Thread: Paranormalities
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Old 12-06-2008, 10:23 PM   #12
Danielle's Imaginary Boyfriend
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While I have no issue with the idea of the spirit living on after death (to me, the body is just a shell that the spirit uses to visit "life" for a while to learn), and while I've visited a few haunted places (the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park CO is far and away my favourite, plus the Winchester House in San Jose Ca, the Presidio in San Francisco and Virginia City NV with the Old Washoe Club), I had my doubts about ghosts until very recently. By nature I'm a bit skeptical--I'm not a believer in conspiracy theories for one thing, and I joke with my niece that bigfoot is really just a hippie who got lost in the woods (big, hairy, smelly, whines a lot, eats berries, hug trees ...wait, that's me!Oh, wait, I'm a size 10D, nope not me, but close enough!). Just a few days back (right around 2 weeks ago), I woke up in the middle of the night to what felt like someone sitting on the foot of my bed. I sleep alone, so that was a bit unexpected. My first instinct was to brush it off as a mild earthquake having spent more than 20 years living in the Bay Area and still lining in a seismically active area. But then I felt that wobble in the bed springs again (another reason why I should have stuck with my old memory foam mattress!), and it definitely didn't feel like a quake. Then my niece's rabbit, who sleeps in her cage at the foot of my bed, started jumping around, so I turned over, opened my eyes and as I looked, and this was around 3AM, give or take a half hour, I saw a distinctly darker shadow at the foot of my bed that moved very quickly off to the side towards the window (which was closed, so nothing was moving the blinds, either). My first thought was "holy crap" followed by a few stronger expletives, but I wasn't exactly afraid, just startled a bit. Anyway, in the past couple weeks since I've been rationalizing what I saw or think I saw as a glitch in my optic nerve or a floater in my ocular fluid or something like that, but at the same time I do now think that I saw something out of the ordinary, so who knows ...?

Last edited by geolarson2; 12-06-2008 at 10:27 PM.
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