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Old 01-14-2009, 07:18 PM   #2
danielle_ftv's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Phoenix, Arizona
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Originally Posted by steeler_fan View Post
Hello Danielle from Pennsylvania
I enjoy your pictures and your videos, your main asset is that you are a "real" woman and very genuine.
It seems like 2008 was a big breakout year for you and having your own FTV site is proof of that.
I am a CPA (accountant) and my question is: "Have you taken time to organize the financial side of your life??"
You really should get somebody in Phoenix that you can trust to do your taxes, don't wait until April. Pick somebody smart that can give you good advice. I imagine you are making more money than you ever dreamed, now you have to work a little to keep some of it.
It's possible that April 15th will be the saddest day of your life when you have to pay the taxes on what you earned in 2008.
You should also start setting money aside for possible "rainy days" and also the day far far in the future when you are no longer modelling.
I probably sound more like a father than a fan, sorry about that
I've been thinking about this since my first assist shoot. I do plan on getting a CPA before tax season. I'm actually pretty freaked out about how much I am going to have to pay for taxes, considering I am "self-employed" and from what I understand people who are self employed have to pay a lot of taxes. I am actually putting money aside right now. What I'm trying to do is save up enough money to pay of my car loan and then have enough money for bills for up to six months...then I will be satisfied. Good thing I've been keeping all my receipts from 2008, because a lot of them can be written off (or at least that's what I've been told.)
Danielle FTV
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