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Old 08-23-2011, 07:27 AM   #262
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Default D252, 05-08-11: To shortyboi

"Hey shortyboi

I read your questions on the question thread. There’s quite a few of them. Your first question is: Name one thing you love about being an adult.

Being able to have sex? [laughs] Well, I mean being able to have sex with people past the age of 18. Eh, doesn’t make any sense. It does make sense to me. Obviously, it’s very much frowned … well, I don’t know.
Ok, let’s change that; being able to go to a sex shop, that’s one of the best things about being an adult, and being able to rent my own apartment, or rent my own home. That’s pretty awesome. Right now, that’s the two things that … oh, hello! Being able to do this website! Duh! I didn’t think about that. That’s got to be one of the best. That’s got to be in my top two. [laughs]

Your next question is: What do you value most in life?

What do I value most … Family. Family and lovers, I guess I would say, lovers, boyfriends, girlfriends, whatever.

Next question: What do I think is the secret to my good life?

Lots of sleep. [laughs] I have a great life and I get plenty of sleep, so it’s got to be the secret to it. Lots of sleep and regular orgasms for sure.

Your next question: What is usually your first thought when you wake up?

I guess, I think it’s kind of bad, but worrying if Love Bug peed in my bed. [laughs] No, I guess usually when I wake up I … I don’t remember if I really have … obviously I have first thoughts when I wake up, but I can’t think of anything. It’s probably just like “I’ve got to get Love Bug outside to potty.” That’s my first thought.

And then your last question is: What has been the good and bad sides to your success in this career?

Good sides: Money, that’s really good, freedom to do … I’ve got a lot of free time, creative freedom with my website, being able do whatever I want with it, so I can have it the way I want it – what else? There’s a lot different stuff – making new friends with you guys. Yeah.
And the bad things: So far I haven’t really come across any bad things, but the potential bad things is: Getting caught out in public, getting caught shooting out in public and getting arrested, that would be even worse, getting caught shooting out in public, getting arrested and being branded as a sex offender, that would be the worst. What else? When I get a normal job, loosing that job because they find out about my website, not being able to get into medical school because they find out about this website – I thought about whether they can do that, I hope not – that’s about it. Oh, wait, my family, my grandma having a heart attack or something because she finds out about the website, which hopefully will never happen. I doubt that will happen, though. My grandma is pretty healthy.

Anyways, I hope that answered your questions, ok?

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