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Old 12-06-2010, 12:18 PM   #143
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Default D133, 07-26-09: To daniellemybelle

"Hey daniellemybelle

I read your questions on the question thread and you were asking me: Do I have any inclinations towards acting, whether that be Hollywood or Bollywood? And you were also asking me: What type of genre would I want to act in?

Let’s see. Of course I’d love to be an actress. I mean, who wouldn’t want to be in movies or on TV? That would be awesome. I’d be famous, more famous than I am now. Just kidding. I would never be able to do Bollywood, because I have the worst singing voice in the world. Or at least that’s how my sister puts it. I kind of believe her, just a little bit. If I were to act in any type of movies, what would it be? I don’t know… Fantasy! Right there, fantasy movies, I would love to be in something like Harry Potter or Twilight. I think it’d be awesome if I were made into a fairy or a goddess or something like that. I don’t think I’d be all that great in comedy movies personally, because, I don’t know, personally I think my sense of humor kind of sucks. Hey, it makes me laugh, that’s all that counts, though.

I hope that answered your questions, ok?

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