Thread: Had a boo boo
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Old 01-07-2009, 01:50 AM   #16
Danielle's Imaginary Boyfriend
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See, that's why I wear a parachute at all times, carry a gas mask and duct taped all my windows. Well, alright, the gas mask is for when my brother is around, and I only wear the parachute when my nieces or my mom's dog are around, and I don't even have a roll of duct tape in the house, but the really seriously important thing here, the thing to remember, the thing which trumps all else, is that age-old idea that laughter's the best medicine--got that from that lefty mag, the Reader's Digest (learned it was communist from MASH--take out the 3d, 5th & 6th letters and whatcha got? "Red's Digest"). Snd Missy, if you aren't at least giggling yet, or haven't shot milk out of your nose (Tigger, Jeromy, DUCK!) then I've done a crappy job. Honestly, I hope you're feeling better, Missy Melissa (PS, you maybe shouldn't have posted your photo--either that's my cousin's ex's biker gang outside, or I'm hearing a collective rrrRRRRRRrrrrr! from all the guys here--sorry couldn't resist
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