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Old 04-02-2009, 02:41 PM   #496
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Originally Posted by raman_bharti View Post
Come on dont take it personal, i totally respect woman..

Date doesn't only means sleeping or having sex together, its good to think out-of-box and practice..

i totally respect her..

i am just asking to date with her. Now how this proposal works out that doesn't matter? i think this proposal must not work out without monetary attachment to it..

if i say i am in love with her, this would sound little childish unless both individual understand. Danielle is very mature. And it is...

First a person needs a opportunity to meet..
And then comes friendliness..
and then comes friendship and finally love arises out of com-union,
if you feel you may continue to live entire life or look for someelse.

Let Danielle answer this question?

So Again, i wana date with you Danielle ?
This is an OPEN forum. This means that ANYBODY can answer this question. If you want JUST Danielle to answer your question I suggest you send her a PRIVATE MESSAGE. If you post your question on the message board be ready for whatever reactions her fans may have.

Paying a woman for a date is considered rude and appears to be that you consider her to be a prostitute. This shows disrespect towards her. You have already been warned about being disrespectful!

Why not get to know her by chatting with her through private messages and email before asking for a date?
It's what's inside that counts the most
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