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Old 01-17-2009, 07:21 PM   #173
Dreaming of Danielle
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Amman - jordan
Posts: 66
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try this math game
but first get a calculator

lets begin:
1-multiply the number of your brothers by 2
(if u dont have any brothers skip this step)
2-add 3 then multiply by 5
3-add the number of your sisters (if no sisters skip)
4-multiply the result by 10
5-add the number of your living grandparents(if no living ones skip)
6-finally substract 150 from the result
now notice that the result consisit of 3 digits

the first one from the right is the nubmer of ur living grandparents the middle one is the number of ur sisters
and the last one is ur brothers
in love with danielle
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