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Old 12-05-2010, 05:45 PM   #116
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Default D106, 02-26-09: To Everyone

"Hey everyone

I just wanted to say hi. I’ve been sick for the past week now. That’s for the first time in a year, a year and a half, so that’s actually really odd for me. I’m still actually kind of sick, so I was actually neglecting my website and stuff. I was not feeling up to doing anything. I worked out once this week and realized that working out while you’re sick is not the best decision in the world.

I also went bowling with my friends on Wednesday. That was fun, other than the fact that they all smoke and I was sitting there like choking to death. I can deal with it when I’m not sick, but when I am sick I’m just like “Oh my god, the oxygen is being depleted.” I actually bowled. For my first game I got at a really low score, I think it was 45 or something like that. But you can’t blame me, ‘cause I haven’t bowled like a year and a half or something like that. But I did pretty well my second and third game. I got a 103 both times. Funny. I got to play DanceEvolution there, too. It was awesome. I love that game, except it kind of sucks when you’re sick, because you start wheezing, coughing and stuff. But it was still fun.

I also got Valentine’s Day cards, just at the beginning of the week. I’ve been neglecting my video logs. I’ve finally decided to do a video log for you and update you on my week and also show you guys my Valentine’s Day cards. It’s been two weeks since Valentine’s Day.

I got a card from Grande351. It’s really cute. It has Cupid’s butt on it, see… Here: Butt. And he also got me a gift card to Target. That’s very nice of him. I’m going to replace some of the stuff that my friend broke when she was staying at my apartment. Very nice of her. She should replace that, but no, she’s not going to.

And then I also got a card from – I’m not sure who it is. You told me who you are, but I honestly, I can’t remember. It says your real name in here and I don’t want to say your real name, so I apologize. I feel so bad right now, and also stupid. Just send me a PM to tell me who you are and I will send you a personal video log thanking you for this. Sorry. And then you also sent me – I’ve got to cover up your name, won’t let your name be known – you sent me a Victoria Secrets gift card, too. That’s very nice. I need to go get new bras because my boobs are getting a little too small for these bras, because I’m losing weight, looking good, losing weight, getting toned… Actually that looks pretty hot right now.

Anyways, I quit checking myself out and let you guys go. I hope you guys all have a great day, and hopefully I get better really soon here, because I have a webcam show tomorrow and the last thing I want is to be coughing the whole time.

All right, bye guys"
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