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Old 08-27-2011, 04:56 PM   #273
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Default D263, 07-02-11: To Padawan

"Hey Padawan

I read your questions on the question thread. Your first question was: I’ve seen some of your pics, might’ve been your earlier work, but you do seem to play with unconventional objects in example bottles and such. Is it your idea, do you have a fetish on masturbating with those objects or is it the camera man’s idea?

Actually 95% of the time it is my idea. So I guess I do have a fetish playing around with those objects, sticking those objects inside of me. It’s actually really funny, because just two days ago I stuck my X-Box remote controller inside of me. Not the whole thing, but just playing around with it. I don’t know why, I’m just randomly doing that. But, yah, I love sticking random stuff inside of me, mostly for the shoots. Especially for the themed shoots, because there’s only so many – I guess – “holiday toys” that you can use, so doing different stuff like sticking a beer bottle inside of me for the St Patrick’s Day shoot is fun. And I get a kick out of it and I’m sure you guys do, too.

Your next question is: Have you read any of Douglas Adams’ books?

Nope, I have not. I’m pretty sure that I have not.

And your next question is: Have you met your fans and if so, what kind of experience … what kind of experience these meetings were? – Hm?

Yes, I have met some of my fans before and they’ve mostly been really, really good experiences – yah, mostly. I love meeting my fans and I’m sure they love meeting me, too. And I’m sure they love assisting my shoots. You know they realize or see how unsexy it is. Not so much unsexy but it’s definitely not as erotic as the finished product.

And your last question is: As you seem to answer a lot of questions, does the answering make you feel good in a way?

Yah, actually it does. I love … It’s not only a way for you guys to find out more about me, but it’s a way for me to find out more about myself, because a lot of the times the questions you guys ask me aren’t really questions that I’ve really thought about before. So [by answering them] I find out more about myself. I always get a kick out of doing the video logs, because I never know what’s going to come out of my mouth, because I don’t really practice the video logs before I shoot them or anything like that. I just kind of wing it.

Anyways, so I hope that answered your questions, ok?

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