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Old 09-21-2008, 12:16 PM   #2
Danielle's Future Ex-Husband
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: out yonder way!
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Oh where do i Me and one of my buddies let a skunk into the school once. They love tuna. We didnt have school for two days. We used tuna to luer it in. The cops cept trying to catch it with a net. (bad idea) .

At a highschool homecomming game a bunchof us were up on the top bleachers getting a little roudy, and officer wolf, a big man he was as round as he was tall told us to nock it off so we all turned around and mooned him. He started up the bleachers so we climed down the other side. They cought us at the gate( forgot he had a radio) our parents had to pick us up at the police. I got my a** beat when i got home. Had to go to court and pay a $100 fine. That wasnt the worst of it when i was up in quonico going thru all the tests and background checks, i forgot to add that i was arested for that. I was taking a test and one of the guys that was checking our back grounds walked in and just stood there watching me. The teacher walked over to him and e wispered somthing to her, she looked at me trying to hold back a smile. I had no idea what was going on. After finishing my test. The teacher told me to go with him. Most people who are called out dont come back. I thought i was fired. He took me back to a office where the safety superviser was ( nice looking blond) she had a file that read police report with my name on it. I racked my brain trying to rember what i did. She looked at me cold as stone and said have aproblem keeping your britches up. All of a sudden it hit me. Somthing i did in highschool is comming back to bite me in the butt. I explained what happened and she just looked at me. Didnt say a word for almost a min. Then looked at me and said are you sorry you did it. I said oh yea my dad beat the hell out of me for it. She cracked a little smile and said go back to class. To this day every time i see her she cracks a smile i know she is rembering that im the guy that got arested for mooning.:d
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