Thread: Paranormalities
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Old 12-09-2008, 07:48 PM   #20
Danielle's Only True Love
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Originally Posted by Anoree View Post
Hmm, that sounds YERY familiar.

My Deja vu's aren't spectacular, rare and only a few seconds long each.
And the memory to the early ones fades away.

There was a moment in my mother's bathroom, where I was trying to fix something under the hand basin. That was after my father died, who normally would have looked after it. The window was tilted open and I could hear someone outside talking. I looked up to the window and - bam - I knew I had dreamed of a look from the EXACT angle and those words I heard about 1 1/2 years before. At the time of my dream my father was still alive, so I needn't have worried about the basin.

Another time was when I was talking to a new colleague. I didn't recognize the situation at first, but when a certain sentence was said I remembered a dream about 9 months before. The exact face, the exact sentence, even though we never met before.

Those moments are combined with an adrenaline rush after I recognise the dreamt situation.

I have had a few dreams which I thought would fall in this category, but I never stumbled into the situation dreamt. Maybe those dreams are like pinholes to look into a possible future which may or may not become reality.

The exact situation of my early ones I don't remember, but I know I had them. As I said, nothing spectacular, but I know there's more out there than the scientific eye sees.
I don't think my Deja vu's are related to any dreams i've had. As far as i'm aware of. I'm not much of a dreamer.
A few of my Deja vu's. I remember as a child being inside and my little brother playing outside climbing one of our trees. As i went to join him and got up the the tree. I had a feeling he was gonna fall and i knew which branch was gonna break. So i told him to get down and after awhile he did. The rest of the day went as usual with no accidents. So i never thought any more of that Deja vu. About week later we were climbing the same tree again.
Only this time he fell but luckly didn't hurt himself yet when i went to help him up it was like i've done this before. Also it was the branch i had imagined that broke. I was just glad he wasn't hurt.
One of the common ones i used to get regularly. Was playing boards games like Monopoly, Snakes and Ladders or Scrabble so many times it was like playing the game again. I always had the Deja Vu of what was coming next. It really felt like i was cheating knowing who was going to do what. Nowadays it's mainly conversations. At times having conversations can get a bit confusing. As to what's Deja Vu and what's real. Like i'll say something and they wonder what i'm talking about. Because i've answered before the subject has been raised. So that's why i try to ignore them.
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