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Old 09-21-2008, 09:14 AM   #1
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Default I Was A Stupid Teenager

I once borrowed my dad's volkswagon minibus to go on a joyride with my best friend. He kind of talked me into it. My parents had gone away for the weekend and left the minibus parked in the driveway. We took it out to a dirt road and were having fun making the tires spin when I lost control. I kept over correcting my steering making it swerve even more and ended up going into the ditch and hitting the bank. The only real damage was a bent up bumper. I got out the tire iron and proceeded to bend the bumper back into place which also put a hole in the body behind the bumper. I thought I'd done a good job and my father would never notice it. I couldn't have been more wrong. My dad was furious! I got grounded for a long time for that and had to do all the yard chores for anout 6 months!
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Old 09-21-2008, 12:16 PM   #2
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Oh where do i begin.lol. Me and one of my buddies let a skunk into the school once. They love tuna. We didnt have school for two days. We used tuna to luer it in. The cops cept trying to catch it with a net. (bad idea) .

At a highschool homecomming game a bunchof us were up on the top bleachers getting a little roudy, and officer wolf, a big man he was as round as he was tall told us to nock it off so we all turned around and mooned him. He started up the bleachers so we climed down the other side. They cought us at the gate( forgot he had a radio) our parents had to pick us up at the police. I got my a** beat when i got home. Had to go to court and pay a $100 fine. That wasnt the worst of it when i was up in quonico going thru all the tests and background checks, i forgot to add that i was arested for that. I was taking a test and one of the guys that was checking our back grounds walked in and just stood there watching me. The teacher walked over to him and e wispered somthing to her, she looked at me trying to hold back a smile. I had no idea what was going on. After finishing my test. The teacher told me to go with him. Most people who are called out dont come back. I thought i was fired. He took me back to a office where the safety superviser was ( nice looking blond) she had a file that read police report with my name on it. I racked my brain trying to rember what i did. She looked at me cold as stone and said have aproblem keeping your britches up. All of a sudden it hit me. Somthing i did in highschool is comming back to bite me in the butt. I explained what happened and she just looked at me. Didnt say a word for almost a min. Then looked at me and said are you sorry you did it. I said oh yea my dad beat the hell out of me for it. She cracked a little smile and said go back to class. To this day every time i see her she cracks a smile i know she is rembering that im the guy that got arested for mooning.:d
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Old 09-21-2008, 12:53 PM   #3
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I remember once to the school that we played to go a chaos of joys and crazy (we were a class of solos male boys). And since we waited for the teacher of turn of that hour that was up to teach, I to the sudden one threw that piece to cancel the blackboard (I don't remember the name), to a companion that had thrown me some chalks to me, and you imagine as it went to end among my total fear. I had thrown that piece it cancels blackboard with an unbelievable strength, and my companion had succeeded in moving himself, and that piece went on the open door that he goes to the atrium, when the teacher entered., tall and strong.
The teacher had succeeded in being very careful to the last second of time to move himself, because that piece that I had thrown, had him incredibly grazed (next to the skin of the face of the teacher. And that it also had some big glasses from sight). I would have risked the jail if I had struck on the face, and making damages to the glasses and sight.
The teacher had remained very under shock, and has immediately taken me with a bestial strength one arm of mine and shoulder (as if he wanted to hang me to the nails), and brought me to the headmaster of the school. Then my father had come later, to reason with the headmaster, saying that I was not the classical boy that the bad things do. In fact it was only that episode that had happened me.

But what fear!!!
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Old 09-21-2008, 03:32 PM   #4
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Ok I have alot of stupid teenager stories,They usually involve my best friend and I.My best friend had this "back sheep" cousin who is always getting into touble..usaully the kind that lands him in jail.One day he showed up with his car trunk pack full of OLD fireworks that we found out later after the fact that he had gotten out of an worn out shed belonging to a fireworks stand. Like I said we could tell some of the stuff was old and some of them didn't work.We end up getting a huge discount when he sold them to us.There were a few stories involving those old fireworks....

Story #1
some of the stuf we gotten were what we called "poppers" they look like multi color BB's or pebbles.When thrown down hard or compress they will pop and produced a nice flash.One saturday night(when most the stupid things happen) we decided to scatter some of the poppers across the freeway.We thought if cars ran over them they would sound like multi popping go off at the same time.Well this semi came rolling across them and you can hear what sounded like a machine gun going off.The driver stopped his truck,gotten out and was inspecting his tires.He had thought he ran over something and end up with multi flat tires.

Story #2
Another Saturday night..we were bored as usual so we came up with another really stupid idea on how to use the fireworks.There was this small "backwoods" bar that was middle of nowhere.It was a country/redneck type of bar..The idea was to use these "chasers" that what we called them since we had no idea what they were originally called.When lite they emitted a high pitch whistling sound, lots of sparks and they go everywhere,ground or air.It being saturday night the bar was packed with the cars and trucks parked so close together that the only way we could get to the door was jump across a small drainage ditch.Well anyway the idea was to toss a chaser inside and scare the crap out of the drunks. My friend had his 69 cuda on the road running and ready for a quick getaway.My friend was to open the door while I toss it in,Like I said in the beginning these fireworks were OLD.My friend was standing there with the door for what seems like a minute and me standing off to the side(out of sight of the drunks) trying to lite the stupid thing,we heard someone say from inside "Come ooon in"(drunk texas accent).I couldn't get the thing lite so we walked off...to get another hopefully "fresher" chaser.So the second time my friend had the door open and I manage to light the firework and toss it inside.Suddenly we heard someone yelling " Get em!!!!!" my friend took off running like a jack rabbit (in tennis shoes) and me behind him running alot slower (in cowboy boots).The friend was in his cuda waiting for me to catch up.He was yelling at me to hurry up,luckly since it was summer we had all the windows rolled down and I drove in the driver's side window.As soon as I dive in the window my friend floored the gas...here I was from my waist down hanging out the window trying to get in.If you all ever seen a 69 cuda you know both the front and back window combinded makes one open area..but very narrow.After we gotten away and I manage to get back in the front seat,my friend asked me if I had seen that guy behind me.I had this shocked look on my face and I said "What guy ?!?!". Turns out there was this HUGE guy a few steps behind me and if I had decided to run around to the passenger side to get in..that guy would have gotten us. (LOL)

Like I said it was a stupid teenager story...... Really Stupid (LOL)
I didn't do it!!! The dog did.
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Old 09-21-2008, 03:33 PM   #5
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Ooops made a mistake. It suppose to Black sheep not back sheep.
I didn't do it!!! The dog did.
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Old 09-21-2008, 05:47 PM   #6
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Just got off the phone with jerrys father turns out the wheel is not broke off the truck, the tyrod broke and when the wheel went sideways it riped the tire off the rim. So he is going to get the new tyrod tomarow and they are going to have the parts there so when i get home we can hold the truck with the winch and jack it up and replace the tyrod and put the spair on and it will make it a lot easer to winch it out. I made sure to tell him not to start the truck . At the angle it is the oil has had time to get up into the clynders and starting it could cause damage to the motor. We will have to get it back to the top of the hill and pull all the sparkplugs out and crank it a few times to get the oil out of the clyinders and put the plugs back in and it should start and he should be able to drive it back home. The body is going to need some work but it all lookes fixable. With a little cash. I dont think jerry will be barowing dads truck ever again.!
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Old 09-21-2008, 06:02 PM   #7
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The stupidest thing i can remember was using my brother as target practice. Ok he wasn't actually the target. Well not intentionally lol. Seriously i had a pump action 2.2 air rifle i know it's smalltime compared to today. But when your 16 it seemed like real mans gun. Anyway my brother would balance match boxes on his head and i would shoot them off. I know he was just as stupid as me only braver lol. Or holding a box between his fingers out stretched and i would hit it from about 20 foot away. My best trick was to shoot it off his nose. While he stood sideways of cause lol. Luckly i'm a pretty good shot and if i did miss it was away from him. Thinking now that i could have taken an eye out does scare me. I guess you could call us two lucky idiots.
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Old 09-21-2008, 10:22 PM   #8
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I didn't really do anything stupid when I was a teenager. I guess my funniest, stupidest story happened when I was about six or seven. My little sister and I were playing around in the laundry room and all of a sudden we came up with this brilliant idea! We both wanted to find out if I could fit into the dryer so I hopped in and was sitting there when all of a sudden my evil, coniving sister slams the dryer door shut, and trys to turn it on. Well thankfully my mom was pretty close by to hear my bloodcurling screams from inside the dryer and was able to get me out before I got dried to death Boy did my sister get a beating for that...I actually kind of felt bad for her.
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Old 10-14-2008, 09:00 PM   #9
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Its not so much that I was a stupid teen, but there was this thing that happened when I was about 19 one night at a concert that seems funny to me. I like the Grateful Dead, and I used to go to Dead shows in the SF Bay Area. One night I was going to a New Years' show in Oakland at the Coliseum Arena and had just pulled in, was reaching behind the passenger seat for this card I used to keep that read"I get high on the music" so that the dealers would leave me alone (not such a big deal at Shoreline Amphitheater but more of an issue in Oakland) when there was a rapping at my window. I rolled it down, thinking this was one of those fake valets or someone to do with parking, but instead this guy asks, "Can I get you anything? Whatcha need?" Well, I had my sign in my hand and was putting it up on my dashboard, and since I'd just driven about 90 minutes without a stop and was hungry & thirsty and didn't want to pay extortion rates for crap inside (and had been listening to this song the Dead played that talks about jelly rolls), I asked where I could get some jelly rolls. The guy's looking back and forth, acting really hyper, and says, "Gels, you want gels? I can cat you gels!" I shook my head, repeated "jelly rolls." He just looked real confused, but I'd (finally) caught on. Letting him off the hook, I said "donuts." Then he looked at my dash, saw the sigh, smiled really embarrassed-like and told me there was a quickie mart just down the street. I got my jelly-filled donut, got my ticket torn, and settled in close enough to the stage to get spit on by one of the band who just happens to be a distant cousin of mine. It was a really good show!
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Old 10-14-2008, 10:15 PM   #10
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SOOOOO many stories, so little time lol...

So, when I was 18 (about 5 years ago), myself, my buddy Aaron, and my buddy Vick, we were going on a.. -cough- "business trip" to Phoenix to pick up some "product" for "resale" >__> anyway... lol, we on the way there were extremely excited, so Aaron, the one who was driving, was doing like, 150 MPH the whole way (we were in his Honda Prelude that was souped up to street race). So after a solid like, 7 hours of driving, we are well into the Arizona border, when Aaron asks me "okay, now I know we go south, but how far?" lol.. Well, I could remember from previous trips that it takes about 15 hours to drive from Salt Lake City Utah to Phoenix Arizona, the problem is, we had been going so damn fast that I lost track of time (obviously) so I had no real idea how close we were... soooo we kept going...

After about another 3 hours, we still hadn't seen a Phoenix sign so we decided to pull over and ask where we were... Buuuuut being that we were in the desert somewhere that was easier said than done, and we were almost out of gas. We were also so far in the middle of BF-egypt that we couldn't tell where North or South was anymore, so being the smart guy I am, I pulled out my cell phone, and called my "business partner" in Phoenix and described where we were, and found out.. apparently, we were like, a click away from the Metro area, so we drive into Phoenix (finally) and once we get there, we go to our "business deal" everything goes great, we get our "product", head back up North, truckin along doin' 150 MPH... aaaand get pulled over by a cop at the UT / AZ border..

At first we were like "um, lets act cool" but his car wasn't entirely street legal, and well, we had his trunk lined with about 20 LBs of pot XD so in our stupid teen youth, we decide "lets wing it" so the cop walks over, I am bumbling over to the driver seat while the driver hops in the back seat, the cop shows up to the window and says "do you know fast you were goin son?" and i replied "I sure do! 150 Em Pee Ayches!!" and the cop goes "thats... right, why so fast? you know its dangerous?" and i was like "dude, have you ever gone on a weekend roadtrip from Salt Lake City to Phoenix? its HELL!! First we got lost, then we wound up in mexico, then we came back, and found Phoenix, but I ate a burrito first, and forgot to use a restroom, and now I just hope to god I can get to St George before I blow *** in my shorts!" and the cop, trying as hard as he can to not laugh says 'okay then... um... let his be a warning! slow down!" to which i reply "yes sir!" he turns around going back to his car and i say "**** OFF!!" and speed away doing like, 180 MPH now, the cop couldn't have cought up if he wanted... we flew through the Utah / Arizona boarder, and got back to about... probably Delta Utah before anybody said so much as a word... we all laughed uncontrollably for about 10 minutes, i decided to slow down a bit, and once we got back to SLC, we went and had a nice laugh and it dawned on me...

the cop still had my drivers license XD
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Old 10-17-2008, 02:03 AM   #11
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A bunch of my girl friends and I made a 8 round sling shot out of our bra's between two tree's Fired 8 snow balls all at the same time.
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Old 10-17-2008, 02:09 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by MISSY View Post
A bunch of my girl friends and I made a 8 round sling shot out of our bra's between two tree's Fired 8 snow balls all at the same time.
LOL...That must have been one heck of a snowthrower...LOL!!
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Old 10-17-2008, 02:12 AM   #13
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Yea but mom was not happy!!!!!!!!
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Old 10-18-2008, 04:25 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by WhyYou View Post
I once borrowed my dad's volkswagon minibus to go on a joyride with my best friend. He kind of talked me into it. My parents had gone away for the weekend and left the minibus parked in the driveway. We took it out to a dirt road and were having fun making the tires spin when I lost control. I kept over correcting my steering making it swerve even more and ended up going into the ditch and hitting the bank. The only real damage was a bent up bumper. I got out the tire iron and proceeded to bend the bumper back into place which also put a hole in the body behind the bumper. I thought I'd done a good job and my father would never notice it. I couldn't have been more wrong. My dad was furious! I got grounded for a long time for that and had to do all the yard chores for anout 6 months!
Yeah, I got yelled at for driving alone, before I was allowed to. The only difference was that I didn't have to do chores, because I returned the car in pristine condition, that is before my brother totaled it. It kind of helps to not risk totalling the car when you take it.
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