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Old 12-03-2010, 10:49 PM   #108
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Default D098, 01-29-09: To Marcus

"Hey Marcus

I read your question on the question thread and you were asking me: What are my memories of living in Germany? I think that’s right. I probably butchered that question, but it was something along those lines.

You know what the funny thing is, I actually don’t remember. I don’t really remember living in Germany. I mean I have some very vague memories. I do remember that down the street from our housing unit was these blackberry bushes. There I’d go and pick blackberries and stuff. I think I found that by chance someday. I remember running away from home when I was 6 or 7 years old and going out playing with my friends who were a few blocks down from my house. I remember my mom actually calling the cops, and the cops coming and picking me up. I was just so embarrassed. I was right in front of my friends when the cops were picking me up. 6 years old, come on! They gave me a candy bar, so that was kind of cool.

What else do I… I remember playing soccer when I was 6ish, 7ish. I remember never really being able to hit the ball. I think I was a defender. I played around the goal area.

I just remember things like that, nothing really too big. I remember going to this castle that was fairly close to Ramstein Air Force Base. We’d go there during the weekends and stuff and picnic there and just kind of explored, do what little kids do. Just fun little memories like that.

I’m sure I have other memories, but I can’t remember them right now.

I hope that answered your question.

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