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Old 03-11-2009, 06:12 AM   #425
Danielle Fan
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Covington, Wa
Posts: 11

Originally Posted by danielle_ftv View Post
Here is the VIDEO reply to your question.
Commenting on your video answer to Mart's question.

LMAO! Danielle, I am right there with you! I try to restrain myself for commenting on other peoples stupid driving but I have a hard time not doing it, although mine are usually "WTF?", "Are you friggin blind?" or something along those lines. Also the whole driving under the speed limit... man if you are not going 5 over, I get mad. And if you sit there and speed up and slow down all the time... I want to pull my hair out. I hate that I do it and understand that not everyone will drive like me but come on. And I agree on the texting while driving is very dumb. But I can honestly say, I have never been the driver in a car that was involved in an accident, my fault or otherwise, although I have had a few close calls. I count my blessing for that too, I am awful lucky in that sense! But it just made me laugh, thinking OMG, she is describing almost exactly how I am in the car anymore.

P.S. Do you know Ludacris' "Move B***H"? I hate to say it but it fits a little too well... except that my problems only occure when someone is in front of me, if no one is in front of me, I do the speed limit and just drive lead foot free at least.
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