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Old 02-06-2011, 11:54 AM   #241
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Default D231, 01-22-11: To e83

"Hey e83

I read your questions on the question thread and your first question was: What’s the longest I’ve let my hair grow?

I’m thinking it was to… much to the middle of my back, right there or so. [shows with her hand on a side view] But I think that was when I was much younger. I used to have it really, really short. Actually, at one point I had my hair really short on the back, so it was spiking up, and long in the front. It was kind of cute, a kind of punk rock or kind of Goth looking.

Your other question was: Have I ever ha… uh, I cannot talk right now. My voice is cracking like a boy going through puberty. [laughs] Have I ever had any thoughts about trying to let it grow to my waist?

Actually I have. I think it would be so cool to have long hair like that, but it would probably be really hard to take care of, and I can just imagine getting out of the shower and it being all tangled and stuff, because my hair gets really tangled after I get out of the shower and I’d washed it already, and if it’s longer I think it would be super, super hard to deal with. Plus, I’ve actually heard that most guys don’t like super, super long hair, that they usually prefer the length that my hair is at. I think I’m good.

Your next question was: When I’ve been caught nude unexpectedly, what area do you instinctively try and cover first, breast, down there or both simultaneously?

You know what’s weird? I don’t actually think that I have been caught completely nude before, so I wouldn’t really be able to sit there and say that I would cover both of them. I’m sure that I would try to cover both simultaneously, but normally if somebody catches me that I normally have my top down and I do this, [crosses her arms before her chest] cover my boobs or whatever. Yah, luckily nobody saw me completely naked. That would be really, really bad. Well, I’m sorry, nobody has seen me completely naked in public. Yeah.

Your last question was: Have I ever taught anyone to masturbate?

No, I haven’t. To be perfectly honest, I haven’t really even been able to … I haven’t really been comfortable enough to talk about that until I started shooting. I don’t know. I’ve talked to my best friend Dallas about it, but I never instructed her or anything. I definitely was way too much of a prude back when I was younger to teach somebody how to masturbate. Plus, I masturbate … well, I’m sorry, I used to masturbate way different than anybody else I ever – uh, can’t talk – The style that I used to use when I was masturbating was very different from other girls’ styles. It’s actually a little rougher, a little harder and I don’t think that most girls like it. The only girl that likes it is Dallas. Apparently we masturbate the same way, as we found out. I was “Oh my god, you’re my soul sister! It’s awesome!”

I hope that answers your questions, ok?

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