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Old 02-16-2010, 10:52 PM   #24
Anoree's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Germany
Posts: 2,015
Default 2009-03-22 Part 3

grande351 says to (19:40:11):
Will you do a belly dancing video at some point?
ff180 says to (19:40:33):
would like to see you do another pole dance video.....
grande351 says to (19:40:46):
That will be so good
Dilbert49 says to (19:40:49):
being a math teacher, and a nerd, I'd wonder more about how the math class is going.
Dilbert49 says to (19:41:11):
<--- knows he's pathetic :)
grande351 says to (19:41:42):
They have a place near me that teaches pole dancing as a workout
magicman says to (19:41:43):
if it's wrong to like looking at a teen when you're almost 48, then I don't want to be right
ff180 says to (19:42:00):
oh yea.... Danielle.... I found out.... I past that big test I took a month back
Dilbert49 says to (19:42:14):
or 49 either, magic
ff180 says to (19:42:21):
happy you shaking them for me... :)
magicman says to (19:42:25):
lol dilbert
kev69 says to (19:42:34):
I'm 3002 years old...
ff180 says to (19:42:46):
so what's next for the next cam show???
grande351 says to (19:42:52):
Someone making you dinner?
Dilbert49 says to (19:43:01):
<-- has 21 year old socks :)
Ck1 says to (19:43:21):
body stocking.... just kidding. i know you hate them.
magicman says to (19:43:24):
you beat me dilbert only 15
ff180 says to (19:43:24):
hmmmmmmm ok guys..... give her some ideas
Dilbert49 says to (19:43:33):
I thought this show was fine
Ck1 says to (19:43:42):
that is why i said just kidding.
Ck1 says to (19:43:51):
and you are right every show is awesome
grande351 says to (19:43:53):
All the ones I've seen have been great
ff180 says to (19:43:58):
all your shows are arsome
kev69 says to (19:43:59):
only when you're in it....
Dilbert49 says to (19:44:00):
where are you?
Ck1 says to (19:44:01):
i have only one request bring lia.
Dilbert49 says to (19:44:09):
bed room?>
magicman says to (19:44:10):
great show, I'll give the wife her 3 minutes later...LOL
ff180 says to (19:44:19):
yea..... bring Violet to your next show
captnjack says to (19:44:27):
I have enjoyed ever cam show!
grande351 says to (19:44:46):
Hva you ever met her?
ff180 says to (19:44:50):
she is from Ohio right
grande351 says to (19:44:59):
North Dakota?
magicman says to (19:45:10):
the good Dakota
grande351 says to (19:45:13):
South Dakota i believe
ff180 says to (19:45:18):
it was fun seeing her on the forum
kev69 says to (19:45:19):
thank you for being such sweetie....
Dilbert49 says to (19:45:40):
South Dakota - the warm Dakota :)
grande351 says to (19:45:44):
She hasn't been on since the first time
grande351 says to (19:45:54):
I hope no one scared her off?
ff180 says to (19:45:57):
drop her a PM.....
magicman says to (19:45:58):
Mt Rushmore
captnjack says to (19:46:06):
I am alive and kicking still
T-bone Thomas says to (19:46:41):
I think Geezer is in contct with Violet
grande351 says to (19:46:46):
Is it raining?
kev69 says to (19:46:46):
its that windy...?
Ck1 says to (19:46:56):
how long was the ren fair for? just one weekend?
magicman says to (19:47:04):
it never rains in zona lol
grande351 says to (19:47:18):
As fast as you drive I'm not surprised
ff180 says to (19:47:29):
we want you to do a shoot with what you wore from the ren fair.... :)
grande351 says to (19:47:31):
Ha Ha
magicman says to (19:47:44):
do the million miles an our video again
grande351 says to (19:47:46):
Did you get a ticket?
kev69 says to (19:47:51):
i thought lamborghinis don't care about wind :)
Ck1 says to (19:48:00):
wow, two months... the one in florida works the same way except for only one month.
Anoree says (19:48:03):
If the ticket still goest to your ex it's ok ;)
magicman says to (19:48:12):
drive Rob's Saheen
grande351 says to (19:48:34):
Anoree says (19:49:13):
Are you getting hungry?
ff180 says to (19:49:15):
what for dinner tonight???
Dilbert49 says to (19:49:23):
His collection would look pathetic next to my Intrepid and 97 Ram :)
kev69 says to (19:49:29):
magicman says to (19:49:35):
sorry, going back to my alissonangel days there with the saheen
j-dub68 says to (19:49:37):
i seen some of your pics at the sundevils game are you a big football fan. I played college ball myself
captnjack says to (19:49:49):
I love coffe and dognuts
ff180 says to (19:50:00):
are you a cop... Cjack.... lol
Ck1 says to (19:50:01):
um.... donuts...... ahhhhhhhhh
captnjack says to (19:50:07):
Alison did a shoot with the saleen
grande351 says to (19:50:13):
MMMM Donuts!
magicman says to (19:50:29):
thanks capt, screwed up the spelling
Ck1 says to (19:50:42):
Daenielle, how about funnel cake? did you get any at the fair?
kev69 says to (19:50:54):
what's your favorite food?
captnjack says to (19:51:06):
Basketball March madness
ff180 says to (19:51:13):
oh yea.... Turkey Drumstike.....
grande351 says to (19:51:17):
It's hard losing weight! I Know!!!
Ck1 says to (19:51:25):

turkey drumstick... that is good.
magicman says to (19:51:25):
captnjack says to (19:51:30):
Cheddar chesse yum
kev69 says to (19:51:48):
cheese... it's all about the cheese in cali...
Ck1 says to (19:52:00):
i think the faces were because of the breeze.... :D
T-bone Thomas says to (19:52:05):
i love Cheddar too
ff180 says to (19:52:07):
a Turky with a Duck and a chicken in it
grande351 says to (19:52:08):
You don't want to know
magicman says to (19:52:10):
isn't cheese the wisconsin thing
Anoree says (19:52:13):
I'd hate to spoil the party ... you're 50 minutes on already
Not that I would mind another hour ;)
magicman says to (19:52:24):
shhh anoree
grande351 says to (19:52:27):
Gee thanks Anoree!
kev69 says to (19:52:36):
Dilbert49 says to (19:52:37):
dammit anoree!
kev69 says to (19:52:38):
ff180 says to (19:52:40):
big kiss for us... Danielle
Ck1 says to (19:52:43):
yeah. take care... he is just saying that because its 2am
grande351 says to (19:52:46):
We love every minute with you
magicman says to (19:52:48):
kill anoree
Ck1 says to (19:52:50):
ff180 says to (19:52:50):
Dilbert49 says to (19:52:55):
Anoree says (19:53:05):
Oh, oh, there goe some friendships ... :(
ff180 says to (19:53:11):
stop thur No Calif..... I am there
Ck1 says to (19:53:12):
grande351 says to (19:53:14):
That's ok
captnjack says to (19:53:18):
had fun danille thanks....:)
magicman says to (19:53:22):
night Danielle
kev69 says to (19:53:22):
cool... love ya...
j-dub68 says to (19:53:23):
thank you for your time daniella
grande351 says to (19:53:23):
Bye sweetie
Dilbert49 says to (19:53:24):
Thanks Danielle!
EduardoS Warrior says to (19:53:26):
Anoree says (19:53:26):
Good bye
*** (19:53:27):caz15 left the room
Ck1 says to (19:53:29):
have a good week
magicman says to (19:53:30):
love and kisses
*** (19:53:28):danielle left the room

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