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Old 09-28-2008, 10:52 PM   #1
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Default *** Danielle's Journal ***

Hey guys, here is my journal. I am going to try to write a journal entry periodically ... but of course somedays I may be to busy.

If you are planning on sending anything to me, send it to the following address (this is my business mailbox, it's not where I live... also please don't send any perishable items to this mailbox since I only check it once, maybe twice a month):
Danielle Delaunay
3116 S Mill Ave #616
Tempe, AZ, 85282

Also if you are sending any type of clothing here are my sizes

43-34-44 (updated 12/22/20)
Dress- 14
Pants/Jeans/Skirt- 14 or XL
Top- XL
Bras- 36G (UK sizing)
Shoes- 8 1/2 to 9 or 39

Sept 18, 2008
So my mom called me earlier and asked if I could meet a tow truck man tomorrow at 10 in the morning to tow my old car (a Chevy Cavalier.) I will be pretty sad to see it go...but it was definitely falling apart. I remember a few Christmas's ago my mom gave me a choice between a new water pump, or a cd player. Of course I chose the cd player...not really knowing that the water pump is an essential part of the vehicle. So almost everytime I would drive it around it would overheat on me...scaring the bejeezus out of me. I had to retire the car when one day we couldn't get it to start. I ended up having to tow the car back home, and it's been sitting there ever since. It's an old car, but it was still my first car and I really hope the new owner takes good care of it.

I'm also very itchy. I had a photoshoot the other day. There was a house near the photographers house that had stagnant water. Well most people know that stagnant water is breeding grounds for mosquitos...but obviously the next door neighbors didn't. So the photography team and I were all up on the roof taking beautiful sunset pictures, and the whole time I'm getting bit by dozens of mosquitos. The photographers were freaking out, swatting them off me and spraying me with bug spray, but I was like hey it's all in the name of art. Well today I wish I would've been a little smarter because I am COVERED in mosquito bites. They are all over my legs, my butt, and my back. I woke up a few times last night because the itching was so bad.

So other than my car being towed away, and the mosquito bites...nothing else really exciting happened. I drove a friend to another friend's house...but that's not really exciting.
Danielle FTV

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Old 09-28-2008, 10:53 PM   #2
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Sept 19, 2008
Right now I am feeling pretty sad. There is a guy who I honestly think is the Devil incarnate. He is evil and trys to spread negativity and hate to everyone around him. He has been emailing Rob, Lia, and I, writing the most evil, spiteful things I've ever heard. I feel horrible for Rob. Rob is by far the best boss I've ever had. He is kindhearted, loving, and giving. He would go to any lengths to please the members of his sites and to help out his friends or family. That is why I feel so bad...because Rob helped this guy out and in return is being treated like crap. Not only that, but anyone who is involved in FTVGirls is also being attacked and harassed on a daily bases. Rob has created beautiful things (the sites, the pictures, etc.) and I don't think people truly appreciate his talent or the amount of work he puts into it. People look at the picture and they think "wow, that's a beautiful girl" but they don't think about the person behind the camera...you know the one who is spending hours creating this beautiful thing for all of us to enjoy. I look at the pictures that Rob takes of me, and I want to cry because they capture that beauty that sometimes I don't see. Rob has made all of his girls into better people, especially me. I wish people weren't so negative and would appreciate the things that they are given. I appreciate this site being made for me...and I appreciate all of you amazing guys who post daily on my site and try to make it into something great. People need to stop looking at what they don't have and start looking at what they do. So if you are that guy that I'm talking about and you are reading this, please take it to heart. Quit being so negative and quit trying to mess up other peoples lives. And oh yeah quit posting personal information about me!

P.S. If you guys could send Rob a little nice message....maybe saying how much you appreciate the sites, etc. I would really appreciate it. He's feeling kind of down and I don't like seeing people that I care about unhapppy.
Danielle FTV
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Old 09-28-2008, 10:53 PM   #3
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Sept 20, 2008
So today was a really good day...other than it being hectic. My personal trainer told me yesterday that if I want to lose weight I have to eat 5 to 6 small meals a day, and eat breakfest. Well first off, I normally get up around lunch time, and second (and this is a little weird) if I get enough sleep I won't be hungry for a few hours, but if I don't get enough sleep then I get hungry immediately. Well I got enough sleep last night, so I had to force myself to eat some cream of wheat. The other day I lost my keys so I had to go to Radio Shack and buy a metal detector. I spent an hour combing through thorny trees, ant infested bushes, and rocky terrain...and I still didn't find my keys. Good thing I have a spare one...but unfortunately those keys I lost also had my spare key clicker on it. So I am going to have to reorder a new one, and a new mailbox key (which I know the apartment people are going to give me hell for.) Hopefully the key clicker isn't to expensive...but I think I remember the car salesman tell me that to get a new one would cost me about $150. Hopefully that's not the case. I also tried to stop by a place called Spy Headquarters to get myself some pepper spray, and various other self protection items, but I got there right after they closed. So I will have to stop by there on Monday. I spent $273 on groceries...I'm not sure how I can spend that much on just one person...but I spend about that much everytime. I also edited some more videos with Rob that will be put up on the site in a few days here.
Danielle FTV
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Old 09-28-2008, 10:54 PM   #4
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Sept 21, 2008
Today was a very lazy day for me. I built a new modeling portfolio, checked emails and Myspace messages. I also watched three or four Battlestar Galactica episodes. I'm on the last disc of the third season, so after this I will need to actually watch the first and second seasons. Rob got some more hateful fowarded emails from that jerk I was telling you about the other day. It's become amusing, honestly he needs to come up with some new material because I keep hearing the same things over and over again. So other than that nothing really special happened.
Danielle FTV
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Old 09-28-2008, 10:54 PM   #5
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Sept 23, 2008
Sorry I didn't write anything yesterday...it was yet again another lazy day so I didn't really have anything to write about. Today I went to Bed, Bath, and Beyond to buy new towels for my bathroom. Well new towels turned into new bathroom sets (toothbrush holder, wastebasket, etc), that turned into new pillows and before I knew it I had spent WAY over my budget. But at least my house will look cute. I bought some of the costume stuff I needed so today I was cliping the fake ivy leaves off the ivy vine. If you didn't know I decided to go as Poison Ivy rather than Princess Leia for Halloween. I'm pretty excited about the costume. It will be completely hand made so I'm hoping that it will turn out well. The past few Halloweens have been hand made costumes and they have all turned out well. This one though will take a long time to make. I'm having a guy make me the latex eye mask that Poison Ivy wore in the movie. Hopefully it isn't to expensive. I bought Rob's costume for him because I knew he would wait until two days before Halloween to actually buy a costume...so he is going as Leonidas from "300"....hahahaha. So yet again I ate a big meal close to bedtime. I need you guys to remind me not to do that, jk I've been told that I shouldn't eat anything big after 6 PM, but I'm so used to eating the most after 8 PM.
Danielle FTV
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Old 09-28-2008, 10:54 PM   #6
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Sept 25, 2008
So I just realized that this journal thread is going to get very long in a relatively short time. Rob put my Welcome video on the sneak peek section of FTVGirls...so anyone who is smart enough should be able to actually find the site. Today was seriously busy. A bunch of Halloween stuff that I ordered arrived in the mail including Rob's costume. Later on I'm going to post some pictures of him in the costume...you guys are going to laugh so hard. I got the new remote lock thingy for my car today. It cost $150 and took them an hour to program it, when it really only should've taken them 15 minutes. So tomorrow I have to call the storage place I used to store my stuff at. My exboyfriend and I were storing our stuff together and when we broke up I switched the unit into his name...well about six months ago I checked my credit report and found out that I was delinquet on payments and they had sent it over to a collections agency. Unfortunantely I shreded all of the papers because this happened like more than a year and a half ago (I normally only keep stuff for a year.) So hopefully they still have the paperwork, but I'm thinking that since they are putting this on my credit report and not the ex's that they don't have it. So hopefully I can get this all taken care of. On Monday I'm getting a dent taken out of my car. I'm so excited because the dent has been on my car for about eight months now... courtesy of stupid ex-boyfriends...and you see why I'm single. So hopefully my car door doesn't get kicked again, because I don't want to have to shell out money for something I didn't do.
Danielle FTV
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Old 02-02-2009, 06:11 AM   #7
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Feb. 01, 2009
So I just got back from Hawaii last night and just wanted to recount my trip there. Unfortunately we only managed to get four video updates and 5 photo updates due to many different reasons. Two days it rained (one of the days we took advantage of it and did a rain shoot...though I feel like I could've done a better job of it.) Wednesday we were supposed to go to the Haleakala crater, but that was one of the days it rained. Well we ended up going on Thursday, but when we actually got to the top we couldn't actually see the crater because of the intense amount of fog and clouds covering it. Another one of those shoots that I wished I would've done "better" on. Didn't get a masturbation scene at the very top like I wanted to because it was freezing cold and I was in short shorts and a t-shirt, plus there was WAY too many people walking around. So anyways the next day we were hoping to get in two more shoots (video and photo)....but the video camera was dead and neither one of us brought a charger with us. So we ended up doing a photo shoot, but yet again for some reason people started appearing left and right just as we started shooting. The photoshoot was still beautiful though and I'm very happy with it...I just wish we could've gotten more stuff. So anyways, I didn't get my malasadas unfortunately....and on the airplane ride home I was stuck next to a very rude lady who kept on elbowing me and "accidently" spilled her drink all over me. But anyways I'm going to quit complaining now...life is great (except for those Cardinals.)
Danielle FTV
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Old 02-08-2009, 05:07 AM   #8
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Feb. 07, 2009
Not much going on lately. Just the same old routine...try to fit in the website, with school, and modeling. I've taken over the running of my site, and am editing all of my stuff. I'm almost done editing all the Hawaii stuff (thank Gawd.) My sister is finally here in AZ. She drove down with my grandma and grandpa, and the little baby. BTW, my nephew is the cutest kid on Earth. Plus he doesn't cry! Or at least I haven't really heard him cry. He actually kind of reminds me of me. He makes funny sounds, weird faces, and squirms around quiet a bit. I took my grandma out on Friday to the Desert Botanical Garden. They had a Chihuly exhibit, which my mom thought would be interesting for my grandma to see. They had Chihuly glass sculpture/bowl things in the gift shop that were selling for $6,100...who buys glass pieces for that much money? I can only imagine buying that, then accidently breaking it . I guess the most expensive nick-nack in my house would have to be my Gemini statue made by Royal Copenhagen...which I just found out I paid twice the price for. I ended up dropping my Italian class. I figure I'm going to do the Rosetta Stone program for whatever language I plan on taking next and then I will be completely proficient in the language and won't have to worry about failing the class. Either that or test out of the language completely (which would be a lot easier.) Tomorrow I have a photoshoot...my first ever pin-up shoot which I am super excited about. Plus there will be a make-up artist and a hairstylist there, which is awesome since I do not know how to do "pin-up" makeup or hair styles.
Danielle FTV
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Old 02-13-2009, 02:36 AM   #9
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Feb. 12, 2009
Yes, yes, yes. I am so happy. I had two tests today in my geology lecture and geology lab. I just got the score back from my geology lab and I got a 92% (the average was 85%....so I got above average). I was completely freaking out about these tests (still kind of freaking out about the lecture test though, since I haven't gotten the score yet.) I ended up studying two days before the test, and also had my personal trainer help me study during our session yesterday night. I didn't study as much as I should've for the geology lecture test...thank gawd we are allowed to drop our lowest score for tests, because I'm thinking it is going to end up being my lowest. Most of the kids in my class said that the test was actually pretty hard. A lot of the questions on the test were about things that the teacher said we wouldn't need to memorize (trickster!) As long as I get above a 75% I will be happy (though I would prefer to get a 90% or above.) I have one more test next week for my math class. I'm actually doing pretty good in that class. It's so funny how you forget everything, then as soon as you start doing it again/learning it again....it all comes back to you. I'm sure I will end up getting a high score on that test. Tomorrow I will be doing my St Patricks and Easter shoot for my website...yes I know it's a little early...but I would prefer to get it done sooner. I'm pretty pysched about it because I bought special toys and special costumes for the shoots, so it should look pretty awesome. Yesterday I had my third webcam show. Surprisingly enough the audio was working! It was a little weird because I had my music playing on my laptop and all of a sudden I heard this peircing echo noise. So I guess I can't play music on my laptop when the webcam is rolling. It was also kind of weird that I couldn't hear myself speak. So I wasn't exactly sure if what I sounded like and if the audio was working correctly. It's a little awkward talking to myself/the computer....I wasn't sure (and still am not sure) if I should just answer questions on the computer or speak the answers. So we have a few more bugs to fix, and then we should be perfect on the webcam. Not sure when they are going to start archiving my shows (I've already done three...so they better get it done soon.) I still have yet to find a doctor that can do tattoo excision. That doesn't seem to be a common thing anymore since they've made the tattoo lasers. I'm hoping to find a doctor sometime in the beginning of next month so I can get it done during Spring Break.
Danielle FTV
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Old 02-17-2009, 11:53 PM   #10
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Feb. 17, 2009
I just got my test score back for my Geology lecture...I passed! I only got a 79%, but thankfully we can drop our lowest score at the end of the semester. The teacher was chewing us out because almost everyone got the "what is plate tectonics" question wrong. Actually half the class didn't pass the test, and the highest score was a 91%, so I guess I did pretty good all in all. I noticed that the questions I missed were of topics from the week of school I missed back in January (Maui trip/shoot.) But hopefully I won't be missing school anymore...actually I can't miss school anymore because I "will be dropped from classes if I have more than 3 absences." I ended up dropping my self defense class...it was just kicking my ***. Especially doing that, my belly dance class twice a week and working out with my personal trainer three times a week. Just couldn't do it. Plus a lot of the exercises/joint manipulations were killing my elbow. So now I'm taking about five classes (geo, geo lab, math, belly dancing, and forensic pathology.) The forensic pathology class is pretty fun....it's self paced so I could potentially finish the class next month if I wanted to. Some of the pictures the teacher shows us in the Powerpoint presentations are pretty gruesome...but it doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would. I have yet to do the autopsy. The teacher said he does it once a month, so hopefully I will get invited before school ends. Unfortunately the problem with going to school is that I rarely have time to hang out with my friends. I actually haven't hung out with my friends in over a month. I can tell that they think I'm neglecting them...but they are all older and have been through college, so they have to understand what I'm going through. At least I'm getting to hang out with my sister and family more. I just met my future step dad's mother and sister. They are pretty nice...not as stuffy as I thought they were going to be. I was pretty quiet around them (because I'm fairly shy around new people) so hopefully they don't think I was being rude. I've finally finished editing all of my stuff for the site. FTV Rob had a HUGE pile-up of stuff that had to be edited. All in all we have 11 professional videos, 11 professional photo sets, 1 candid photo set, and 15 contributing sets. I guess it's nice that everything is edited...but now I don't know what to do with myself. I was doing the editing in my free time (it's actually fairly relaxing and pretty fun as long as I didn't over write stuff or delete important pictures .)
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Old 02-21-2009, 09:37 PM   #11
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Feb. 21, 2009
I am never drinking again...will go into details later when my stomach decides to stop giving me problems.

9:26 PM
Okay so my stomach is feeling a lot better. Thanks to all my understanding members who told me that they would understand about me missing my webcam show...but I promise I will always try to make it to the webcam shows. The only reason that I wouldn't be able to make it is if I'm in the hospital or if a family member is in the hospital (or if my laptop is stolen, knock on wood.) The webcam show went great...ended up lasting over two hours! The time totally flew (though Rob is a little upset about me "spoiling" members). It's understandable though...today was not normal at all (webcam shows generally last about half an hour.) I just had a lot to talk about.

Anyways, my friends want me to go out with them again tonight....don't think that's going to happen, and if it does I will definitely not be drinking. Yesterday was the first night in about two months that I actually got to go out to the clubs and party. Well, I've sworn off alcohol (at least until I can forget about this incident.) Ended up drinking way too many gin and tonics (especially since I haven't really drank any alcoholic beverages for a long while.) It was fun though. I needed a night to relax and forget about everything.

A couple days ago I came across a post on this adult forum I frequent. It was a weird post from someone commenting on anothe post that told people to "avoid site at all costs." I couldn't figure out where the original post was posted on (at one point I thought it was on my site, but it wasn't fortunately.) Anyhow, I finally found the post (POST) and boy was I freaking upset when I read it. All I can think is that it's either that FTV hater Eddie Coates or my ex-fiance or his skanky girlfriend. I mean why the hell would someone make a comment like "Danielle doesn't give a **** about her fans"? If anybody who had any brains actually came to this site (or even read my posts on the adult board) they would see how untrue these statements are. I'm still upset about it. I put so much of myself into this website. I try to be nice to everyone (and have apologized to people about things I've said) and to have someone lie about something that means so much to me makes me so freaking angry (and Rob to!) All I can figure is it's either a competitor or someone I personally know that doesn't like me. What also sucks is that the comment is written in my "website review comments" section. There is only one other comment on that board (thankfully it's a positive comment.) But what the heck is going to happen when somebody is thinking about joining my site and reads that post and notices that there is only one other positive comment? It definitely does not look good on me at all. Evil people!

I'm trying to figure out what to do about my "across the US" trip when school ends. I've been talking to Rob about it and unfortunately don't think he would be able to go with me for a month long trip across the US (plus I think we would kill each other after spending that much time together.) And now that I've finally been thinking about it, I'm not sure how I would be able to drive that much. I think I may end up flying to a few different states for about a week, hiring a photographer/videographer (though of course the content won't be as good as Rob's) and driving around the state (and to other states if they are close by.)
Danielle FTV

Last edited by danielle_ftv; 02-22-2009 at 03:54 AM.
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