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Old 03-17-2009, 12:28 AM   #444
Danielle's Imaginary Boyfriend
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 512

Well, first off it takes one to know one, and as I could stand to lose a "few" pounds I can honestly say, Ms D, that you are absolutely perfectly perfect the way you are. You are the best you that you could be. In my be it ever so humble opinion, you never were fat, you never needed to worry about that. Physically, your figure is simply gorgeous--you are an artist's dream! For that matter, you are a work of art (and my little addition there is that women are proof that there is a God, that God is a woman, and men are proof that God has a sense of humour). And then there is the other, more important part of you--your personality that we see through your words and the time and effort you put into not just this site, but your devoted following, paid members or not. You are probably the most giving, kindest person I've encountered in a very long time. For me, the real beauty of you is what you write and share in your video logs, more so than in the rest of your work (and with that in mind, its considerable!). For what its worth, I adore and admire you for your openness and desire to make something fresh in a world that's gotten increasingly cynical and jaded, and that you choose to do it in this form, with all the social stigma some people will attach to it (hey, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Picasso and so on worked with lovely souls to create masterpieces in their day, and you are clearly the equal (at least) of Lisa Gherardini). You done something special here, Ms D, and you have my deepest and sincerest respect for it. I hope that a week of space will allow you the time to sort through all the rubbish you've gotten recently and find that peace within again. Be safe, have fun, and just breathe ...peace!

Last edited by geolarson2; 03-17-2009 at 12:38 AM.
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