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Old 11-30-2010, 09:15 PM   #62
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Default D052, 11-22-08: To Voncroy10

"Hey Voncroy10

I read your questions on the question thread. One of your questions was: When am I planning on quitting modeling?

I’m hoping that I have another five, six, seven years of modeling left in me. It’s a fun job and I really, really enjoy it, but it’s not a steady job and I will be needing a steady job when I get older. After I model I think I want to become a pathologist. That’s about 11 years of school, so I have a lot of schooling to look forward to. But it should be a great job. I’m really excited about it.

And then the other question that you had for me was: What am I good at besides modeling?

I’m good at reading and I’m good at writing. I actually won a short story award in high school. That was pretty awesome. I have a medal for it and everything. I’ll show you guys it some time. But other than that … modeling, reading and writing.

I hope that answered your question.

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