Thread: Questionnaire
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Old 11-28-2008, 03:01 PM   #25
Danielle's Imaginary Boyfriend
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Default Another questionnaire

Once you start brainstorming questions, it seems hard to stop. You all can blame mart & raven_azrael for this (raven for his really fantastic interviews--you should check out not only the one done with Rob but also those at raven's MySpace page)

1. What is your favourite cereal?

raisin bran

2. Oatmeal or Cream of Wheat/Malt-O-Meal?


3. Yogurt/Yoghurt or Cottage Cheese/Curds & Whey?


4. What colour are the lenses in your sunglasses?

dark blue

5. What is your favourite type of bread?

rye, Jewish or Swedish--although a marbled rye is also great if you can find it! Then is real San Francisco Sourdough from Pier 39.

6. Are you a multi-tasker or do you take one thing at a time?

one thing at a time--I get too confused doing too much at once anymore, but I used to be good at multi-tasking & compartmentalizing

7. King Kong or Godzilla?

Godzilla. I've been called a "big ape" and I know that in a pitched battle that big lizard could kick my ...

8. Late night show hosts--Kimmel, Letterman or Leno?


9. Star Wars or Star Trek?

Star Trek, but this is a toughy

10. Who is your favourite Star Wars character?

Yoda, then Chewie

11. Which was the better Star Trek captain? Kirk, Picard, Sisco, Janeway or Archer?

Tough--Kirk or Sisco, I think

12. Who is your favourite Star Trek character?


13. What is the greatest Epic film you've ever seen? (that's a movie more than, say, 2 -2 1/2 hours long)

Lord of the Rings

14. Where to you prefer to do your holiday (Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, Winter Solstice ...) shopping? In the store or online? (Don't name the store--we don't need data miners coming to try and work out out profiles)

Online, more so since I just heard a Wal-Mart worker was trampled to death this AM in NY, and a woman miscarried in the crowd

15. What is/was your favourte type of wine?

Merlot or Pinot Noir (Burgundy, in other words)

16. What is/was your favourte type/brand of beer?

Guinness for imports, Fosters Special Bitter coming in second; from domestic US, Sam Adams cream stout

17. What is/was your favoutie mixed drink?

G&T (that's Gin & Tonic)

18. What is/was your favourite straight drink?

single-malt Scottish Whiskey, maybe with a touch of water, nothing else

19. Baths or Showers?

Baths if I have the time & can relax, but showers if I want to get clean

20. Anything in your bath? Scented oils, bubbles, mineral salts, or just water?

If I have it, peppermint oil

21. What is your favourite flavour of toothpaste?

Orange Mango

22. What Internet browser do you prefer to use?


23. What's the best music to dance to?


24. Do you consider yourself to be a good dancer?

Two words: I suck!

25. Which term do you use to describe a sandwich on a roll? Sub, Grinder, Hoagie, Poorboy, Hero ...?


26. Which term do you use to describe a carbonated soft drink? Soda, Pop, ...something else?


27. What is your favourite board game?


28. What is your favourite card game?


Have fun, and if you aren't familiar with some of the question subjects (i.e., Letterman, Leno), feel free to substitute what is familiar to you Have a scientastic day (to quote Dr. Thaddeus Venture)

Last edited by geolarson2; 11-28-2008 at 10:22 PM.
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