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Old 02-17-2010, 09:09 PM   #28
Anoree's Avatar
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Posts: 2,015
Default 2009-04-11 Part 2

Dilbert49 says to (19:20:06):
I'll take what the banana is in, geezer :)
grande351 says to (19:20:23):
You'd have to share with me!
eastbill says to (19:20:25):
how about being the banana
geezer says to (19:20:31):
I have a BETTER CHANCE of getting the banana that you do getting the "container."
*** (19:20:31):mLvtSp9b left the room
Dilbert49 says to (19:20:38):
Dilbert49 says to (19:20:53):
but I can dream, can't I?
grande351 says to (19:20:57):
how many fingers?
geezer says to (19:21:03):
Now you can bake some banana bread!
grande351 says to (19:21:45):
It's good!
grande351 says to (19:22:09):
How about a banana smoothie!
geezer says to (19:22:10):
how about on All Four with that piece of fruit?
grande351 says to (19:22:31):
Can we see you from behind?
geezer says to (19:22:33):
Yeah, baby!
grande351 says to (19:22:38):
Thank you!
geezer says to (19:22:49):
God Bless You, Danielle!
eastbill says to (19:22:54):
oh wow
Dilbert49 says to (19:22:58):
Great suggestion, geezer
grande351 says to (19:23:03):
very nice
Dilbert49 says to (19:23:08):
captnjack says to (19:23:10):
Anoree says (19:23:13):
wow, in deed
geezer says to (19:23:27):
I have tears in my eyes now
eastbill says to (19:23:35):
such a beauty
grande351 says to (19:23:40):
That was great Danielle
captnjack says to (19:23:44):
Oh wow!
grande351 says to (19:23:45):
Anoree says (19:23:55):
You're simply gorgeous, Danielle.
Ck1 says to (19:24:03):
awesome as always! :D
grande351 says to (19:24:08):
Totally makes up for last week!!
eastbill says to (19:24:10):
mmm seeing you the highlight of the weekend
*** (19:24:13):Welcome to Danielle FTV , mLvtSp9b!
geezer says to (19:24:32):
I put booking my trip to Vegas on hold just to watch you today.
grande351 says to (19:24:35):
i agree bill
geezer says to (19:25:15):
That looks like a different bed and location that usual.
grande351 says to (19:25:21):
can you see the screen?
Anoree says (19:25:31):
Nice, but far away ...
grande351 says to (19:25:37):
how many fingers am I holding up
T-bone Thomas says to (19:25:40):
We all love you Danille!
captnjack says to (19:25:46):
Gives new meaning to bread and breakfest!
Anoree says (19:25:46):
Oh, yes, better for us, too
eastbill says to (19:26:00):
you got that captjack
geezer says to (19:26:17):
You are STILL all pink "down there!"
eastbill says to (19:26:17):
danielle no one finer than you
captnjack says to (19:26:42):
Love the pink!
geezer says to (19:26:52):
I can't remember! Can YOU "fist" yourself or are you too tight?
grande351 says to (19:27:25):
i have tiny hands
captnjack says to (19:27:26):
My hands are small!
Dilbert49 says to (19:27:32):
<-- willing to go to a hand audition
grande351 says to (19:27:40):
geezer says to (19:27:51):
YOU are "small!!!!" After sticking that super long thing all the way inside???
grande351 says to (19:27:56):
Maybe look for a hand model
Dilbert49 says to (19:28:00):
yeah, like we can talk while you're doing that!
captnjack says to (19:28:06):
I prefer to watch!
grande351 says to (19:28:24):
It looks big to me
geezer says to (19:28:25):
Not big, my ***! Have you been with any guys THAT thick and long?
Dilbert49 says to (19:29:09):
Speaking as someone who is hung like an AAA battery, trust me, it's big :)
grande351 says to (19:29:13):
Does that make a difference to you?
grande351 says to (19:29:20):
Size I mean
geezer says to (19:29:21):
Man, I'm sure never getting naked with a chick again after seeing the size of that toy.
geezer says to (19:30:14):
Yeah, but "Dilbert49" and I have AAA sizes. To US, it looks BIG
geezer says to (19:30:32):
Sorry, Dilbert49 - you said it first.
Dilbert49 says to (19:30:57):
No problem. On a good day, I can be a "C" cell
grande351 says to (19:30:58):
You have to make the best of what you have
T-bone Thomas says to (19:31:08):
Its not the size of the wave but the motion of the ocean that matters...
JimG says to (19:31:29):
You are soo sexy D!
geezer says to (19:31:39):
Yeah, that is what us guys want to believe but just listen to the girls talk - it's ALL ABOUT "size" to them.
geezer says to (19:32:03):
OMG She's going to another one!
grande351 says to (19:32:35):
she's going to try for two in a row'
Dilbert49 says to (19:33:05):
Bonus! :)
Anoree says (19:33:44):
I think that's another first, here. Two imediately after another we had, but not two with a pause ...
*** (19:33:46):Welcome to Danielle FTV , sean!
geezer says to (19:33:48):
Man! I'd sell my First Born (if I had one) to smell her fingers!
Anoree says (19:33:59):
And it looks like a great one, too.
geezer says to (19:34:19):
WOW, she's LOUD this time. The first was pretty silent.
Ck1 says to (19:34:23):
that was a toe curler
grande351 says to (19:34:30):
eastbill says to (19:34:36):
and a half
Anoree says (19:34:36):
WOW, in deed!
Dilbert49 says to (19:34:39):
If I knew how to make gold stars on here, I'd make 5 of 'em for you!
Dilbert49 says to (19:34:45):
Us too!
grande351 says to (19:34:45):
she must be sooooo wet!
Anoree says (19:34:59):
We don't mind you going all day long ... ;)
captnjack says to (19:35:01):
That was great thank you!
geezer says to (19:35:05):
All day long! Are you kidding us!
eastbill says to (19:35:10):
looks so great
grande351 says to (19:35:13):
I could stay all day and watch
eastbill says to (19:35:22):
i too could watch you all day
Dilbert49 says to (19:35:23):
Not me. It's all these other guys
grande351 says to (19:35:26):
All work and no play...
captnjack says to (19:35:34):
bunch of naughty boys
T-bone Thomas says to (19:35:38):
thats what we're here for
geezer says to (19:35:44):
I'm not going to beg you but.... if you WANT to do it a THIRD TIME, I'll stick around.
grande351 says to (19:35:45):
Who cares about taxes anyway
eastbill says to (19:36:09):
taxes can wait
Ck1 says to (19:36:28):
taxes can wait for another four days... or are we down to three...
grande351 says to (19:36:42):
Don't remind me!
Anoree says (19:36:41):
Yeah, taxes can wait. It's easter weekend, anyway
geezer says to (19:36:48):
Hey, is Rob going to write about his experiences in Germany at the car track? Tell him we want to hear his story.
Ck1 says to (19:36:48):
well, today is almost done... at least for me.
captnjack says to (19:36:51):
Due april 15th!
Dilbert49 says to (19:37:01):
So, have you been "saving them up" for a few days? Or is it just one of those days for you?
grande351 says to (19:37:06):
You should be ashamed!
captnjack says to (19:37:09):
Turbo tax?
grande351 says to (19:37:10):
grande351 says to (19:37:36):
Sounds like me!!
geezer says to (19:37:37):
Are you feeling a little more horny than usual of is this a "normal" day for you.
Dilbert49 says to (19:37:44):
Damn. I gotta move to Phoenix
T-bone Thomas says to (19:37:52):
isn't it unfair girls can come twice within 15 minutes and we guys can't. What a talent!
eastbill says to (19:37:52):
me too
captnjack says to (19:38:04):
Were here for you Danielle!
grande351 says to (19:38:11):
Speak for yourself T-Bone!
geezer says to (19:38:26):
sean says to (19:38:28):
It's wet today in Phx.
grande351 says to (19:38:37):
Sure is!
Anoree says (19:38:39):
It happens to mee, too
Dilbert49 says to (19:38:45):
I can, T-bone. So long as it's like 3:00 today and 3:10 tomorrow
geezer says to (19:38:45):
You are a GIRL.
grande351 says to (19:38:48):
No its ok
grande351 says to (19:39:00):
you can do what ever you want
eastbill says to (19:39:26):
it is fine by me.... what ever you desire
Dilbert49 says to (19:39:28):
<-- rather give appreciation than permission
grande351 says to (19:39:29):
you're not weird
Anoree says (19:39:38):
You don't need our permission. We're glad to see some of it. :)
grande351 says to (19:39:43):
I wasn't giving permission
Ck1 says to (19:39:47):
not weird at all.
sean says to (19:39:50):
Horny = normal. And i'm a normal guy.
geezer says to (19:39:51):
Where are you right now? At Rob's place? The bed is different and so is it's location.
T-bone Thomas says to (19:40:20):
I guess its the FTV house #2
grande351 says to (19:40:21):
I recognized it
grande351 says to (19:40:31):
Could be fun too
geezer says to (19:40:38):
Couch! You drizzle all over the couch and then company comes over and SITS in it.
captnjack says to (19:40:40):
I recongnizie it also
grande351 says to (19:40:44):
Does he actually live there
Ck1 says to (19:41:00):
no he lives in his car.
Ck1 says to (19:41:07):
with cars like that i would.
grande351 says to (19:41:14):
I didn't know if he only used it for shooting
geezer says to (19:41:18):
Rob shoots so much of her material in that house, it must smell like day old cum
Anoree says (19:41:17):
Are you meeting your family over easter?
grande351 says to (19:41:26):
Dilbert49 says to (19:41:42):
geez, geezer. and right before dinner!
geezer says to (19:41:48):
I just ate
Dilbert49 says to (19:41:54):
Bye Danielle :)
Ck1 says to (19:41:54):
have a safe holiday.
grande351 says to (19:41:57):
Bye sweetie
Ck1 says to (19:41:57):
captnjack says to (19:41:58):
goodbye Danielle
eastbill says to (19:41:58):
byee lovely
geezer says to (19:42:00):
Anoree says (19:41:59):
Have a nice easter weekend!
eastbill says to (19:42:04):
you are wonderful
captnjack says to (19:42:05):
happy easter
*** (19:42:04):danielle left the room

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