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Old 09-11-2010, 09:59 AM   #976
Danielle's Future Ex-Husband
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 1,556

With yours permission i can do talking something by opinion here about Max.And hope no confusion by english you.

I think Max has his reason for like he feel owner his life. I dont understand why in this world anybody not has every reason for confront, discuss, understand and respect ? Just my opinion you and about Max.

I had also myself several discuss on my life where nobody give me reason and normal explanation about our life and loving.

I had a family conflicting on me coz i was want undesrtand the life and love too. But my sisters (two) and my parents at times (my respect total only my MOM) and my difficult uncles ( one was almost crazy by me like agaisnt) they have humiliated and angrey me coz i dont can talk my opinions and reason about like I was want understand it people out , love, friendship, for have a life nice myself. But I dont was have support from nobody.
So i man normal, nice, good, total respect all on this worlds, have had do alone against alls for someone undesrtand me too about my reason by love,girls, people, work.

I was listen alls but nobody understand real me that that i was want a nice my life about hope girl me or good companion by colleagues or sisters.

I dont think Max give botehr here on forum if he want only talking for discuss normality among opinions and curiosity in this difficult world.

I have had in this my life total the misfortune have veil people by collegause word's real evil and distorted they opinions life, word, love, girls.
They believing better coz has all their life with arrogance, rudeness, linguace agaisnt God or women or girls or quiet or respect me always listen them and never i win or understand them the life clean or good with respect all.

About girls or women i had misfortune coz they are taken from vanity by fashion or interests money,sex, men beautiful vain too. And they dont were give me more attentions or takecare quiet life and normality.
The women are difficult in general but coz they would have like they want best for fulfill leisure by men only if concerned at have women by enjoy as for example watch porn or girls on streets.

Hope no fight nobody here coz its only my opinion just respect too by Max.
Hope,Love,sex : Loving a Girl.
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