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Old 11-10-2009, 08:11 PM   #565
Danielle's Only True Love
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had a quite a worrying drive home from work tonight. i leave work at 5.30pm and now it's quiet dark, normally not a problem but tonight my foot was hovering over the brake more so. Because i passed around three kids on bikes without lights, if it wasn't for one of the lads fluoresant stripes on his jacket. I might have hit him and one lad in a black jacket and black or dark blue pants i came very close to clipping him. i have noticed quite a few kids and young people just don't seem to bother with making sure they have lights or that they actually work. So if any of you guys have kids please make sure they have lights on their bikes. I have nothing against cyclist because i used cycle myself so i can appreciate what it's like cycling on a fast road or in heavy traffic, but when it comes to cyclist i always seem jinx. I've lost count the amount of times i've had cyclists turning in front of me without signaling or even looking behind. What annoys me is that i'm sure some cyclist just assume as soon as they pull out the vehicles behind will just slow down for them. But when your only just behind them you have to suddenly brake so you get the domino effect and hope you don't get hit from behind from the following car. I'm not saying all cyclist are careless, but i always seem to find ones that are. I remember seeing my Nephew overtaking a bus at a bus stop just as the bus was pulling out. How he never got hit, lady luck must have really been with him. Of cause i had very severe words with him after that kind of cycling. Sorry this is turning into a rant, i apologise to any cyclist here. I just think there are good cyclist and bad cyclist, wish i didn't keep coming across the bad ones.
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