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Old 03-10-2009, 12:57 AM   #31
Danielle's Imaginary Girlfriend
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Join Date: Oct 2008
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Posts: 598

Just a little tidbit from our safety dept. They put up a survey on MSN.COM asking people what there pet peve about other drivers was. #1 driving in the left lane and not passing. #2 on the cell phone. #3 not using signals. The list goes on but that is the top 3. In our case escorting Tiggers truck. driving next to the truck for more than 1 min ( heavy trafic excluided) we will try to get you to move on, if you refuse to move on you get to see the pretty blue lights, in most cases as soon as you move on the lights go off. 2 cell phones , if your not causing any problems we don't bother. if you are causing a problem blue lights seem to work well at making people hang up and behave. 3 not using signals, I can't think of any time we stoped someone for that! The biggest thing is cutting off the truck!!!!!!!!!! there is a range finder on the camera in the bumper of the truck that is set at 25 feet, if it pops you your going to get a ticket in the mail with a photo of what you did! We also keep 1 min before and after of video. If you make Tigger have to hit is brakes in doing it, it will alert one of the guys and you will get stopped and given a ticket . this fine starts at $2000.00 for cars and $3000.00 for trucks. if the truck is hauling hazmat you get a ride in a police car and lose your driving priv. for 3 months. Tanker drivers lose it for 2 yrs. If we witness or tigger informs us that you are messing with him. ( stupid) you get a free ride to jail.Fine starts at $5000.00 - 25000.00 depending on what you are doing. Example, last year a bunch of kids shot paint ball guns at one of our trucks almost causing the driver to wreck. They got 10 yrs each. why so strict you ask. There is up to 40000 lbs of high explosives in the trailer. that is enough to destroy an entire city, could wipe ATLANTA GA. off the face of the earth. that is why we escort his truck. That is also why only former military are alowed to do his job. and yes I know i'm not the best speller out there so quit messaging me to inform me of it!!!!!!!!! Tigger is worse than i am! Sorry tig. Still love ya. ( he will never let me use his computer again)
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