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Old 05-02-2009, 01:15 AM   #390
Danielle's Imaginary Boyfriend
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 512

Well done on the geology lab. I am really pleased for you that what with all the balls you're juggling you have been so diligent about school--fat lot of good all this would be, if in the end you didn't wind up where you want to be, huh? I am sure you will do very well with all your classes, Ms D--you really seem to be one who thrives on challenges!

Its funny, but I come from the gen of slam dances, mosh pits & raves, but the thing I remember best was from the 1st Dead concert I went to at Shoreline in Mountain View CA back in the late 80s and, along with the expected hippie coloured VW buses that should have been relegated to scrap yards, there was this gold Mercedes with a flashy gold Steal Your Face logo in the window. Always seemed incongruous to me at a hippie freak-fest, but takes all sorts. Sorry you missed out of the rave, though, but I imagine you'll have other chances ('course you could always come up this way and pay a visit to Burning Man the end of Aug/beginning of Sept, although school might be back in session by then ...).

With the roommates situation, all the best things that could been said have been said, so just go in with eyes open, check references, and make sure everyone knows the rules of the house. The last things you need are A. to get evicted and B. to wind up on The People's Court.

So, cheers for now, Ms D, and best with everything!
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