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Old 09-08-2010, 09:06 PM   #614
Danielle's Imaginary Boyfriend
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 512

Busy, busy girl! (Sorry, Gentlewoman!). I admit, I got anxious reading about LB's fall. I'm going to be looking for the "all clear" when LB is off bed rest & up & about again.

I'm glad you're taking your time with school. When I was in college I felt like I was always rushing, even though I quit and went back a few times. I don't like feeling like I'm leaving something incomplete (like working on my degrees) but at the same time looking back I wish I'd made the time to take a few classes I thought were too self-indulgent (that is, they weren't on the required or elective menu for my major or minor or on my GE list). I could have taken a class I wanted in the summer, after all, what's 3 hours here or there when you're having fun? Do they offer a class in critical thinking at your school? Its a GE requirement in CA and I heartily recommend it if they do (& hopefully it would knock off a philosophy req for ya). I hated it when I was taking it, but in retrospect it was worth the time & thought.

One of these time when you head up to NorCal, you have to pop over to Tahoe at least. Having said that, I do love The City (I may be a COan, I may love the Red Feather Lakes, Shambhala, Ben Delatour Ranch, Estes Park, &c., but I spent most of my life living in the South Bay, East Bay & North Bay). When I was 14-ish a friend & I took the BART bus up to Lafayette, transferred to the train (the one that goes under the Bay) and spent the day in SF. Wicked fun, and the 'rents had (have?) no idea. Oh, and the Scottish knife sounds like a sgian dhu ("Skeen doo") which means black knife. I have a couple, but I'm not sure what the local laws are with concealed weapons so I leave them at home when I go a-kilting.

Looking forward to seeing how you pull your Nocturnal outfit together (sounds like it could be very sweet! Sweet as in wicked naughty).

And when you were in Salem, did you check out my great-great-great-great-&c. grandma's house? Big red wooden homestead on Pine St? I've never been there and am just curious if you've been there as to what its like. Paz!
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