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Old 02-15-2010, 10:08 PM   #13
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Default 2009-02-21 Part 5

grande351 says to (22:40:12):
I'm kind of nerdy too
Ck1 says to (22:40:34):
i think i take the cake.
grande351 says to (22:40:34):

We all need to embrace our inner nerd
Anoree says (22:40:47):
Perhaps that's why we fit together so well
Ck1 says to (22:40:48):
i answer yes to all of the above... well, original BSG
grande351 says to (22:41:01):
That must be it Anoree
Ck1 says to (22:41:02):
havn't seent too much of the new one.
Ck1 says to (22:41:17):
Ck1 says to (22:41:34):
same thing...
grande351 says to (22:41:45):
Did you ever get a TV?
Ck1 says to (22:41:54):
that lead to the series. then there was a second series that lasted a short time.
T-bone Thomas says to (22:41:55):
What kind of gifts do you like to get on your birthday? Flowers, clothes, gift cards, money?
Ck1 says to (22:42:17):
grande351 says to (22:42:22):
Ck1 says to (22:42:48):
Ck1 says to (22:43:13):
Books made of gold.
grande351 says to (22:43:19):
What are you reading now?
Ck1 says to (22:43:22):
you read it and then you sell it.
laranger says to (22:43:27):

A day at the spa.
Anoree says (22:43:44):
ck1, are you sitting on Fort Knox or something? ;)
Ck1 says to (22:44:01):
Shhhhh... i am still digging the tunnel!
grande351 says to (22:44:03):
What's it about?
grande351 says to (22:44:24):
Is it Sci-fi?
grande351 says to (22:46:15):
I know you like the fantasy type books. I've never read any of those. What would you suggest
grande351 says to (22:46:26):
To start
grande351 says to (22:47:24):
Cool, I'll have to check them out
Ck1 says to (22:47:41):
So when you go into a book store, how many hours do you psend there?
longhornbill says to (22:48:23):
Have you had an opportunity to read The Art of Racing in the Rain? Definitely "fantasy".
grande351 says to (22:48:27):
I love to read, but mostly non-fiction, but I want to try some different stuff
Ck1 says to (22:48:31):
library is great... because you can read and take notes...
Ck1 says to (22:48:39):
like cookbooks
captnjack says to (22:49:03):
do you like borders bookstore?
grande351 says to (22:49:05):
I like history too
Ck1 says to (22:49:29):
but it helps if they have a coffee shop
grande351 says to (22:49:31):
Do you have Barnes and Noble
Ck1 says to (22:49:55):
we have one called Books a Million
grande351 says to (22:50:08):
We have those too CK1
grande351 says to (22:50:21):
They're not as nice as the others
Ck1 says to (22:50:26):
about two miles from my house... loose myself there for a couple of hours easily
grande351 says to (22:50:34):
I was in Borders today
longhornbill says to (22:50:57):
And I live near the border. Is that the same thing?
T-bone Thomas says to (22:51:15):
You have sexy eyes. Can't you get a bit closer to the camera for a second so we can see your beautiful eyes?
Ck1 says to (22:51:31):
School, take a break, take a breather...
Ck1 says to (22:51:38):
loose myself in those eyes....
captnjack says to (22:51:45):
T-bone Thomas says to (22:51:45):
Very nice, thanks
longhornbill says to (22:51:55):
Ck1 says to (22:51:59):
yes, very nice.
grande351 says to (22:52:03):
You really do have great eyes!!
Anoree says (22:52:03):
Yes, very nice
Ck1 says to (22:52:23):
camera quality... can't compare to robs high def camera.
grande351 says to (22:52:32):
I wishnto picture was a little bigger
Ck1 says to (22:52:35):
still great though.
grande351 says to (22:52:49):
I's great to see you though
grande351 says to (22:53:01):
Pardon my poor typing
Anoree says (22:53:36):
Do you think I should try a few photoshops of your eyes?
grande351 says to (22:53:44):
What are you chewing on
grande351 says to (22:53:57):
It was hard to tell
Ck1 says to (22:53:58):
your hair is getting long... any plans on cutting it? or just letting it get longer?
grande351 says to (22:54:04):
Ck1 says to (22:54:10):
too many jokes for that comments.
longhornbill says to (22:54:20):
Love it long!
grande351 says to (22:54:27):
I know CK1, so much I could say
T-bone Thomas says to (22:55:17):
Ever had your hair curly?
grande351 says to (22:55:28):
That was nice of her to say
Ck1 says to (22:55:39):
i think regarless of the color (from the pictures i have seen) everything looks great.
grande351 says to (22:56:06):
What type of belly button piercing did you have? It looks like there are four holes
grande351 says to (22:56:24):
Be careful!
grande351 says to (22:57:18):
Do you still wear it?
grande351 says to (22:57:51):
Ewww, that sounds bad
grande351 says to (22:58:10):
was it some reaction to the metal?
longhornbill says to (22:58:32):
The energy of the metal is totally opposite of the energy of the body.
grande351 says to (22:58:37):
That could have caused it
T-bone Thomas says to (22:58:45):
I got to go now. Thanks for sharing your time with us. Bye Danielle, bye folks
Ck1 says to (22:58:58):
bye thomas
*** (22:58:58):T-bone Thomas left the room
grande351 says to (22:59:06):
Didn't you say you had one in your hand?
Anoree says (22:59:13):
I'll stick around a bit longer
Ck1 says to (22:59:22):
grande351 says to (22:59:27):
I've never seen that before
Ck1 says to (22:59:35):
grande351 says to (22:59:36):
grande351 says to (23:00:05):
Not good!
grande351 says to (23:00:18):
What is Jamba Juice?
grande351 says to (23:00:32):
We don't have them here
Ck1 says to (23:00:34):
Planet Smoothie
grande351 says to (23:00:43):
Sounds good!
grande351 says to (23:00:54):
I loove smoothies
captnjack says to (23:01:00):
Orange julis here
Ck1 says to (23:01:11):
i got my friend to piece my ear when i was in high school... hurt like a...
grande351 says to (23:01:22):
Do you have Rita's italian ice there?
grande351 says to (23:02:20):
Sounds like where i work! No shortage of slackers there!!
Ck1 says to (23:02:28):
me too.
grande351 says to (23:03:00):
Ck1 says to (23:03:06):
I work late, cut lunches short. have to pick up and finish other peoples works that they screw up.
Ck1 says to (23:03:14):
I wish we had a gelato place in central florida.
Ck1 says to (23:03:22):
we do but its no close to me.
grande351 says to (23:03:24):
longhornbill says to (23:03:35):
Just want you to know how totally gorgeous you are! ---- excuse the interuption
grande351 says to (23:03:37):
Have one for me too
grande351 says to (23:03:53):
She sure is bill!
grande351 says to (23:04:02):
Love her smile
grande351 says to (23:04:16):
It's fun chatting with you
Ck1 says to (23:04:17):
um, yeah two hours... enjoying it so dind't want to say anything.
longhornbill says to (23:04:21):
Hasn't this been great!
captnjack says to (23:04:24):
times flies when your are having fun
Anoree says (23:04:24):
That were fun two hours
bandit58 says to (23:04:35):
bye danielle and all
longhornbill says to (23:04:39):
captnjack says to (23:04:43):
c u Sunday
Ck1 says to (23:04:44):
Thank you! it was great show.
grande351 says to (23:04:45):
Bye Sweetie!!
Anoree says (23:04:45):
captnjack says to (23:04:50):
*** (23:04:51):longhornbill left the room
*** (23:04:56):captnjack left the room
*** (23:04:57):laranger left the room
*** (23:04:57):danielle left the room

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