Thread: Hi Danielle
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Old 12-13-2010, 12:27 PM   #194
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 1
Smile Hi Danielle !

Hi Dannielle !

My name is Oriol and I am from Barcelona, Spain. this is my first post here in your Forum.

You are very pretty, you body looks very nice and I can feel through your eyes that you are very intelligent and clever.

Because, our body could be pretty, fresh and young, but doesn't last forever (sadly) I think the beauty comes from the inside (as it seems it is in your case)

For me the most beautiful part of you is your eyes, you transmit beauty, a clean heart. I like them very much. I fel attracted to the peoples eyes, they are the mirror of the Soul, it cannot be falsified.

As I said, you look very smart and clever ! So I recommend you to study, take a career, I am sure you are very intelligent, take a degree, use your potential, because your youthness it will not last forever.

Please, excuse-me, I am not your Dad, I am just making suggestions. I hope I don't make any offense, my english is not very good, and sometimes I can't express properly what I'd like to say.

I hope you will have a wonderfull Christmas with you family and friends ! Take care !
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