Yeah, teenagers are stupid, and my friends and I were no exceptions. When I was in high school, one of my friends got this old International Scout and we used to go rumbling around the hills around town, driving through ponds and the like. One night, we were barreling up this hill after driving through the pond and wouldn't you know it? The rear wheel drive crapped out. Turned out, when we were coming out of the water we hit a rock and broke the driveshaft which left us with just front wheel drive and about 25 feet till the top of the hill. We weren't going to make it, wound up getting someone with a wench to haul us up and then had to lash the drive shaft up and use the front to get back home. Could have been worse though--the pond and hill were at a private golf course! Morons, huh? But it was hella fun! My friend kept doing stupid stuff though, and wound up not graduating--the finals straw was bringing a practice grenade to school and showing it off! Live and learn ...never, ever bring ordnance to school, real or not. Good guy though; you could count on him for anything