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Old 11-30-2010, 09:07 PM   #61
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Default D051, 11-20-08: To Ionman

"Hey Ionman

I read your question on the question thread and you were asking me: Do I prefer guys that are nerds or jocks and why?

Actually I don’t have a preference. I just normally go with whatever I’m attracted to. Most of my boyfriends haven’t been either nerds or jocks, they’ve just been semi popular guys that… yeah, aren’t nerds or jocks. Some of them had some nerd qualities about them, like they play computer games or some of them read a lot. And then, others would work out some, but I could never categorize them. So, I’m a free loving sort of girl. I don’t have a type. Maybe you’ll be my type. - Just kidding.

I hope that answered your question.

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