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Old 07-16-2012, 06:09 AM   #338
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Default D328, 06-15-12: To e83

"Hey e83

I read your question on the question thread. It was: Where would I most like to have sex?

The Tower of London. That would be freaking sweet. That would be so cool. That would be really awesome. That and then probably some medieval castle, like … I never really put much thought into this. I think just the Tower of London would be really cool. And then, some place in Scotland. I would like to have sex in Scotland. I’ve never done that before. It is a must! And then, it would be cool to have sex on the Moon, just to say that I did it. I think I’d probably … – Love Bug, stop! – I think I’d be the first person ever to have sex on the Moon. That would be sweet! I’ve seen these beautiful waterfalls and stuff and was like “Oh, I would love to make sweet love there. That would be absolutely lovely.” You said in your post that the number one response from women was the Eiffel Tower. I have no interest at all having sex on the Eiffel Tower. Actually, France is not really my type of place. I’m like “England! It’s all in England.”

Anyways, so I hope that answered your question, ok?

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