Thread: Renna's Journal
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Old 07-26-2010, 04:23 PM   #7
In Love with Danielle
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Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Florida
Posts: 133

July 26th, 2010

So this weekend a tropical storm passed thru and it was supposed to rain every day until the 29th... well it hasn't rained since Friday and I cancelled the plans to shoot all day because of the rain. Well I was able to squeeze one set out of my photog and its super hot! Check it out I just posted the pics on the site today

Besides that I spent the weekend in the backyard pulling weeds and putting in the black liner around the border of the house so we can mulch the sides. We only got about a third of it done but my god was I messy! I also cleaned, went to the park/childrens museum, and relaxed with my family and dookies (my dogs).

We just got this new sea anemone from a friend for our salt water fish tank and its so cool! Once it starts to grow more I have to take a picture of it. Weird thing is my nemo fish is supposed to live in it and he wont go near it... oh well maybe he will eventually. And we had to get rid of Goober, my big yellow fish because he was eating everything and now we have practically an empty aquarium with rocks in it. This all sounds really boring but salt water aquariums are really neat, I can't wait to set up one in the little ones room!

And the week before last I was really angry, I have to share this because I finally worked out my solution and I am very excited now. So two weeks ago, papa called me and nervous said "Hey so I am going to Costa Rica at the end of the month with Frank". He said it nervously because when I have to travel for work he always gives me crap about him being uncomfortable with it an whatnot. On top of that in the years that we have been together he has never taken me on a vacation. We've gone to teh Keys for the weekend but thats it. I NEED A VACATION!

So I was really mad, the trip has a little to do with him helping a friend with work but honestly it's bullshit Going to Costa Rica is vacation! So I was really mad and was thinking in my head fine I won't hold him back but he isn't going to hold me back.

Now here is where my fun part begins, I love NYC in face I was supposed to go to college with one of my best friends there. Bob lives there now so I am going to take 5 days off to go to NYC and just wander around, relax, take lots of photos, and go have fun! Bobbie will meet me and then my other love of my life Gen will be driving from Montreal too so Ill have a week with my two favorite people in this whole world to just be me... or maybe to recapture some of the old me. This will also be the longest I have ever been away from my family but I think they will be just fine iwthout me.

So I am going Sept 2nd-6th and if you have any ideas or thoughts on what I should do or visit lmk! I am definately not going to miss my favorite play Phantom of the Opera. And then Ill definately be wandering around the MET, Museum of Natural History, and I want to take a tour of the UN too. Oh and Ill be blowing a butt load on Canal Street I am sure (I am a sucker for a louie... even if it is a faker) As far as night life though, I dont know what to. Suggestions?

So now I am going to be working my tushie off to save up and that is about it for me... off to make some video blogs... if you have any questions defiantely post em!
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