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Old 09-03-2011, 04:40 PM   #282
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Default D272, 08-21-11: To e83

"Hey e83

I read your questions on the questions thread. Are you guys excited? I’m topless again, finally, did my month long experiment thing not being topless during the video logs. But now I am doing it again.

So, your first question was: What is the best pick up line that works on you? Also, what are some of the worst that people have tried?

I don’t think anybody has ever used a pick up line on me before, so I can’t really answer that question, unfortunately, because I don’t go out, or haven’t really in a long time. I would actually have to go out and be looking, I guess, for people or somebody come up and use a pick up line on me.

Your next question was: When you’ve had a full crop of pubic hair, have you ever used shampoo and conditioner on it?

I have not done that. I usually just use whatever body soap I’m using. Although, that would be kind of interesting to use conditioner on it, make it super soft.

Your next question was: Trying the Sweat Lodge & Crystal ceremonies, BDSM etc. I’m wondering if you are trying to find something. If so what?

I guess I’m just trying to find myself. I’m trying to find out who I am as a person, what I enjoy and I’m trying to grow mentally, emotionally and spiritually. This year has been the year of change for me. I’ve done many, many things to help improve myself and I’m going to continue doing that, because I like it. I like to find out who I am as a person and loving myself more and more. It’s fantastic, it’s fun.

Your next question was: Why do you want to learn to be a blacksmith?

I love this question. It’s a great question. I want to be a true old-school blacksmith where they use one of these fan things to fire up the … crap, I can’t remember what it’s called. I can’t think of it right now. [It’s a forge. (A)] The reason why I want to do that is because whenever civil war comes or the apocalypse or whatever, at some point we’re going to run out of ammunition for guns. And so we’re going to have to resort to old-school weapons like swords and knifes and stuff like that, and if I’m a blacksmith I would be indispensable. Everybody is going to want to use me … well, not use me. They’re going to let me be around because not only am I going to be a blacksmith, but I’ll be a doctor, too, and I’m going to train in some sort of old-school European martial arts. I want to learn how to use a backsword and I want to learn how to really shoot a bow and arrow and all that stuff. That would be fantastic. Yah, you guys are probably going to laugh at that one, but whatever, I don’t care. I just think it would be so cool. I’ve been looking up classes for it. The problem is that they don’t really teach the old-school manner of blacksmithing. It’s all new stuff, new techniques and stuff like that.

And then your last question is: When you were developing physically, did guys or girls ever sur-rep-tiously – ooh, can’t pronounce that word, surreptitiously? Yah – try to feel your breasts?

I guess so. I don’t know. I used to have make out sessions and stuff with guys and they would … I would get topless and they would fondle my boobs. [shrugs] Nothing too exciting, just prop you use to do when you’re a teenager exploring your sexuality and stuff. I don’t remember anybody actually coming up to me at school or whatever and just grabbing my boobs or anything.

Anyways, I hope that answered your questions, ok?

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