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Old 03-15-2009, 05:48 AM   #319
Danielle's Biggest Fan
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Ft.Worth,Tx
Posts: 399
Default Mexico for Spring break

Its true that parts of Mexico is bad for Americans to travel to,but think it just mainly the "non Tourist" places.Think its pretty much safe at the Resorts,but still have to be careful anywhere you travel including nicer resort areas.There have been stories in the news where pretty young women have disappeared and end up found dead months later or never heard from again.The latter part most likely cause they were kidnapped and sold into slaving in another country.Sorry for painting should a bleak outllok on traveling in some foreign countries.You can't be too careful and take things for granted just cause you're in a nice resort....if you feel the need to go clubing..always go together with friends and never alone....and don't allow yourself to get into a "fun" one night stand with a hottie you just may never know that the Hottie could be there to lure the girls away.
Ok..sorry one last thing and I'll drop it.....NEVER and I mean NEVER leave the drinks at your table unattended while taking a bathroom break...thats a perfect time for someone to walk by and slip a date rape drug in your drinks...
Sorry have fun during spring break,But Please be extra careful....your fans would very heartbroken if something had happen to you.
I didn't do it!!! The dog did.
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