Originally Posted by danielle_ftv
Ok here is my two cents... ENOUGH....this thread is not supposed to be a "let's talk about Danielle and hardcore" thread (as far as I know there is already a thread about that.) The whole hardcore idea was just something that a few of us were talking about....and trust me EVERY single solo site girl has talked about the same thing. What do you think happens when the girls' memberbase dies after awhile...she introduces something new to her site (girl/girl, anal, etc.) to boost up the memberships again and after you've gone through all those options the only one left is hardcore aka boy/girl. Some girls do it, some don't.
We aren't even sure if hardcore is going to happen or not...but all of you are talking like it is. First off, this is my decision and even though I love you guys and care about your opinions, I'm an adult and I will do what I want to do. Second off, I think the impression of hardcore that you guys have is completely opposite from what I would be doing. It would be "FTV style" hardcore meaning classy (omg what a concept!) Hardcore doesn't need to be trashy, but that's all that you guys have seen, so of course you are going to think the same of any hardcore that I do. Any hardcore that is on my site will be with someone of my choosing. It will be like I'm with a boyfriend and we are just filming ourselves doing what other normal couples do. There will be a lot of intimacy, it won't just be "let's see how many positions we can do." And I think if you guys know me well enough that you will be able to tell that I am enjoying myself and having fun with it. On a last note, if I was to do hardcore you guys won't ever see the guys' face...so you can imagine that it's you that I'm giving a blowjob to
And oh yeah, if you guys don't like hardcore, then DON'T WATCH IT. It's really that easy...there are plenty of other videos to look at. Nobody is making you click on the hardcore video. But anyways...it really doesn't matter since even if I was to do hardcore...it wouldn't be on my site for a LONG time.
So there's my two cents and hopefully I haven't offended anybody. I apologize if I did...but I just needed to get this off my chest.
Quite right. For my part, if I stepped over the line, Ms D, I offer my sincerest & most humble apologies. You, in one of your video logs, said, intentionally or via a Freudian slips, that you were tired of the members' interference with your decisions. You are an adult, this is your site, your vision of yourself, whatever that entails, whether its b/g, naked puppet theatre, wearing clown white while playing Ideoteque in the background while juggling a pineapple, bowling ball and hard-boiled egg--whatever, however she wants to express herself is her business, not ours. This is how you choose to show yourself, to express yourself, to give us a peak at who you, Danielle, are, not who we "want" you to be. Personally, I'm not keen on the girl & car motif, but that doesn't mean I'm going to boycott FTV, it just means I might "change the channel" and watch something else (although I have yet to do that--its all good to me to see how Rob expresses his art, and how each gentlewoman expresses herself). Big deal. I had a fair bit of time after I posted my earlier comments and spent a goodly share of that using a stroller to go do some shopping & walk around the neighborhood and think about all this. Sure, a generous number of gentlewomen who have passed through the doors have gone on to do "hardcore" (which, last time I checked was actually defined as vaginal or anal penetration with male &/or female performers, not oral, not bondage, not girl-girl, &c.--there is at least a semi-technical definition according to some sexologists or erotologists), and so what? So long as they made their own decisions and weren't coerced, the decisions were theirs to make (and I doubt many, if any, were coerced--the industry--the producers, performers, agencies, &c-for starters would probably not permit it). I didn't think I'd watch anything with a bondage theme until I saw a former FTV Girl performing for Dungeon Corp. I was surprised--she didn't fit the stereotype. I applaud her decision because she did something that wasn't, at least I didn't think was, something she'd be interested in. It made me take a second look, not only at the genre but also at myself and my own preconceptions. This afternoon I took yet another look. While I said I'd probably be disinclined earlier, I'm not so sure now, particularly after reading Ms D's comments. It is possible to do classy hardcore b/g, something in the boyfriend-girlfriend vein. Viv Thomas does classy b/g work, after all (don't tell me I'm the only one whose heard of Viv, BTW). It would be groundbreaking for Rob & Danielle to pursue this, if she chooses to, and if Rob chooses to film, and when you consider how Rob has already broken fresh ground with FTV why would any of us even think what he and Danielle, again if she, he or they chose to, produced would be trashy or low-class? So, I know you said Enough, Ms D, and again I apologize if anything I said before or herein offends, but I just felt I should, since I refined my opinion, express it here for whatever its worth. For me, cost is a greater factor than content, but that seems reasonable even for me and the idea of a webcam session, even if its you reciting Hamlet while giving yourself a pedicure or doing the dishes is cool. Again, its your body, your life, your dreams, your choice, Ms D, and I'm certain that whatever you choose to do will be wicked cool (hint: naked puppet theatre--I was joking before, but now that I think about it, a couple hand puppets, a risque story, maybe Lady Chatterley or a short story from an erotic lit anthology ... it almost writes itself!
