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Old 02-15-2010, 10:01 PM   #10
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Default 2009-02-21 Part 2

grande351 says to (21:15:06):
Looking forward to that
captnjack says to (21:15:11):
looking forward to seeing the bunny dance
Anoree says (21:15:28):
He, he, Rob in the background
grande351 says to (21:15:30):
Somebody's in trouble!
geezer says to (21:15:34):
MORE GIRLS? Bring 'em in with ya!
captnjack says to (21:15:44):
someone in the peanut gallery
grande351 says to (21:15:47):
Anoree says (21:15:53):
That'd be cool
geezer says to (21:15:56):
Call her up right now!
Ck1 says to (21:16:01):
i will agree with Grande YES!
longhornbill says to (21:16:30):
I have yet to see anything better than you alone!
geezer says to (21:16:38):
I loved the video you did with Lia where she was getting dressed and Rob told her you want to "do her!"
grande351 says to (21:17:08):
You could tell by the look on your face
Ck1 says to (21:17:09):
I don't think you ever blushed so hard.
geezer says to (21:17:12):
You were dragging your hand across your neck to "shut up Rob."
Ck1 says to (21:17:20):
that was a funny video.
grande351 says to (21:17:25):
I'm sure Lia knows anyway
Ck1 says to (21:17:48):
but she kind of ignores its and plays it off...
grande351 says to (21:17:49):
Is she not into girls at all?
captnjack says to (21:18:04):
Rob doesn't seem to be very diplomatic
Anoree says (21:18:28):
with you around it's only a matter of time
grande351 says to (21:18:47):
How could she possibly resist
Ck1 says to (21:19:01):
yeah... she seemed open to the idea on that video.. okay, what was i saying...
geezer says to (21:19:10):
Start slowly.... you offer to "go down" on her. Then, afterwards, ask her, gently, to do you!
geezer says to (21:19:29):
NO! Don't kick the computer off the table!!!!!!
grande351 says to (21:19:31):
offering to go down is starting slowly?
Anoree says (21:19:36):
Ah, that nice leg move again. ;)
longhornbill says to (21:20:29):
I wonder what those are for?
geezer says to (21:20:36):
Wait! Where has that toy BEEN?!?!?!?
Anoree says (21:20:45):
That's a nice view you give us
grande351 says to (21:20:51):
that's better :)
Anoree says (21:20:55):
oh, wow
geezer says to (21:21:04):
Everyone! Take a DEEP breath!
grande351 says to (21:21:19):
let me know when to let it out
Anoree says (21:21:55):
A Double!!
geezer says to (21:22:00):
Is that thing turned on? No, are THOSE things turned on?
grande351 says to (21:22:02):
two at the same time?
grande351 says to (21:22:21):
captnjack says to (21:22:23):
i am turned on!
Anoree says (21:22:23):
well, I'm turned on for sure.
bandit58 says to (21:22:38):
i like it
grande351 says to (21:22:39):
me too1
geezer says to (21:22:41):
SOME GIRLS can do three toys at once. Give it a shot!
grande351 says to (21:23:00):
Anoree says (21:23:15):
Amazing show
geezer says to (21:23:44):
Try shooting one across the room and hitting the laptop!
grande351 says to (21:24:07):
do you want her to break it? LOL!
grande351 says to (21:24:25):
can you push them out?
Anoree says (21:24:27):
geezer, that could end the show, do you realize?
grande351 says to (21:24:39):
captnjack says to (21:24:43):
geezer says to (21:24:46):
Anoree says (21:24:53):
very nice
grande351 says to (21:25:21):
I missed it the last time, can you stuff your panties again, please???
Anoree says (21:25:27):
getting slippery? ;)
geezer says to (21:25:30):
clumsy but cute.
geezer says to (21:26:15):
OW! OW! That is tight!
grande351 says to (21:26:33):
I'm too distracted to type!
grande351 says to (21:26:40):
Anoree says (21:26:53):
grande, you're not the only one ...
geezer says to (21:26:57):
I'm typing with only one hand!
grande351 says to (21:27:06):
grande351 says to (21:27:38):
I like how she adjusts the screen with her foot!
grande351 says to (21:27:57):
How does that feel?
geezer says to (21:28:18):
My eyes are tearing up! It's too hot in here!
grande351 says to (21:28:20):
I would guess good!
Anoree says (21:28:31):
I've got to admit I'm getting buysy, too ...
geezer says to (21:29:13):
Once she's done she can just doze off to sleep.
grande351 says to (21:29:32):
That's what happens to me
geezer says to (21:29:53):
Man, she's not playing around. That girl is serious!
longhornbill says to (21:29:55):
bandit58 says to (21:30:24):
go girl go
grande351 says to (21:31:13):
here sh goes!!!
grande351 says to (21:31:24):
Anoree says (21:31:29):
Wow, THAT's intense
captnjack says to (21:31:33):
grande351 says to (21:31:36):
That WAS intense!!
geezer says to (21:31:42):
T-bone Thomas says to (21:31:51):
grande351 says to (21:31:52):
longhornbill says to (21:31:53):
Double WOW!
geezer says to (21:32:06):
Applause from the gallery
grande351 says to (21:32:07):
Your face is all flushed!
Anoree says (21:32:07):
Great doesn't come even near
grande351 says to (21:32:13):
I love it!
captnjack says to (21:32:20):
love juicy!
Ck1 says to (21:32:21):
T-bone Thomas says to (21:32:21):
Thanks for sharing with us
longhornbill says to (21:32:26):
Thank you!
grande351 says to (21:32:27):
geezer says to (21:32:28):
you are poking my eye out!
longhornbill says to (21:32:42):
Fast revovery
grande351 says to (21:32:44):
You get SOOOO into it
bandit58 says to (21:32:45):
great show thanks
longhornbill says to (21:32:47):
Ck1 says to (21:32:49):
and we like watching
Anoree says (21:32:48):
We love watching you
geezer says to (21:32:58):
Just don't get the two of them mixed up and lick the *** one!
grande351 says to (21:33:07):
grande351 says to (21:33:25):
I'm sure it's clean in there
grande351 says to (21:33:40):
No actually
geezer says to (21:33:40):
Not for years
grande351 says to (21:33:58):
That's one thing I have never done
geezer says to (21:34:02):
if we were getting some we probably wouldn't be here.
captnjack says to (21:34:10):
i would love to brush your hair
T-bone Thomas says to (21:34:12):
Was that an FTV toy or yours?
grande351 says to (21:34:19):
Still here
Ck1 says to (21:34:25):
still here.
Anoree says (21:34:26):
They're still busy, I think
geezer says to (21:34:52):
Does Rob have a full cupboard of toys for everyone's use?
Ck1 says to (21:35:15):
actually if you look at some of the videos you can see it.
*** (21:35:21):Welcome to Danielle FTV , stasiek!
grande351 says to (21:35:28):
Did you get one of your own?
geezer says to (21:35:39):
HEY! What about Lia's SIBIAN! Get that thing over to your place soon.
grande351 says to (21:35:47):
A vibra kink
grande351 says to (21:35:50):
Anoree says (21:36:18):
Vibra Kink - great slip
grande351 says to (21:36:23):
I don't think they make them anymore
grande351 says to (21:36:30):
I know!
grande351 says to (21:36:47):
geezer says to (21:37:07):
So, it's only about 7:36 PM your time. What are you doing later tonight?
grande351 says to (21:37:08):
Does somebody assist on your shoots?
Ck1 says to (21:37:17):
well put her on the list of call back for you site.
T-bone Thomas says to (21:38:33):
Did you ever use the "rabbit" toy that made so many girls squirt?
grande351 says to (21:38:53):
Have you ever been able to squirt?
captnjack says to (21:39:24):
ask Lia to teach you
longhornbill says to (21:39:26):
Wasn't it Lia that said she would teach you?
grande351 says to (21:39:30):
Leslie was about as good ans anyone I've ever seen
captnjack says to (21:39:31):
geezer says to (21:39:32):
Just drink three gallons of water before masterbating. I promise you will squirt
T-bone Thomas says to (21:39:59):
No, Lia is not a squirter
grande351 says to (21:40:05):
She could shoot it about five feet it seemed
captnjack says to (21:40:07):
lia doesn't like to do it on camera
grande351 says to (21:40:23):
Has Leslie done anything else?
*** (21:40:27):stasiek left the room
grande351 says to (21:40:29):
besides FTV?
geezer says to (21:40:41):
I think "Violet" squirted just about every body fluid possible.
Ck1 says to (21:41:05):
I signed up to lia's site just to see her update with you and that was hot... the part with you.
grande351 says to (21:41:06):
She seems like a cool person to hang out with
geezer says to (21:41:21):
Are you are the point where you can get paid to make "personal appearances?"
grande351 says to (21:41:28):
Is there anything Violet wouldn't do???
Ck1 says to (21:41:30):
seeing her dance... you had this great smile on your face... like "where do i put the dollar bills?"
Anoree says (21:42:08):
I'm sure for Lia you'd do it for free anytime
Ck1 says to (21:42:10):
i think it was very sexy.
grande351 says to (21:42:14):
She looked good to me
captnjack says to (21:42:25):
loved your stripper update!!!!
grande351 says to (21:42:29):
You dance good too!
geezer says to (21:42:33):
In the video with Lia, she mentioned being paid to attend the function. You should be next
Anoree says (21:42:33):
That was a great shot with lia
grande351 says to (21:42:51):
Have you ever been tempted to get on stage?
geezer says to (21:43:05):
My wallpaper is one of you using the stripper pole.
grande351 says to (21:43:06):
grande351 says to (21:43:49):
I can imagine it's hard to do
grande351 says to (21:43:59):
They really get a work out
*** (21:44:04):Welcome to Danielle FTV , rgraham7590!
T-bone Thomas says to (21:44:14):
Did you get the Dollar back you put Lia ino her slip?
geezer says to (21:44:17):
Can the customers actually touch the girls in strip clubs there in Phoenix?
grande351 says to (21:44:31):

Part 3

Last edited by Anoree; 02-15-2010 at 10:11 PM.
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