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Old 08-23-2011, 07:29 AM   #263
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Default D253, 05-13-11: To dan4life

"Hey dan4life

I read your questions on the question thread. Your first question is: What was your pet name when you were a kid?

Oh god, actually I never really had a pet name, but my sister used to be incredibly mean, she’s not really mean any more, but she used to be really, really mean, and she had a nickname that she used, a really mean nickname: She called me Beavertooth, which I never really understood that, because my teeth didn’t really look beaverish, but it still really, really upset me. Actually, it’s kind of upsetting thinking about it. I never really had a nickname or pet name or anything like that. Boo, I need one.

Your next question is: What was the most embarrassing moment of your life?

Most embarrassing moment … Right now the only one I can think of is … walking up to the podium for my Valedictorian speech and I almost tripped. That was pretty darn embarrassing. And I was so nervous that when I was saying the speech I was kind of mumbling and I was speaking really low so I don’t think anybody could really hear me. I don’t do well in front of crowds, well, crowds of live people. I’m trying to think if there was anything else. I can’t think of anything right now, but that’s probably definitely one of the most embarrassing moments.

Your next question is: Don’t you think the term “free gift” consists of a redundant usage of words?

Not necessarily. I never really thought about that. I don’t know. If it requires shipping and handling or something, that obviously it’s not a free gift, but I don’t know.

Next question: What treatment would you seek if you were addicted to therapy?

I don’t quite … wait, are you trying to ask me what therapy treatment I would seek if I was addicted to something? I think that’s what you’re trying to ask me, but I’m not quite sure. If I was addicted to anything, it would be to sex. That’s a good one. Or sleeping, or reading. Sleep, sex and – sexing [laughs] – Sleep, sex or reading. Although, reading is not a bad thing, and sex isn’t necessarily a bad thing, I guess if you having unsafe sex with a bunch of people, then it could be bad, but … maybe I should say orgasms instead.

Next question, last question, actually: What’s one gift you wish you had but haven’t received yet?

I don’t really have anything that I haven’t received yet. What would be really cool is if somebody paid to get my teeth fixed. That’s so expensive. I think it’s going to cost – I think of dental implants and two of them – and I want to get some other cosmetic dentistry stuff done, like teeth filed to look a little nicer and my teeth whitened – that’s going to be super expensive. I think it’s going to be around 10 to 12 grand. So, hey, if anybody wants to get me that wonderful gift that will last a lifetime, be mucho appreciated. [laughs]

Anyways, I hope that answered your questions, ok?

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