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Old 11-10-2008, 10:13 PM   #9
Danielle's Imaginary Boyfriend
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 512

Normally my hair is shoulder-length. I don't care if its long or short, I just, apparently, have too much Swede & Scot in my (IOW, I'm cheap). But a few years ago, in '04, I had this cowlick that was driving me nuts, so I took out the scissors to get rid of it. So there I am, cowlick in hand, scissors poised, and wouldn't you know it, I have a brain fart for a sec or two and wind up taking a lot more off than I planned (I took a bit of the top of my ear, too). Well, there wasn't anything else to do, so I just had to start all over from scratch, cut it all off, shaved it and that was that--no use crying over spilled milk or anything like that, and when it came back in, I was pleased to see I had just that much more white on my temples than before. Gotta look for that silver lining, dontcha?
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