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Old 11-27-2008, 01:59 AM   #10
Danielle's Imaginary Boyfriend
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Join Date: Sep 2008
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Originally Posted by dtstuff9 View Post
If you're a major carnivore like myself, don't just have a turkey but have a turducken!!!
Never had a turducken--I am, I have to say, amazed they fit together like that (must start with a very big turkey). When I was a kid in Colorado, we had huge feasts with friends, neighbors and distant cousins--in addition to turkey there was venison & pheasant (going over to their house you'd inevitably find a deer hanging in their garage and pheasants from the awning on their patio). Sometimes there'd be a roast beef or ham, too. Then there was fresh corn on the cob, asparagus collected from around the South Platte, green beans, sweet potatoes & mashed potatoes (sometimes baked or 2x baked), fresh made bread & fresh rolls, pumpkin, apple & mincemeat pies--the whole nine yards and then some. But like I said, these were big affairs feeding right around 20 people across two adult tables and 1 kids table, with everyone bringing something or spending the day helping in the kitchen before or cleaning up after (I still like cleaning up after--Leo di Caprio may be King of the World, but I'm the King of the Dishwasher!). Our day is much smaller now, with just my Mom, brother, sis-in-law and my 2 nieces, plus yours truly, and the meal is much simpler--this year its a big Tom, sweet & mashed tatties, green beans and I'm not sure what else. Anyway its the company you keep and the time you spend with your loved ones that matters most, isn't it?
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