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Old 02-17-2010, 09:41 PM   #32
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Default 2009-04-24 Part 2

captnjack says to (20:20:52):
grande351 says to (20:20:54):
I could watch it all day
Anoree says (20:20:56):
WOW, that looked AWESOME.
dxhound2003 says to (20:21:03):
did you come twice
Dilbert49 says to (20:21:08):
*** (20:21:08):Enigma left the room
grande351 says to (20:21:20):
I thought so
Anoree says (20:21:20):
That sure looked like two really good ones
geezer says to (20:21:25):
do it one more time.
*** (20:21:26):Welcome to Danielle FTV , Enigma!
Dilbert49 says to (20:21:29):
Seemed obvious to me :)
dxhound2003 says to (20:21:36):
thank you danielle this is my first time here
grande351 says to (20:21:42):
It looked awesome from here
geezer says to (20:22:02):
Have you watched the video on How to Squirt yet?
geezer says to (20:22:32):
Wow, a GROUP squirt party.
geezer says to (20:22:40):
You could sell tickets
grande351 says to (20:22:55):
You could have a distance contest
dxhound2003 says to (20:22:58):
what were you thinking about when you were masturbating
Enigma says to (20:23:01):
there an idea for your next shoot then
captnjack says to (20:23:03):
That was beautiful Danielle!
texasdrake says to (20:23:06):
Would you need to wear rain gear for the party? :D
grande351 says to (20:23:13):
I'm sure they have
Dilbert49 says to (20:23:25):
Is there anything Stern hasn't done?
grande351 says to (20:23:26):
Leslie would be tough to beat!
captnjack says to (20:23:47):
Sounds like you have a busy weekend planned ahead.
grande351 says to (20:23:51):
She seems like she could squirt a mile
geezer says to (20:23:54):
Did you see T-Bone today?
Ck1 says to (20:24:21):
No, rob at a car show... i don't believe it!
*** (20:24:23):Welcome to Danielle FTV , laranger!
grande351 says to (20:24:32):
What are you doing tonight
captnjack says to (20:24:34):
T-bone likes his cars about as much as Rob does
Ck1 says to (20:25:07):
yeah, sorry, you know rob deserves it tough...
grande351 says to (20:25:11):
You'll end up somewhere cool
geezer says to (20:25:14):
I get your Tweets on Twitter. Do YOU get MY replys to them?
grande351 says to (20:25:31):
I didn't know that either
grande351 says to (20:25:44):
I've been reading yours
Enigma says to (20:25:52):
when will you be back in the forum? to talk to and PM?
*** (20:25:51):laranger left the room
geezer says to (20:25:56):
I've gotten MANY messages on MY cell phone from you. You didn't want to workout tongiht you wrote.
grande351 says to (20:26:11):
never enough sleep
Anoree says (20:26:14):
Yes, I'm following your tweets, too
Dilbert49 says to (20:26:36):
I see them online, but I haven't figured it all out yet
grande351 says to (20:26:41):
I'll have to figure that out too
geezer says to (20:26:50):
Yeah, but I don't know if YOU get my replies from my cell of if I have to log onto twitter from my computer
Dilbert49 says to (20:27:14):
I thought someone would have to be following me to see my replies
Ck1 says to (20:27:20):
I get so much stuff to my phone i can't add any more. between work and personal emails....
grande351 says to (20:27:21):
I can't even post stuff on my damn MySpace page!
geezer says to (20:27:26):
Well, crap, I'm wasting my time clicking on "reply" then.
geezer says to (20:27:52):
I won't hold my breath.
Anoree says (20:28:09):
I would LOVE to read your replies
Enigma says to (20:28:12):
lol like with PM's but as you have said you are busy
grande351 says to (20:28:14):
That's not nice
Anoree says (20:28:20):
I'll start to reply to yours
Enigma says to (20:29:15):
Im not having a go, so please don't get upset, I was meant to be a joke, sorry
Enigma says to (20:29:18):
texasdrake says to (20:29:19):
I never had any have a you don't owe anyone anything.
grande351 says to (20:29:23):
You do fine with all the stuff you have to do.
Ck1 says to (20:29:46):
just do what makes you happy.
grande351 says to (20:29:50):
People have to consider that you have a real life too
Ck1 says to (20:29:58):
because if you are going to please someone, might as well be you.
captnjack says to (20:30:01):
You please everyone so you gotta please yourself!
grande351 says to (20:30:07):
Or me (lol)
geezer says to (20:30:12):
IF you were getting rich on this site, we might expect more from you. But, I think it's more of a "fun thing" for you. So, we take what we can get.
Anoree says (20:30:22):
Just ignore the complaints. Like you said, you can't do everything at once.
Ck1 says to (20:30:25):
Ck1 says to (20:30:29):
Ck1 says to (20:30:34):
FAMILY. you are busy
grande351 says to (20:30:40):
Rob's been shooting like crazy
Anoree says (20:30:53):
Yes, have a very nice week
Dilbert49 says to (20:30:56):
captnjack says to (20:30:57):
bye Danielle
grande351 says to (20:30:58):
Bye sweetie!
Enigma says to (20:31:01):
Ck1 says to (20:31:02):
okay, bye.
Dilbert49 says to (20:31:02):
have a good evening
geezer says to (20:31:02):
Ck1 says to (20:31:05):
have a good weekend
texasdrake says to (20:31:06):
Anoree says (20:31:06):
Bye Danielle
*** (20:31:09):Dilbert49 left the room
*** (20:31:10):danielle left the room

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