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Old 03-17-2009, 05:57 AM   #449
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: I previously lived in Las Vegas Nv from 93-05'. I then moved back to my hometown of SLC, Ut.
Posts: 2
Wink Danielle, Keep your head up!!!

Dear Danielle,
I prior to posting my above question to you I had originally begun it with the following letter below in the next paragraph. I had cut it out because I thought it might have been a little too much too soon. But, after seeing how the insensitivity of that person who posted before me hurt you so much I felt obligated to repost my letter to you because you deserve so much more than getting cutting remarks that hurt you....Btw Thank you for all you give us I'm truly thankful that you put so much of your heart and soul into your work.... I hope this makes you feel better

To start out with I just want you to know that I think you are GREAT! You are really a positive role model for an industry too often rooted with the seeds of corruption. Seeing you perform as well as reading your profile or watching your video blogs has had an impact on not only myself but many others as you can see... I have so much respect for you because you've shown, where so many others fail, that you don't have to compromise your morals, integrity or pride to make it make in the adult entertainment world. Most importantly, Your website has torn down this mental wall in the A.E.I. world that separates fantasy from reality. You've given us a great gift by allowing us a chance to see you as a REAL person and not a sex toy, porn star or as moral majority might tag you... a slut. You seem like such a strong woman, When I look at your picture I see true beauty. Of course your thinking I'm talking about your body. Although you are extremely beautiful and very desirable (physically)
(B.T.W. your eyes are my no#1 favorite feature on you, they remind me of the the most radiantly beautiful diamonds you could ever find)

...what I really think makes you beautiful is your personality. You seem to be so down to earth and intelligent. I was completely struck by your profile and seeing so many of your interests are those of my own too. Like paranormal/metaphysics, reading, walks, moments of randomness (like random drives to nowhere or sharing random facts)...
I feel like we could have so much to talk about. I just hope that, in time, we can become good friends. I apologize for the lenght but I just had so much on my mind that I thought you deserved to know about.
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