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Old 07-13-2010, 11:21 PM   #603
Danielle's Imaginary Boyfriend
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 512

So where's "San Diego"? Is it near Sandy Eggo? (Gonna keep using that since that's what I thought the place was named when I was like 4 or 5 and visited there and it reminds me that no one's perfect.)

Good to hear your pup's doing better. My mom's dog (a deer chihuahua which I guess isn't really a chihuahua since they come from the opposite side of Mexico and may be part fox, or descended from foxes or something like that) took a bit more than 6 months to house train, and is taking longer to become more social (he has a very short temper and while he doesn't bite, he has this really weird growl he makes; he's not a big barker (or a Bob Barker), he really sounds a lot like a fox more than a dog). Part of his problem was when he was a few months old, a neighbor let their pit bull puppy out, and while the pit bull, I'm pretty sure, wasn't trying to hurt mom's dog, it scared the bejeezus out of her and her dog so now they're both skittish and tense up real quick.

I think the only time I went to anything like EDC was when I went to Scottish games throughout Northern Calif.--Santa Rosa when they were there, Roseville, and the games in the East Bay near Oakland & Pleasanton mostly. I sort of miss those. We have something small in the fall up here in Reno, I guess akin to the smaller games at Roseville or Oakland, but the Santa Rosa now Pleasanton Games were really huge! Last year they had the games in SR, I went out with 2d Bat Scots Guards (they'd just gotten back a shortish time before from Kuwait) who bought rounds of drinks for the house and did some highland dancing there for everyone, including the sword dance. It was seriously wicked!

Have a safe drive home & stay cool, Ms D! Paz
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