #86
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Oct. 1, 2009
Okay so I am seriously, SERIOUSLY freaking out right now. I have found my first scorpion in my house. Oh yeah and to top it off...it's a bark scorpion...one of the deadliest scorpions in the US (and I know this because I've been researching scorpions for the past hour now.) Luckily it got stuck in some tape that I used to tape up my fairy lights above my patio door. Unfortunately I'm too scared to remove it. I am really considering moving, especially since Tempe (the city I live in) is supposed to be an area where scorpions are more prevalent. Not only that but I also live right next to a mountain AND an empty field where I'm sure millions of little scorpions live. I definitely will have to have an exterminator come out (I'm sure the apartment people will take care of this). I already have a cricket problem and have noticed other little creepy crawlys creeping around my house. The apartment people obviously didn't do a very good job of sealing the spaces around the doors. At least my poor chinchillas didn't get stung. I would've be so freaking mad if that had happened.

On a better note I finally got my phone fixed. For the past two weeks now it's been turning off and on rapidly whenever I try to text, call someone, check my text, or pretty much use any button on my phone. The funny thing is, is that it only needed a software update! It caused me all that trouble because of a software update....how weird.

Not sure I'm going to be able to get out of my computer desk chair. I'm super freaked out about walking barefoot right now.
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Old 10-14-2009, 10:19 AM   #87
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Oct. 14, 2009
Kind of tired...no actually I'm really tired, but for some reason I'm keeping myself awake right now. Feels like I've been neglecting my website lately so I want to apologize to everyone about that. Anoree brought up a great suggestion to me. He suggested that I post my webcam show times and my travel dates/times on the calendar so you guys kind of know what's going on with me. I've realized that I am just a tad bit weird (actually I'm very weird but whatever.) When I am writing posts on the forum and I put one of the smiley icons in the post I tend to make the face that the smiley icon is making (hopefully this makes sense.) Like when I'm putting the big green grin face in my post I make this cheesy smile and the same goes with the rest of the smiley icons. But then I've noticed that I do the same thing when I'm reading. Like when one of the characters starts laughing for some reason I start laughing to. Kind of weird! Anyhoo I'm going to crash out. Have a workout session with my trainer tomorrow at 1 so I definitely need to sleep. I will write another journal entry tomorrow and tell ya'll about the last month.
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Old 10-15-2009, 05:11 AM   #88
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Oct. 15, 2009
Thanks everyone who joined me at my webcam show today. I had a lot of fun getting off twice . So let's see...what's been going on in my life. Well regarding my scorpion problem...I ended up finding another scorpion (this one being WAY bigger than the last one.) I had a full on panic attack and ended up calling all my friends and my family, crying, asking them what to do. I finally ended up putting a casserole dish underneath it and hit it (though missed the first time) with the biggest boots I could find (the Alice boots I wore for my Halloween update). It landed in the glass dish and I covered it with a glass margarita glass and left it there. I called the apartment people to have them spray down the place...they finally did it on Tuesday (apparently that's when the exterminator people come out.) Hopefully I won't find anymore scorpions in my home since I can't sleep when I do find them (I ended up waking up and searching the house pretty much every hour after I found the two scorpions and did this for a few days.)

I got my Halloween costume in the mail today. I'm going as a warrior/gladiator girl. It's a very sexy costume. You guys will be able to see it later on when I post the candid pictures for Halloween. Still not sure where or what I will be doing for Halloween. I originally was going to go to Monster Massive with my friends but decided not to. I'm honestly getting a little tired of going out and drinking and all that. I rarely drink and/or party but it's already getting old (and I haven't been 21 all that long now.) I'm probably going to end up hanging out with another group of my friends in LA, Hollywood, or San Diego.

The Nocturnal festival was a lot of fun. For whatever reason we decided to walk from our hotel to the festival (it was only a mile away)...but all the girls were wearing really tall not so comfortable boots. As usual it was absolutely packed. Getting our tickets from will call was a complete hassle. They had an awesome buffet set out for people who had VIP tickets. I probably shouldn't have eaten anything though because as usual I ended up getting really sick at the end of the night (even though I wasn't drinking.) Probably a combination of the food, too much dancing, and not drinking enough water. A few of us ended up wanting to go on the swing ride that they had. The line to get on it was completely disorganized though...we were all packed in like sardines. I ended up freaking out (had another panic attack because I'm pretty claustrophobic) and had to leave the line (which was super difficult to do.)

For Oktoberfest a group of us ended up renting a cabin in Big Bear, California. It was pretty awesome. The drive up there was kind of scary, lot's of windy small roads. The cabin was really cool. There were seven or eight room so we were able to get about 13 people in there. We ended up going luging which I had never done before. Getting into the Oktoberfest festival was a pain in the butt. We hadn't bought tickets ahead of time so we had to wait in line for like an hour, hour and a half. Personally I didn't have all that much fun at the festival. I'm not really into huge gatherings where everyone is trying to get as drunk as possible. My friend Dallas ended up getting hammered and kept stealing stuff from people (a beer stein, a plate of food, and she also tried taking some hat.) It was pretty amusing though. We ended up stopping at a grocery store on the way back to the cabin. There was this weird younger guy who came up to me and told me that I was beautiful and he didn't care that I had a boyfriend (which I don't.) He was pretty funny though. I went to the check out line and he ran after me and started complimenting me again and then asked if I was high or drunk (um no!). I bought some creme puffs which Dallas stole from me. I ended up getting them back in the car, but she got mad because I wouldn't give her one (they were frozen.) She accused me of lying when I told her that they were frozen so I ended up just giving them to her so that she would see that I wasn't lying about that. Drunk people are so funny especially when you are sober! Every time I would make something to eat somebody would end up having to take bites of it.

I recently got my car fixed (oil change, alignment, brake cleaning, etc.). I noticed that occasionally when I brake the car starts vibrating. Earlier today I noticed that the brakes aren't working as well as the used to. It's weird because if there were something wrong with my brakes I assume that the car service people would've said something about it. I'm assuming that they messed something up when they did the brake cleaning so unfortunately I'm going to have to take the car back in to get fixed.

I also recently got a speeding ticket on the way to San Diego (my first time doing a long drive like that by myself.) Unfortunately I was doing criminal speeding but thankfully the cop was nice enough to give me a ticket for civil traffic. I have to take traffic school but thankfully I can do it on line (which I will be doing tomorrow.) What sucks is that there are a lot of things you have to do on top of the 4 hour on line class. I have to send them a copy of my ticket, fill out and send in some form, and for the final exam I have to have someone notarize a fax and give me a code to take the test on line. Fortunately my mom notary certified so she's going to help me out with that.

BTW for those people who are fans of hair down there areas...I have two video and photo updates for ya'll. I also have two fetishy updates coming up here pretty soon. Also for anyone who has tried emailing me through the FTVGirls email it's unfortunately not working (I accidently froze it somehow and ended up having to complete reset it and don't have the information to log back in.) It should be back up pretty soon here but I'm not sure if I'm going to get the emails that everyones sent or not.
Danielle FTV

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Old 10-30-2009, 06:56 AM   #89
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Oct. 29, 2009
Yeah...just finished my private messages...I'm getting pretty good about answering them in a more timely manner now. Tomorrow I am getting eyelash extensions! I'm super excited about it. I've never had them done so it should be interesting to see the final result. This weekend I will be in San Diego and Hollywood. I guess my friends and I are doing the House of Blues for Halloween night. I also just received my Thanksgiving update costume. It's pretty cute and I'm sure you guys will like it. I can't wait to do the video...you guys are going to love the toy I'm using for it (it's hillarious!).

BTW I bought a bunch of new toys the other day. I am super excited to get them. I also ended up buying a couple floggers from extremerestraints.com and an electronic paddle (don't know why I got that...I just thought it would be cool to have/try.) Now I just need to find someone who is into BDSM. It's pretty cool because this site/industry has definitely made me more sexual. I've explored a lot more since I got into this business and have found some fetishes that I like. I definitely knew that I liked it rough (biting, hair pulling) but I didn't realize how rough I actually liked it until Dallas used my whips on me. I always loved watching the Kink.com trailers and would always be super turned on by them. I probably should have realized that I was into BDSM when I bought my first flogger and crop three years ago (I bought it mainly to just have in my collection). I think I take the whole sexual pain to an extreme. I'm not sure what it is about sexual pain...it almost like a release for me. Like the only thing you think about is the pain. I guess my mind is so active that being able to focus on one thing is really amazing to me. I think another reason I like it so much is because it puts another person in charge for awhile. I always get really turned on thinking about being dominated by someone. It's funny because in my fantasy BDSM scenario a hot guy would chain my arms up and whip me and try to I guess subdue me but I would fight against it. In the end I would end up submissive though. This is probably kind of weird for some of ya'll but hey what's this site for if I can't explore my fantasies.
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Old 11-05-2009, 04:01 AM   #90
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Nov. 4, 2009
So today was a fairly productive day for me. I dropped off my books at the library (the second month in a row were I won't be incurring late fees.) I got a tasty smoothie from Robeks and went and got my nails done for my shoot on Friday. I also got waxed. I'm still kind of swollen from the waxing and boy was it painful this time around. Tomorrow I will be getting my hair done, so I have to leave right after my webcam show. I need to get my hairdresser to make my hair as blonde as possible. It seems like the past two times I've gone in it's been a little darker than how I want it. I'm really excited about the shoot on Friday. I will be doing my Thanksgiving shoot (the video will be up around the 10th.) I also got a request to do a shoot in ballet flats so I will end up doing that too.

Halloween was okay btw. My costume ended up looking pretty hot on me...it would've looked hotter if I weren't so damn sick! Dallas ended up getting me sick when we carved pumpkins at her place but it didn't really hit me until last Thursday/Friday. I had the worst sore throat ever! It was sooo painful to swallow and my saliva glands seemed to be working overtime so trying to sleep was a complete nightmare. I'm still feeling it a little bit, but it's definitely getting better. I ended up not drinking any alcohol that night but did have like 6 glasses of orange juice. I think maybe the burger and fries I had earlier or all the acid in the orange juice made me even sicker because we had to pull over like two times for me to throw up. I was super embarassed because when we were in traffic driving back to Pasadena from the House of Blues I ended up throwing up out the window on the highway, which ended up splattering all over my friends car (ewww!).

Traffic was a nightmare. A normally 20 minute drive to the House of Blues ended up taking us like an hour and a half there and an hour and a half back. The House of Blues was....okay...not exactly what I expected and not really my scene. There were a TON of foreign people there who must have been pre-partying because they were super pushy and rude. The music was weird to say the least. They were playing a different mix but it seemed like a lot of the music was Mardi Gras style music or music from a bar in the French quarter of New Orleans. I didn't really see an spectacular costumes except for this one girl that had a Marie Antoinette costume which of all things was holding her head in the costumes arms. It was pretty cool! I saw two other females wearing my costume...but not to sound conceited or anything but I think I rocked it the best.

This weekend I have friends coming in from out of town. We are probably going to head to a Brazilian steakhouse that I've been wanting to go to for awhile and then Saturday we will probably be doing the Arizona State Fair. BTW my sister just got a divorce on Monday....and she's getting married again on Saturday! WTF!!! I'm not even going to ask or comment.
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Old 11-18-2009, 11:11 PM   #91
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Nov. 18, 2009
Whoo-hoo...I can finally get into my Windows email account. I wasn't able to get into that for like two months. I had over 350 emails waiting for me, but most of them were Twitter and Adam & Eve notices. I had to wake up fairly early this morning to drop off my step-dad and little nephew at the airport. My dad is flying with my nephew to Florida so that he can go live with my sister and new husband. My mom was all sad last night because he was leaving. I'm assuming the next time we will end up seeing them will be at the family reunion next year in July or August (though hopefully for my mother's sake they visit sooner.)

I went to a Cardinals game last Sunday. Honestly, I've realized that sporting events really aren't for me. I really only go for the food. They had turkey legs there which I was super excited about. I don't care for being surrounded by tens of thousands of people and especially drunk ones at that. Dallas was all gung ho about going early and tail gating (though we didn't know anyone that was tail gating.) She got it into her head that we would walk around and ask random people if we could eat their food and drink their alcohol (though I wasn't drinking since I was designated driver...a role I actually enjoy playing nowadays.) I think the Cardinals ended up winning. We left a couple minutes before the end of the game to beat traffic.

This weekend I am going to San Diego and the first weekend of next month I will be going to Las Vegas for Dallas's cousin's bachlorette party (though we won't be joining them.) We will be staying at the Venetian and have tickets to go see Anthony Cools hypnotist show and some men's show at Sapphire's Gentlemen's club. I'm pretty sure Dallas is going to end up getting us into some trouble there, she's already demanding that I gamble with her (I hate gambling.)

I have two shoots for my website coming up here pretty soon. We will be doing a Sunday shoot so all you public nudity fans should be happy. The next shoot is the second Friday of December. I'm thinking that we might end up shooting in the castle house that Rob is able to shoot in. Sophia (a model that will appear on FTVGirls in May of next year) just shot there last weekend. I also got to shoot with her, though it's all softcore stuff (but in public!)

I am seriously craving the Persian Room right now. Maybe I will talk Dallas into going with me tonight before we go to Creme to see Deepdish.
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Old 11-29-2009, 05:47 PM   #92
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Nov. 29, 2009
I am sooo tired right now. I seriously didn't get to sleep until 3ish and probably would've been up later if I didn't take a sleeping aid. I was going crazy last night looking for art to hang up on my walls so that when I do my candid video of my home my walls don't look so bare. I found some beautiful nude fairy prints. I definitely think that nude fairies will give my room a sexier atmosphere (though the only person who sees it is Dallas.) I also found these hot S and M silhouette prints...but I'm not sure I would want my mom to see those hanging on my walls. In my guest bedroom I'm probably going to get body part prints (like the silhouette of a back or a sexy fine art print of breasts.) Again though it would be weird to have my mom see those. Anyhow I've got to get moving. I'm shooting today and have to be at the FTV house at 1. I'm also meeting T-Bone Thomas, which is pretty exciting. My second member meeting! I will write a longer journal entry later today or tomorrow.
Danielle FTV

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Old 12-01-2009, 08:45 PM   #93
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Dec. 01, 2009
Yeah it's almost Christmas time! I absolutely love Christmas season. It's great seeing all the Christmas lights and listening to Christmas music though it does get kind of old after awhile. I like the old Christmas carols...I really don't care for carols that are redone by stars today (like Mariah Carey, etc.) There is this one house near the big FTV house that does this crazy light setup. My family and I visit it almost every year. I pointed it out to FTVRob yesterday...he was definitely impressed!

My Thanksgiving dinner/lunch was great. My mom made a ton of food...and also made me a whole casserole dish of sweet potatoe casserole (which I haven't eaten any of yet.) My step-dad is so funny. He called me Thanksgiving morning asking me what a centerpiece was. Apparently he was going to make one himself by gluing some random herbs and flowers together but my mom made him actually go to the store and pick something up instead. Too bad my sister wasn't there to join us (she's living in Florida now.) It's always amusing with her there (though it's definitely not amusing to my mom) because she always ends up causing drama for some various reason.

My friends and I are going to Florida (South Beach I think) for the Miami music conference in March (the 25th to 29th) 2010. I should have some free time if any of my members/fans in Florida would like to meet up with me and maybe do lunch or something. I just met T-Bone Thomas on Sunday. He is super nice and was very helpful during my shoot. He even brought postcards for me to sign for my members/fans that wanted one. I signed some extra postcards just in case some of you wanted one but didn't email T-Bone in time. He also brought me chocolates (a lot of them have an alcoholic filling in them ), two bikini's, a Victoria's Secret gift card, and a bra and panty set. I was laughing because the bra is size 36DD (which I totally am not) so hopefully I can take it back and exchange it for a 36D. Also CaptnJack bought me a giftcard to Borders for Christmas. Anoree also bought me a wireless forecast station. I will make a video log of all of these so you guys can see them.

For New Years the whole group is going to San Diego which I am pretty excited about. Dallas and I have already been looking at dresses to wear for New Years Eve. We are going with a silver and white theme...which isn't the easiest to shop for. I found this one dress online that I really like, but am kind of scared about buying it because I'm not sure how it will look on me. I will probably end up having to get it altered.

My one year anniversary for the site is coming up here pretty soon. I count the day that the premium area opened as being the day my site opened....that was December 16. It's awesome how much the site has changed and grown since then. I am quite proud of it.

Is it legal to have meerkats? I saw meerkats at the San Diego zoo a couple weeks back and now I am completely obsessed about getting one. Plus they eat...scorpions! I guess that is a treat for them. How perfect is that? I think they are sooo cute and I'm sure they would totally get along with my chinchillas. Plus then I can have something to cuddle with when I sleep (my chinchillas are not cuddleable at all.)
Danielle FTV

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Old 12-12-2009, 02:02 AM   #94
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Dec. 11, 2009
LOL...I was just checking out my candid videos (I just put a new one up) and saw the "No AVN for Danielle" video. In the description it talks about how I'm going to hire friends so I have somebody to go with me to the AVN awards. Well lucky for me I don't have to hire anybody this time. Dallas is going with me to the AVN awards in January 2010. This will be here third time going, so she'll know what we need to do and where we need to be. The only bad thing about going is that I am going to have to buy two new dresses (well I don't necessarily have to...but I kind of want to) for the awards ceremony and after parties. I may end up wearing my New Years dress for the after party, but I'm not sure if it would be the right type of dress to wear. I'm definitely going to buy a long, semi-formal dress for the awards ceremony. I have about seven dresses picked out online, but I may end up going to Macy's or Windsor to buy a dress so that I can actually try it on and see how it looks. I definitely am going to have to have the new years dress altered since I know it's going to be too big around the waist and hip area. That what kind of sucks about having big boobs...finding dresses that fits all of me perfectly is a pain in the butt. Anyhoo...so if any of y'all would like to meet me in Vegas then private message me and we shall set something up.

One reason why you should join my site if you haven't already...I did my first SQUIRT ON VIDEO! It was only on the web cam show...but hey, I'm working my way up to the professional video. Heck maybe I'll do a candid squirting scene (though I know it won't be as great as a professional video.) I was so happy when I finally did it. It was almost like I jumped over a weird sexual hurdle in my head. It took me kind of long but I was very determined to do it. I've realized that I actually have to orgasm clitorally first before I can squirt penetration wise. The weird thing about that though is that it really only pertains to when I'm masturbating. When I'm having sex and I'm in the right position (usually with my hips raised or girl on top) then I definitely feel like I can squirt.

BTW, I absolutely HATE my upstairs neighbors. I think they moved in a couple weeks ago and they have been driving me absolutely insane. They have this devil child that must be two years old (you know..."terrible twos") that will not stop stomping, crying, yelling, etc. I hate working in my guest bedroom where my desk and computer is because I think his room is right above it. It almost sounds like he's kicking the walls and jumping off of things non-stop. I've complained at the front office already, but I don't know if they've said anything to them or forgot about it. I don't want to go up there and complain because I absolutely hate confrontation of any kind. I just hope to gawd that they aren't staying more than half a year. I've been living here in this apartment for more than half a year now (and in this apartment facility for more than a year and a half) and the last thing I want to do is have to move because of some bratty devil child.

Vegas this past weekend was great! It was really nice to be able to hang out with just Dallas by herself. She is dating my best guy friend for about five months now and they have been getting really serious, so they have both been hanging out with each other like all the time. We ended up going to Vegas for her cousins bachelorette party, but for whatever reason the bachelorette ended up bringing her fiancé to Vegas with her (so unfortunately we weren't able to bring her really anywhere with us.) The first night we went to see the Anthony Cools hypnotist show. I was planning on volunteering myself to get hypnotized but we ended up getting to the show like 20 minutes late (and lost our VIP seats because of it.) It was absolutely hysterical and I would have loved to have been up there getting hypnotized. Anthony hypnotized the people on the stage to think that they were orangutans and then told them that they were horny and had to hump people's legs in the audience. It was pretty funny until I ended up being one of the audience members being humped. The lady that was humping me had these sequins pants on (and unfortunately I was wearing a dress). The sequins ended up scratching up my legs really bad. Luckily though it healed in time for my shoot today. After the Anthony Cools show we walked back towards our hotel (bad, bad idea.) It was freezing cold and there was a bunch of weirdos that kept on making lewd comments and gestures to me. I nearly b!tch slapped someone because of it. Some dumb broad even called me a hooker (or something like that)...but whatever...she was only jealous because I am WAY better looking than she will ever be. We ended up at Tao nightclub in the VIP section with these cool guys from England. I ended up drinking way too much that night and had alcohol poisoning the next few days.

Saturday day I slept most of the day. Dallas and I were supposed to go out to lunch/dinner with her family (I was super excited to finally meet her family) but there was no way that I could have made it even out of the room. That night we went to a male revue show which was pretty awesome. I've been to a male strip club here in Phoenix, but the guys here were definitely not as good looking as the guys in Vegas. Dallas and I ended up going back to the hotel and watched TV for the rest of the night instead of going back out since we both felt icky (plus Dallas didn't get any sleep in like 48 hours.) Sunday morning we met up with some of our friends who were also in Vegas at some restaurant in the Palms hotel (where we will be staying for the AVN awards.) The flight back was kind of scary. There was some crazy turbulence going on and I ended up scaring the hell out of Dallas when she was sleeping and grabbed her for comfort.

If you guys haven't noticed I've been making some changes to the site. I changed some of the pictures on the "welcome" page and am thinking about changing some other pictures on other parts of the site (though I'm pretty happy with how everything looks right now.) It's so cool that FTVRob taught me how to do all this computer/website stuff. Apparently he thinks that I have enough knowledge to create a website if I wanted too (though it wouldn't even compare to any site Rob creates.) I will be putting in more video formats in the new year (either 1000kb/s or 3000kb/s). I'm not sure if I will go through all the old videos and do the same to them (actually thinking about it I probably will since I'm always doing random stuff like that when I'm bored.) I have been trying to fix the web cam archive page, but for whatever reason it's decided not to cooperate whatsoever. I will probably have to get FTVChris to fix it for me.

My shoot today went very well, though we only got one video and photo update. Thankfully it's my Christmas update so that she be put up on the site pretty soon here. I will be shooting my New Years update and probably a secretary update on December 23rd. BTW my nephew took his first step the other day. My mom was so excited though I could tell that she was also a little upset that she couldn't be there. Apparently my sister and her new husband are doing very well together still...hopefully that lasts.
Danielle FTV

Last edited by danielle_ftv; 12-12-2009 at 02:04 AM.
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Old 12-12-2009, 02:26 AM   #95
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Dec. 11, 2009
I forgot to remind you all. I'm competing in the Miss Freeones contest and I would absolutely love to win this. I think that you can vote everyday for as many girls as you want (but don't quote me on that.) Anyhoo...it's free to register (and that's all you have to do to vote.) The voting starts January 1st and I think it goes on for three months. Here is the forum thread if you guys want to read about it (or post on there how much you want me to win .)

This contest isn't so much about the money for me (honestly I would say no to the money if I could have a guaranteed win.) This is my chance for my first industry contest win (well other than being the most popular model on FTVGirls for 2008). I am super competitive and will do whatever it takes to win this contest. So anyways, I appreciate your support and wish me luck.
Danielle FTV
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Old 12-15-2009, 08:40 PM   #96
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Dec. 15, 2009
Um, wow. Just checked out the latest FTVGirls vote and weirdly enough brunettes are preferred over blondes. Makes me wonder if I should go darker again. Though the likelyhood of that happening is not very high. I've paid WAY too much money to get my hair to this color (black is the hardest color to dye.) My mom definitely thinks I should dye my hair darker though (but then again this is the same woman who convinced me to cut almost all my hair off.)
Danielle FTV
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Old 12-15-2009, 10:21 PM   #97
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Dec. 15, 2009
I'm done with my promo video for the Miss Freeones contest. Check it out and tell me what you guys think. See how much effort I put into this...shows you how much I want to win this contest .
Danielle FTV
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Old 12-23-2009, 05:54 AM   #98
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Dec. 22, 2009
I must admit, sometimes I have a pretty kinky life. Last Friday my friend was throwing a Christmas house party. I ended up shopping with my other friend Andrew for an "elephant exchange". The stuff I got for the gifts was super random and pretty amusing. In one gift bag I put sake, lobster pate, a plastic cup with an asian boy character on it, a piece of cheese and some other random things. In another gift bag I put this weird spinning pig pen, summer sausage, a small bottle of champagne, a small bongo, and other weird things. I was pretty much just walking around the store and picking up the most random stuff I could find, the whole time laughing like a maniac, imagining peoples expressions when the saw what their gift bag contained. I ended up getting the game 1,000 Drinking Games (which unfortunately I already owned.)

Everyone had to dress in Christmas gear. I didn't realize that all the girls were going to be wearing super sexy Christmas outfits so I ended up buying this outfit.

I wanted to be one of the craziest dressed people there so I bought cute flannel pj shorts, knee high socks with fur on the top, slipper with little gnomes on them, a gnome sleeping t-shirt, and Hello Kitty earmuffs. I was pretty much the only person there not wearing red (though I thought blue was the new Christmas red .) I also ended up buying a bottle of champage and this huge "pimp cup" (which was just a huge thick gobblet.) I was planning on buying a huge martini glass or a funky shaped wine decanter to carry my champagne in but then I decided against it when I thought of how likely it was to spill it.

I would say during the whole party there was probably only 20 people there (which is great for a house party...and especially if everyone is fairly close.) I was worried about the cops getting called for a noise violation but the party went on until 7 AM (and probably later than that, but that's when I left) and we had no problems with cops. Jessica and Keley decorated the house beautifully and even baked cookies and cupcakes. Everything started off really well...we played F@ck the Dealer with like 12 people (which is kind of difficult especially if most of you are drunk and have never played before.)

Towards about 11 half the party left, and we were left with the "fun, adventurous, don't give a cr@p about anything" group. Things got pretty...well frisky after that. I'll admit by that time I was pretty um, not sober (but I won't use that as an excuse since I can be sober as heck and still want to get into a girls pants.) The party ended up turning into a regular girls only orgy. I ended up messing around with four girls (yeah for me!) and got two of them off (yeah for me again!) There were some guys there but they pretty much just sat back and watched (and gave us hand and foot massages when we demanded it.)

I always love hanging out with groups like that. My friends are very carefree and don't really judge. With them you can get naked and start making out with all the girls and instead of getting weirded out (like a lot of people would do) they just jump right in. I'm going to try to get the naughty pics from Keley (I'm not sure if Linsdey took some or not.) If I can get them I will most definitely post them in my candid pic section so you guys can see what "went down".
Danielle FTV
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