September 3, 2010's been such a long time since I've written a new journal entry. It's interesting too because honestly it doesn't feel like a long time. Of course I have been traveling a ton like normal and am pretty busy with friends and school. School started about a week ago. I'm taking English and Math this semester (not going to take any more than that since I will be traveling even more than I did last year.) My English class is already making me take a look at the word I'm using incorrectly. It's kind of driving me insane to be honest. I've also noticed that I say certain words way too much lol. One of my goals is to stop cursing and stop saying "like", "um", "uh" (there's other words to that I would like to stop using as much but I can't really think of them right now.)
Love Bug is doing great. She did get in an accident (she fell down the stairs) about two or three weeks ago. It absolutely terrified me. When she fell she just layed there on the ground for about five minutes not moving or anything. I ran over to her, checked her purse, and started giving her mouth to mouth CPR. Driving to the vet was absolutely horrible. I was completely distraught and got lost a couple times. I was also having full blown panic attacks and was hypervenhilating. It would've been so embarassing fainting in front of the vet because of LB's injury. The vet was super cute to which didn't make it any better since I was a complete nutcase. So anyways they did a couple x-rays of LB and told me that she had a "mild to moderate" spinal injury. They gave me some pain pills and anti-inflammatories for her and said that she needed to be on "bed rest" for about a month which is pretty much what she does anyways (she's not to active of a dog and usually just cuddles with me most the day.)
Since the last time I updated my journal I've done two shoots. One was with this really cute younger guy who is training to replace FTVRob as the photographer and videographer for FTVGirls. I like his work but nothing really compares to FTVRob's...and it seems like his pictures aren't as vibrant as Rob's. I think he could do very well if he just continues training. He's also fairly least he isn't a creeper though. We did two photo/video updates. One of them was at an office building in my black Bebe dress where I did a panty stuffing scene. I ended up making the video of that a candid behind the scenes video. Apparently that was also the newbie photog's first time doing spreads...made it kind of weird for me lol though he was totally cool about it. The other video was at a bank in a white skirt and yellow spaghetti strap shirt. We did a masturbation scene there though I didn't get off and got really p!ssed off about. I ended up throwing the toy and cursing because I was so frustrated. At least I don't fake it.
The last shoot I did was in the end of last month. Renna Ryann ( our newest FTVCash contract star flew over from Florida. I don't know why but for whatever reason I thought she lived in LA. The flight from Florida to AZ is about 5 hours long and she had to wake up super early but she wasn't as tired as I thought she would be (actually she had more energy than I did.) I picked her up at the airport and we went back to my apartment so she could help me pick out clothes to shoot with (we both wanted to kind of match). The first set we did was in an office building. It was an awesome location and would've been an awesome shoot if it weren't so darn hot outside. Renna loved it...apparently the Florida humidity is way worse than the 105 degree dry heat which I can completely understand having lived in Texas but I was still sweating like crazy. Altogether we got 3 professional video and photo updates shot (the hot, office building one, one in sexy dresses doing oral, and another in casual clothes in the pink room with a cucumber.) We also did a candid video shoot in the big FTV house comparing how deep we could get the famous FTV toys (the Big 10, the FTV Monster, etc.). I know that Renna also did quite a bit of shooting by herself. She ended up staying the night at the FTV house (I offered to let her stay in my guest bedroom but she didn't want to bother me). We had a really nice dinner at the Cheesecake Factory and was going to see a movie but couldn't because of the time. A little bit after I dropped her off she called me asking me how to turn the lights on in the main bedroom. I guess she is kind of scared of the dark so I also ended up getting kind of creeped out too lol.
My San Diego/San Francisco trip in the beginning of August was fun. We didn't stay in SD for to long since we had to be at a friends martial arts tournament in Campbell (about 30 minutes outside of SF). The drive up to SF was pretty long but didn't really seem that way since there was a group of us. The tournament was fun to watch and definitely made me want to start taking self defense classes. I personally would love to take Krav Magaw classes and have looked into it here. Apparently they have about 4 or 5 schools here that teach it. In San Francisco we stayed at the Intercontinental. I got the most awesome room ever. There were floor to ceiling windows around half the room. I got this amazing cheese plate (if I ever see a cheese plate on a menu I have to order it.) One of the cheeses was awfully smelly though and ended up stinking up the room for a night. I thought it was hillarious. We went to this Japanese tapas restaurant. I've had Spanish tapas but never Japanese tapas so I talked my friend into going. I ended up ordering some of the weirdest things on the menu (if only just to say I've tried it). I got chicken hearts, beef tongue, and a couple other really odd dishes. Honestly the best thing I ordered there was the fried cheese

. The next day we did a massage at Tru Spa (the same spa I went to last time I visited that place). We got lost getting there like two times. I was absolutely frustrated by the time we got there. We also visited Pier 39 where I got this cool Scottish knife with a blue stone in the hilt. There was also a fairy shop that I didn't get to go into last time I visited the pier but luckily it was open this time.
I got Dallas a few things since it was her birthday (which I ended up missing...though to be honest I really didn't know when she was celebrating it and I had prepaid for the room already so wasn't able to cancel.) I really did feel awful for missing her birthday. She was pretty upset with me for a while and wasn't really talking to me. I ended up making her these awesome Happy Birthday posters and cupcakes to which said "Happy Belated B-Day" (the car ride over to her house ended up smearing the letters so you couldn't read what it said.)Her birthday present is a "couples" massage and facial with me. I've taken my sister and a couple other friends to do massage and facials...they always love it.
This week has been kind of crazy. I've been in party mode for some reason. I've joked with Dallas that I'm becoming an "Amazon Dallas". She's such a social butterfly and loves to go out so we've been side kicks this whole week. Last Saturday was awesome. We did a girls night out and started at American Junkie. There was only five of us (well four since one of the girls ended up staying at Junkie). After that we went to White House which honestly I didn't really care for. Maybe it was because I wasn't really in the mood to be there....I think it was the music. I don't really care for hip hop (which that club was playing a lot of) so wasn't all that into that club. Plus I was getting highly annoyed at the guys around us. There were these two idiots that kept on taking my fedora off even when I told them to stop. That's a complete's like messing with a girls hair when it's all done up but even worse since my hair looked like crap underneath the hat.
Afterpartying that night was awesome though. We stayed up until the sun rose...and then some. I love going to chill little house parties especially since quite a few of my friends DJ.
Tuesday night we went to Sapporo's for our girlfriend's birthday dinner. I've done tapanaki there about three times and everytime I get such a kick out of watching the chefs prepare the food. Wednesday night Dallas and I went to a couple lingerie stores to find costumes for Nocturnal festival this month in San Bernadino. I'm doing a purple, silver, and black theme. I already bought purple and black leg fluffys and sparkly purple and silver wrist fluffys. I also got purple fishnet hose and black fishnet arm gloves. Wednesday night I bought a really tiny black lacey skirt and some tiny booty shorts to go underneath. I'm probably going to buy a purple corset since I can't seem to find the right shirt for the outfit. And then there are these awesome hair "falls" that I'm going to have made in dark and light purple. I'm going to do my hair like Sailor Moon...overall I think it's going to look fantastic. After we went shopping we went to eat at FEZ which is this gay bar/restaurant in downtown Phoenix. I had the most amazing pesto Caesar salad ever. They even had key lime pie martinis which was really interesting since the only place I've ever seen those was in Salem, Massachusetts when I went there for Halloween in '07 I think it was. After FEZ we went to American Junkie where we ended up staying the rest of the night.