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Old 12-01-2010, 09:22 PM   #78
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Default D068, 12-13-08: To Bockwurstwasser

"Hey Bockwustwasser

God, I probably just butchered that name. I read your questions on the question thread and you were asking me when I’ve started wearing no undies – let’s see what else – and if I’d had any bad reactions by people who’ve seen it.

I’ve started wearing no underwear probably when I started modeling, because you can’t really wear underwear or bras the day you have a photo shoot because you get the lines and stuff, so probably about last year. And it’s funny, because I own tons and tons and tons of underwear and lingerie and bras and stuff. They don’t really get put to use that often. I do probably like, let’s say, 28 out of 30 days. And I’ve never really been caught. I never had anybody see that I’m not wearing any underwear. Or if they do see, they don’t tell me.

I hope that answered your question."
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