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Old 02-11-2012, 10:37 PM   #300
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Default D290, 11-29-11: To Star

"Hey Star,

I read your questions on the question thread. – Oh my gawd! I just got something caught in my throat. So weird! – Your first question was – Actually, there’s a bunch of questions, so I had to break it up or I will be breaking it up into two different parts. – Your first question is: If the person in an exclusive relationship with you kissed another person, you consider it cheating. Is that still so?

Yes, I do. Unless I have an agreement with that person that kissing another person is ok, then, yeah, it’s … I definitely consider kissing cheating. Unless it’s a peck on the cheek or something, then it’s not so bad. [a toy cheeps in the background] But if it’s like a f… Love Bug, knock that off! [the cheeps end] … it’s like a full on … yeah, that’s cheating.

Next question: How important is fidelity in a marriage partner to you?

It is very important to me. I mean, if the guy was a serial cheater, than I might consider divorce, but if it really was just one time, then I would go counseling, marriage counseling about it. But unless we talked about it and we have an open relationship, then, no. If he’s sleeping with another person and I don’t know about it, yep, that’s cheating, bad stuff.

What is your view on your fidelity to him and/or her if you kept your career, or in general?

I don’t know. You know, it’s all about agreements to me. If the person knows what I’m doing and we’ve agreed for it to be that way, then that’s one thing. But if I’m going behind the person’s back and doing something, that’s another thing. That’s not good.

Do you prefer a marriage partner to be intolerant, ok with it or excited about you having sex with another person in or out of your work?

Do I prefer … I don’t know. I haven’t thought about that. I guess if it’s a woman, maybe, I would hope that they would get excited about it, because I would be excited about it. But if it was a man, I would probably think that they wouldn’t be too happy. I don’t know. I haven’t really thought about that.

Would you marry a woman? If so, would you prefer her to be bi, strictly a lesbian, or does that matter?

I would marry a woman and to be perfectly honest, it wouldn’t matter if she would be bi or a lesbian. Actually, well, I don’t think it would really matter. Although, it would be cool if she were bisexual, then we could maybe have a man in the relationship every once in a while. I’m sorry, but I really need dick every once in … every … well, occasionally. [laughs]

What would you prefer regarding her fidelity to you?

You ask me a lot of questions about that, that and cheating. I don’t know. I’m like “Show off my boobs and maybe distract you guys.” [laughs] I don’t know, I never really think about this stuff. It’s all about agreements, again. I see that all about agreements. If we have agreements in place and I break these agreements or she breaks the agreements or he breaks the agreements, then there’s an issue. But if we’ve talked about it and we have an open relationship, or we’ve agreed to see this person or do this or that … yeah. I’m sure you guys understand what I’m saying. Agreements, agreements, agreements, that’s how it works.

Would you wish to be present with her and another woman?

Most likely yeah, because that would be hot.

Would you prefer your husband to be hetero or bi or does that matter?

It doesn’t matter at all. I don’t really care about that.

What would you prefer regarding his fidelity to you?

The same thing I told you earlier.

Would you wish to be present with him and another man and/or woman?

Yah, I would. Yeah, I definitely would. I think if I were in a relationship with somebody and we were seeing … we agreed to have somebody else in the relationship or see other people, I think I would want all of us included. So I would definitely want to be present. I mean, come on, a live sex show? That’s hot. Hot, hot, hot, I love it.

Anyways, that is part one of your questions and part two will be coming up soon, ok?

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